Anonymous ID: 0bc832 Aug. 4, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.2459070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9176


>Where will the FED get all the gold to redeem the T bills?


Notice Russia has been bailing out of T bills? If POTUS/Putin are working together, what does that tell you? Follow Putin's example?


My thoughts are that HB5404 is a trial balloon for other world leaders to think about (or possibly misdirection)


A world system of crypto (one cryptocoin per unit of PMs) for interbank/treasury transfers with PMs in the hands of people would seem to be the most stable system.


Real wealth IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE is the best way to inhibit future cabal fuckery.

Anonymous ID: 0bc832 Aug. 4, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.2459176   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Didn't mean to use rebbit spacing. Was just tying to separate thoughts.


Will add one more thing:

Think of the logistics of a switch, just in the US. People cashing in/out, printing/minting/supply logistics. Would there be mass panic in lines of people trying to cash in their coin jars, and what would happen to vending machines, car washes, laundromats, etc? The plan needs to minimize disruption, which means it needs to be rolled out slow enough for industry to change machines. How do people even go to banks when most branches have been slashing tellers?


Perhaps the blue stripe hundreds and coinage transfer across, while only smaller bills need to be replaced within X months. That isn't nearly as intimidating a task.