Anonymous ID: f9c6d0 July 20, 2018, 12:11 a.m. No.2218689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8700 >>8732



Until the porn posters here understand the slippery slope of moral degenaration, they will continue to post their vile porn to the detriment of themselves and they're fellow countymen. These people are not patriots - they are assisting the enemy to destroy America.

As many posters have pointed out previously, pedophilia is the next stop down the slippery slope that began with societal approval (all manufactured by Saul Alinsky type followers) of fornication, abortion, homosexuality, gay "marriage", bestiality. And the porn posters here are facilitating this dive down the slippery slope of moral degradation. I repeat, they are NOT PATRIOTS - they are assisting the enemy.