post cabal private debt slavery loan based money creation banking system is a public credit freedom grant based system. change heartless service to self cultured control freak bank executive board with heartfull service to others cultured creation freaks to direct money by granting for humanitarian projects as human focus shifts from private material gain to public immaterial gain. humanity now seeks 'physical immortality and grants' instead of 'death and taxes' so all movement of resources shud reflect this including money creation banking industry. culture shifts from competitive hoarding 'dog eat dog' 'hell on earth' creation to cooperative sharing caring 'heaven on earth' creation culture as mentioned in 'celestine prophecy' book series by james redfield. mentally enslaving fear based theology that encourages u to distrust urself is replaced by mentally freeing love based theology that encourages u 2 trust urself as mentioned in 'conversations with GOD' book series by neale donald walsh and GOD. people will indentify themselves more with unifiying natural reality instead of artificial constructs such as nationality,religious registration or any to do with the physical body such as skin color,dna,ethnicities,etc. if i close my eyes and imagine something it is 'I' looking at the imagined something. the best english word i hav come across to define 'I' is 'awareness'. quatum physics experiments show dat energy only becomes matter wen seen thru human eyes thus all physical bodies are artificial constructs. this energy experienced as matter is a naturally occuring artificial contruct to help u experience the ILLUSION of separation that may 'divide and rule' us if u dont know the natural reality that 'unifies and sets us free' from this illusion of separation.
post cabal private debt slavery loan based money creation banking system is a public credit freedom grant based system. change heartless service to self cultured control freak bank executive board with heartfull service to others cultured creation freaks to direct money by granting for humanitarian projects as human focus shifts from private material gain to public immaterial gain. humanity now seeks 'physical immortality and grants' instead of 'death and taxes' so all movement of resources shud reflect this including money creation banking industry. culture shifts from competitive hoarding 'dog eat dog' 'hell on earth' creation to cooperative sharing caring 'heaven on earth' creation culture as mentioned in 'celestine prophecy' book series by james redfield. mentally enslaving fear based theology that encourages u to distrust urself is replaced by mentally freeing love based theology that encourages u 2 trust urself as mentioned in 'conversations with GOD' book series by neale donald walsh and GOD. people will indentify themselves more with unifiying natural reality instead of artificial constructs such as nationality,religious registration or any to do with the physical body such as skin color,dna,ethnicities,etc. if i close my eyes and imagine something it is 'I' looking at the imagined something. the best english word i hav come across to define 'I' is 'awareness'. quatum physics experiments show dat energy only becomes matter wen seen thru human eyes thus all physical bodies are artificial constructs. this energy experienced as matter is a naturally occuring artificial contruct to help u experience the ILLUSION of separation that may 'divide and rule' us if u dont know the natural reality that is at the center of all things that 'unifies and sets us free' from this illusion of separation.