Anonymous ID: facd94 July 20, 2018, 1:01 a.m. No.2218953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8965 >>8973 >>9017 >>9018 >>9045 >>9046 >>9086

Up To 50 Books Were Left Out Of The Bible, Here's Why


Only the Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John were intentionally selected to be included in the Bible for political reasons of unifying the Christian religions and government divisions. For nearly 2,000 years people believed there were only four books of the Gospel. Why? What was in the other Gospels that led them to be banned or destroyed?


In 1886 the book of Peter was unearthed in Egypt and others followed. In the 20th century they found the books of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, and Judas. These books explained a different story of Jesus of Nazareth and what followed his death. This suggests the existence of a secret history of forbidden scriptures. [Jews were involved no doubt]


In 1945 they unearthed a sealed clay jar with large collection of gospels that changed forever the history of Christianity. There were 52 separate texts with titles like The Acts of Peter, The Apocalypse of James and The Gospel of Thomas. These were literal lost Gospels that were buried after the Emperor Constantine's consolidation of power in 325 ad. These scriptures only existed as legends until now.


The most surprising of these was the Gospel of Thomas. There were many quotes from Jesus and a lot of the contents are also found in the New Testament. The difference is the Gospel of Thomas is a gnostic Gospel (superior knowledge of spiritual matters), and differed from the emerging Christian hierarchy. If people had this knowledge for themselves, they wouldn't need the priests or bishops and could march to the beat of their own drums.


The Gospel of Thomas says, "When you know yourselves, then it will be known that you will understand that you are children of the living Father". In other words, if Jesus can be taken as a child of God, so are all of us sons and daughters of God. He doesn't have anything that we can't have, we can have the same type of relationship with the divine, the same kind of oneness with God. The Gospel of Thomas calls for a personal connection with God, without the need for organized churches, priests and bishops.


This did not sit well with the authority figures in the Churches, since big money is involved in the politics of churches. A lot of the priests and bishops took offense to these gnostics because they had their own ways; their lie of having their own direct (red telephone line) communication to God so people needed their guidance. This may be the reason the Gospel of Thomas was considered heresy, any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs.


The Gnostics believed their texts were just as valid, if not more so, than that of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John chosen by the Church Hierarchies. In the case of Thomas, they may have been right since it seems to be considerably older than the traditional four books dating back to the beginning of the church itself. If it is older, it could mean that it was written closer in time to the actual words of Christ. This suggests that the Bible is biased for organized religion and was intentionally written incomplete…

Anonymous ID: facd94 July 20, 2018, 1:19 a.m. No.2219046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9056 >>9093 >>9123




I wouldn't say ruined, but it sure was aimed to support the church hierarchy. The Church (Roman Catholic) had the Jewish scribes, the keepers of the knowledge, write it for them. Interesting, many of the papyra scrolls were damaged and there were gaps. The scribes were told to fill in the missing places how ever it made sense, and to do the best they could. This means that parts of the Bible are Jewish fiction. I've always thought turn the other cheek sounded like a stupid thing to do. And all the Jewish sacholars and rabbis had drink of mead and all had a good laugh , Stupid Goyim. The Tithing part is obviously crap too. The gnostic gospels teach a more spiritual and personal communication with God, so you don't need a church interpreter. Big money in politics and church. I forget the leader at the time (Constantine maybe) anyway they were consolidating State and Church for more power. xtra 2 cents. It's a good video. you should check it.

Anonymous ID: facd94 July 20, 2018, 1:29 a.m. No.2219086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9110 >>9115 >>9123



Secrets That You Were Never Meant to See From The Dead Sea Scrolls (1994) (1:06:11)


We have direct alterations, omitions and unlawful additions. The ancient versions dating from 280 bc to 870 ad, due to their conditions of degridation, the scribes and translators took liberties at their own discretion to change the sacred texts. The changes in the manuscripts, the oldest dating back to 110 ad…


Something about guiding the Israelites (Exodus 13:21-22) was changed to read, "the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night". But as per the scrolls, the words should accually be "a huge space craft complete with the ability to shed light and fire." That's a vastly different wording, so why would this be a threat to organized religion today?


The scrolls also said that many of the monks were taken over by a strange power that forced them to destroy many of the fragments burning them in baskets just to keep warm.


Deliberate changes and omitions with mans interaction with space and spacemen, spacewomen and crafts in the codex-something version stored in the Vatican, Italy. We are not alone in the universe, we never were, and we never shall be. We have a multitude of those who we can call brothers and sisters from space who have commanded by almighty God to come here to the planet Earth to assist us. The moment you are born, there are two angels (gardian or ministering) assigned to every person on this planet.


Those that persue a higher realm of spirituality, their eyes will be opened and will be able to see their angels. We can't help but feel their presence. Many of the early religious leaders were contacted by space beings, like Martin Luthur (another renegade), Charles Westley & his brother John (feared being called fanatic if they mention it).


The scrolls also reveal that the ancient prophets were annointed with holy oil directly from the planets Venus and Jupiter. They also reveal the Nosh's ark was surrounded by a force field very similar to the ring of fire, that's why no harm came to the ark.


Another section reveals that Ezekial's wheel and his vision was not actually a vision, but rather a trip in a flying object, that he called a wheel within a wheel. The inner wheel transported him to the planet Venus, and on his way back to earth was told he was gone for 30 days where it felt like only 30 minutes.


DSS also reveal that the prophet Daniel was substituted, that night by the lion, with a space person who walked into the lion's den, spent the night while Daniel was on board a craft high above the planet Earth having a great time with the people on board.


For some reason the sciptures have been changed to make it more convenient for people to believe a lie. The Dead Sea Scrolls that are housed in the secret control room in Israel, are a threat to organized religion, and will be kept in that room from the prying eyes of any Bible scribe or fragment expert, unless they have a special pass key, which is being described to you here. When the time comes, this info will make headlines throughout the civilized world and even the forces of organized religion will not be sufficient to keep this information from the world.