Anonymous ID: b443c7 July 20, 2018, 12:10 a.m. No.2218681   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I guess you aren't familiar with the term sheriff or Marshall which was the norm in most areas.


Those two date back to medieval England (`1200-1300 AD) Sheriff of Nottingham ring a bell?


Wyatt Earp was not "police" he was a US Marshall, and most western towns had a local sheriff and deputies.


In British North America, policing was initially provided by local elected officials. For instance, the New York Sheriff's Office was founded in 1626, and the Albany County Sheriff's Department in the 1660s. In the colonial period, policing was provided by elected sheriffs and local militias.


In 1789 the U.S. Marshals Service was established, followed by other federal services such as the U.S. Parks Police and U.S. Mint Police The first city police services were established in Philadelphia in 1751,Richmond, Virginia in 1807, Boston in 1838, and New York in 1845.


The U.S. Secret Service was founded in 1865 and was for some time the main investigative body for the federal government.

A Deputy U.S. Marshal covers his fellow officers with an M4 carbine during a "knock-and-announce" procedure


In the American Old West, policing was often of very poor quality. The Army often provided some policing alongside poorly resourced sheriffs and temporarily organized posses. Public organizations were supplemented by private contractors, notably the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, which was hired by individuals, businessmen, local governments and the federal government. At its height, the Pinkerton Agency's numbers exceeded those of the United States Army.


Are you upset you learned so little history over many years of schooling. You sound like a BLM spokesman, so I am not surprised with your ignorance or alteration of historical "facts".


Or you might just been speaking "your truth" - All Power to the People