The headline makes them sound like they are pussies running away from some massive, dark, demonic cyberthreat. Instead, they are part of the massive, demonic, threat and are still pussies.
Compared with alcohol it's a saint. Even the most powerful new strains don't put you in blackout, loss of motor function etc.. Not saying you should drive, but it's far from a tequila blackout where you are hearing about stupid shit you did for weeks. (college days of course). When it's legalized, you will see drunk driving accidents and deaths drop in half. Opioid deaths almost disappear, and who knows what will happen to cancer rates. My 2c.
Yeah, those little pens are awesome. People worry about the smoke but its like taking a small puff of 1 cig and done. I do less than 1 a day on average but man, I have never slept better when i do. Wake up feeling awesome.
That's Mayhem from the commercials.