Anonymous ID: 713f94 July 19, 2018, 11:33 p.m. No.2218424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8436 >>8484 >>8501 >>8527 >>8544 >>8557


>Trump needs to declassify and order release of docs.



>You don't understand.

>Manafort is a bad guy. Trump knows Manafort is a bad guy. The rest of the bad guys didn't know Trump knew Manafort was a bad guy when this shindig started.


>More complicated than that. Mueller has to give off the appearance he is a black hat trying to burn Trump, because that is what keeps the cabal at bay…thinking /theirguy/ is running the Special Counsel. Mueller is going after the people who were planted to frame Trump….only to burn them. Its a trap the white hats have been winning the whole time

Have we actually DUG on the members of Mueller's team to confirm whether or not he is /ourguy/?


Because from what I'm seeing, it doesn't look so good


According to CIABezosAmazonWholeFoodsWashingtonPost (as of 1 yr ago):

>Mueller has brought in 15 attorneys to work with him. Only 13 have been publicly identified.


However, of those who have been identified:

>Mueller’s team is represented by former Clinton Foundation attorney, Jeannie Rhee.

>CNN applauded Rhee for being on the Mueller team while ignoring her and the entire team’s conflicts of interest.

>Rhee represented Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in a lawsuit about her private emails, and she also represented the Clinton Foundation in a civil racketeering case that was later dismissed.

>Rhee also represented President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes during the House Benghazi Committee’s investigation into the deadly 2012 terrorist attack in Libya.



>Seven special counsel team members have donated to Democratic campaigns — five of those to Clinton’s.


The team members include:

>Michael Dreeben, a Justice Department deputy solicitor general who has argued more than 100 cases before the Supreme Court;

>Andrew Weissmann, the chief of the Justice Department’s fraud section;  

>James Quarles, who worked as an assistant special prosecutor on the Watergate Special Prosecution Force;

>The previously mentioned Jeannie Rhee, a former deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel who also came from WilmerHale.

>Aaron Zebley, once represented Clinton aide Justin Cooper. Zebley was Mueller’s chief of staff when Mueller served as FBI director.

>Brandon Van Grack, a Justice Department national security division prosecutor;

>Rush Atkinson, a trial attorney in the fraud section;

>Andrew D. Goldstein, who had headed the public corruption unit in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York;

>Zainab Ahmad, an assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of New York specializing in terrorism cases, also had been assigned to work with the group. Goldstein had worked in the office under U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who was fired by Trump after he refused to resign upon request and who has said publicly that he had unusual exchanges with the president.





Anonymous ID: 713f94 July 19, 2018, 11:35 p.m. No.2218436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8484 >>8521 >>8527 >>8544 >>8611 >>8906


>Have we actually DUG on the members of Mueller's team to confirm whether or not he is /ourguy/?

>Because from what I'm seeing, it doesn't look so good


And here's a run down from AmericanThinker:

>What follows is a list of the all the team members in alphabetical order with any public information regarding their political orientation. The likelihood that such a heavily pro-Clinton and anti-Trump team orientation happened by chance is infinitesimally small.

>Zeinab Ahmad

>Greg Andres: Donated money to Democrat(s).

>Rush Atkinson: Donated money to the Clinton campaign.

>Peter Carr

>Michael Dreeben

>Kyle Freeny: Donated money to the Clinton campaign and to other Democrat(s).

>Andrew Goldstein: Donated money to Democrat(s).

>Adam Jed

>Lisa Page (dropped from Mueller team): Exchanged emails with Strzok deploring Trump.

>Elizabeth Prelogar: Donated money to the Clinton campaign and to other Democrat(s).

>James Quarles: Donated money to the Clinton campaign and to other Democrat(s), but also donated lesser amounts of money to Republican(s).

>Jeannie Rhee: Donated money to the Clinton campaign and to other Democrat(s). Legal defense counsel for the Clinton Foundation against a racketeering charge.

>Peter Strzok (dropped from Mueller team): Exchanged emails with Page deploring Trump.

>Brandon Van Grack: Donated money to Democrat(s).

