Anonymous ID: 03b424 Sept. 22, 2018, 7:57 p.m. No.3146344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7299

Stop participating.

You have more power than you realize.

If usury falls, the world will be free.


▶Anonymous 09/08/18 (Sat) 00:10:17 c2be9d No.12121979>>12122929

>>12018043 (OP)

The remedy is simple. It is spelled out in the King James Bible that you are not to be a respecter of persons. You are not to add to God's law, nor take away from it. Did God's law (natural law) come before the laws of man? Which set of laws shall supersede the other? Are the public servants in seats of power in your country sworn to uphold the laws of God, and can you call them into the rightful and proper discharging of their duty?

>give unto Caesar what is Caesars

Caesar is bankrupt. Caesar has nothing. The creator of all that we perceive, and all we do not, is the sole possessor of all value in the universe, and you are created in his image. Your free will cannot be violated if you are standing on the feet that were formed in his hand, rooted to the land he gave for your feet to travel.

You who have been redeemed, why would you go back to voluntary servitude? What if you are not your name? What if that, along with great swaths of commonly accepted language, has been co-opted for use by the devil, he who is in the world? Who is greater? He that is in you, or he that is in the world?

This is the spiritual remedy. The one for your body, for your physical being and existence in this place of learning and wide reaching thought. That you may direct your energy for creation, that you may more closely resemble your creator.


The remedy for the use of current(cy), the energy by which we measure our toil and the work of our hands and minds is no more complex.

>my house, my rules

By using the Fiat created for us, using us as collateral, out of thin air in order to harvest a lifetime of vitality, we agree to (((their))) rules. We are playing cards at their table, the dealer is in charge, and the house always wins.

>12 USC 411:

Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank.

>shall be redeemed for lawful money on demand

This is not legal tender. This is lawful money, still valued at $42.22/ounce of gold. You can demand this currency, in the form of US Bank notes, of which there are still $300,000,000 held in reserve by the Fed, or Non-negotiable Bank of Canada notes. All that is required is an endorsement on the back of any check to the effect of:

Redeemed in Lawful Money

Pursuant to Title 12 USC 411

True Name dba LEGAL NAME

This makes the bank unable to fractionally lend against your signature. This is the power you have, that you have forgotten .Your freewill cannot be co-opted or drastic repercussions will befall the perpetrators and (((they))) know it. This thread goes to strike at the root of the evil. All the pedo shit, all the trafficking, the fucking lies, the occult entertainment, the distractions, the poisoning, the harvesting of human energy. All the kikery stems from this vile growth.

There is a way out. For as long as I've felt the great "wrong" in the world, I've known deep down that the "right" had to be simple. Who does the kingdom of heaven belong to? Why are our children under the heaviest attack?

When do you lose the right to cut your neighbor's grass for a compensation of your choosing, and in agreement with you neighbor?
