what makes you think Apple is "controlled by clowns"?
>Zero reason to give X any of your real information unless you are trying to grift on there
you think every single person on X does it for money? what if they jus wanna connect/share?
do you think [they] don't already know what sites you visit?
you jus never gave them a reason to come after you.
reflecting, inadequacy
>tim cook (owned by the chinks and wef)
i don't believe that
>only on the browers that anon wants them to know.
>other wise it is a different browser and vpn.
>clear cache regularly.
agencies like fbi can track (you) down, even through tor
X doesn't require you to give your name at all
>It's pay to play where they fill your feed with shit "influancers" who are advertiser" friendly and people get paid to post absolete shit for clicks.
maybe your feed is like that
stop following those people
>da jezuits here
>da famfags here
>da fluff
will it stop us?
we rock on
bless you baker
mfw i filter anyone with a different opinion
mfw i jus ignore em instead
we research the truth
Q spoke the truth trying to reach those that could handle it
>Q came to talk to /pol/
do you speak for Q?
why did they post here then?
and by ignore i mean consider what they meant, where they're getting at, and if there are ulterior motives to the point of view
>-Step one project your paranoid delusional behavior
>-Step 2 accuse them of what your are guilty of.
>- you literally glow
are you pretending to know why?
is this top secret info?
giving it all away!?
I don't know it all, but you pretend to.
whats ur top secret info ur holding out on?
what would you like to discuss?
the cult stuff only exists in your head
this isnt a cult, unless you think a group of peeps trying to figure out what the heck is going on is a cult
>Remember when Q the most wanted Dox in the world was proved as fake and exposed?
i do not recall, can you remind me?
>Who do you thing has been talking to you here?
i shouldn't say
our leader is information, someone(or group) posted hints at the truth and somehow (math? divination? samething?) these line up and come out true
america stands for truth and freedom
does that make trump the leader?
of the nation that emodies these values, yea
do we worship him? no
do we worship Q? i'd hope not
is God "The Whole Truth"/The Universe?
if so i choose to praise God
not one thing, but the whole thing, ya dig?
ya got me
Q is real, some members are close to Trump, we know.
why are you here? what are you trying to say?
are you jus gonna be sooper cryptic larper or do you got some new/interesting info to share?
>I think the shills must be practicing for when we inevitably get a bunch of new eyes that aren't as clued in as we are.