>Andrew Weissman (reputed to be Mueller's lead investigator): Donated money to the Clinton campaign and to other Democrat(s). Attended Hillary's election-night "victory" party. Sent email to acting attorney general Sally Yates complimenting her refusal to implement the Trump executive order stopping immigration from eight countries.

>Aaron Zebley: Defended Hillary Clinton I.T. staffer Justin Cooper during the federal investigation of Hillary's email controversy.

>Aaron Zelinsky: Wrote blogs for the Huffington Post promoting mainstream Democratic Party positions.

>As we can see, thirteen of Mueller's seventeen-member team have been strongly supportive of Democrats or openly antagonistic to the Trump administration. The politics of the remaining four are unknown.


Good news is Strzok and Page are out.

Anonymous ID: 713f94 July 19, 2018, 11:43 p.m. No.2218484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8527 >>8543 >>8544 >>8622 >>8856



>Have we actually DUG on the members of Mueller's team to confirm whether or not he is /ourguy/?

>Because from what I'm seeing, it doesn't look so good


So how is this being /ourguy/?


Mueller’s team is represented by former Clinton Foundation attorney, Jeannie Rhee.

CNN applauded Rhee for being on the Mueller team while ignoring her and the entire team’s conflicts of interest.

Rhee represented Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in a lawsuit about her private emails, and she also represented the Clinton Foundation in a civil racketeering case that was later dismissed.

Rhee also represented President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes during the House Benghazi Committee’s investigation into the deadly 2012 terrorist attack in Libya.


Seven special counsel team members have donated to Democratic campaigns — five of those to Clinton’s.


Lisa Page was initially on the team.


Peter Strzok was initially on the team.


Greg Andres: Donated money to Democrat(s).


Rush Atkinson: Donated money to the Clinton campaign.


Kyle Freeny: Donated money to the Clinton campaign and to other Democrat(s).


Andrew Goldstein: Donated money to Democrat(s).


Elizabeth Prelogar: Donated money to the Clinton campaign and to other Democrat(s).


James Quarles: Donated money to the Clinton campaign and to other Democrat(s)


Brandon Van Grack: Donated money to Democrat(s).


Andrew Weissman (reputed to be Mueller's lead investigator): Donated money to the Clinton campaign and to other Democrat(s). Attended Hillary's election-night "victory" party. Sent email to acting attorney general Sally Yates complimenting her refusal to implement the Trump executive order stopping immigration from eight countries.


Aaron Zebley: Defended Hillary Clinton I.T. staffer Justin Cooper during the federal investigation of Hillary's email controversy.


Aaron Zelinsky: Wrote blogs for the Huffington Post promoting mainstream Democratic Party positions.

Anonymous ID: 713f94 July 19, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.2218527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8532 >>8544 >>8649





>More complicated than that. Mueller has to give off the appearance he is a black hat trying to burn Trump, because that is what keeps the cabal at bay…thinking /theirguy/ is running the Special Counsel. Mueller is going after the people who were planted to frame Trump….only to burn them.

And my question for this anon specifically is, HOW IN THE HELL WOULD Mueller keep a fake-out, hush hush, turn-the-tables-at-the-last minute and surprise everyone, secret investigation that's actually the opposite of what they say it is when:

Thirteen of Mueller's seventeen-member team are Deep State Cabal. Including a HuffPo writer, Clinton Foundation Attorney, attorney who defended Hillary in email controversy, Attorney who is aligned with Sally Yates (who was on TV today saying Trump committed treason), etc, etc???

Anonymous ID: 713f94 July 20, 2018, 12:01 a.m. No.2218623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8655 >>8673


>they have all flipped, and helping bring cases that look like anti Trump but really exposing Obama.

With that many people on a team, how can you trust that they all have flipped for good and none are rats leaking to Deep State Cabal?


Especially when the theory hinges on maintaining the facade so the Deep State cabal doesn't try to intervene. This shit would have to be WATER TIGHT the entire time.


Is this possible ESPECIALLY considering this team was assembled in a rush in the immediate after-math of the 2016 election when thirteen of Mueller's seventeen-member team had just been ACTIVELY SUPPORTING Hillary's campaign???