Anonymous ID: aaac95 July 20, 2018, 1:52 a.m. No.2219171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9198 >>9204

Written by Corey Goode in 2015, so much parallel to what is happening now. He is exactly describing the storm:


The re-education process off providing our true history and dumping this disturbing data on humanity in a responsible way will occur after certain financial event and other scandals finally make it clear to the most asleep person that just about everything they think they know is a lie… Once they are awakened from these revelations that will occur by the hands and actions of these "cabal/illuminati" groups themselves (The more they try to put out fires they more they spread them) the people will be ready for the massive and responsibly delivered "full disclosure" or great revealing.


In the mean time "even the elect will be deceived"… It will be a very upsetting and humbling time for many. It will also be a time when we will set the stage by how we handle the revelations, for how we will start off as we finally stand on our own feet. Finally not being manipulated or controlled by another force or groups of beings for the first time in our history…


I hear people say "bring it on", "we are ready", "just dump all the info and do not treat us like children"… I say be careful what you wish for. Most of the people that follow these topics are barely ready for some of these disclosures, the mass populations of controlled and asleep people are not. They are going to need people like us to be strong and united at a future point to help them through the transition. Once we are on our own two feet we will be 100% responsible for our own actions and have no other beings to blame. That is an exciting and scary test of what we are made of IMHO. We will all be quite different beings post "event", so there is hope for us yet…