J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 12bc07 July 21, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.2236356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4721 >>5564


>The obvious first casualty of any apocalyptic event would be electricity.


Which is why I said it'd be useless in the event of war. The deepstate's plan clearly assumes worst case scenario (they assume they will lose - which is why they have all those deep underground bunkers. They trigger war then run away like a bunch of pussies).


I've slowly navigated countries towards protecting electrical systems (see the SHIELD act, and cyber security utilities provisions):



If you're already on renewable energy then you're largely immune (just needs circuit breakers and a good sense of timing).


>Food supplies - limited to what you can carry and protect

You're assuming bugout scenario. If you're in a nuclear scenario, you won't be travelling anywhere without a radiation suit. Bugout is only viable during authoritarian crisis, which implies power is functioning.


>Bartering - What do you have that is "valuable" to someone else.


Knowledge. A shit ton of it. Doesn't weigh anything to carry, and you can't steal it from me. If you have skills or craftsmanship, you'll be in demand. I also have a harddrive with the entire contents of Wikipedia stored on it, as well.


Item wise? Well, if you kept that food supply I was referring to earlier…


But that said, valuable to who? Everyone has different needs.



1) If the main currency is dead, you're either going to see crypto or bartering as stand-in (likely both).


2) If you're at N-day war, ANY currency is going to be useless (you either can't trade and have to hunker down - food supplies, or if the radiation isn't so bad you can walk and talk, your JIT infrastructure is going to be so badly disrupted that no-one is going to want gold and everyone will be haggling for clean food and water. You can generate the latter with a variety of techniques. Growing the former in a warlike scenario might not be possible).


>Essential material goods become the new "currency" via the original barter system.


I'd imagine, specifically, seeds (or salt, like the Romans used, given it was a preservative).


The issue with knowing what system to gear towards depends on what last ditch plan the deepstate execute. If we can neutralise them before they trigger N-day (which I'm thinking is their failsafe depopulation angle), then we can have a new currency or crypto.


But if they do go N-day, then the extent of the damage dictates what we can use.


Securing America's nuclear reactors against EMP would be a HUGE step (because if the nuclear reactors go critical then it worsens). Just so you guys can see how badly designed the US electrical grid is: some nuclear reactors rely on other nuclear plants to supply power in order to shutdown as their 'backup generator'.


(It can take 3 days to fully shutdown a plant.)

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 12bc07 July 21, 2018, 7:54 p.m. No.2236700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4318



Interesting concept, but the issue isn't 'can we generate financial leverage?' - having seen people fall for some of the dumbest scams imaginable, getting money is the 'easy' part.


What is the hard part is making sure that the people who control the finances are wholly incorruptible. I don't mean slightly incorruptible, but wholly, because if it achieves the level of power you're hoping it does, that is a huge temptation towards corruption.


Dictatorships can flip, democracies can be subverted.


There's also the issue of ensuring for generations it's always staffed with wholly incorruptible individuals. Bearing in mind these people will be under attack from government goons, financial hitmen, dirt diggers, media propaganda, the full whack (see how Julian Assange is treated, then crank it up to anti-Trump levels of hysteria).


It would be far better, in my opinion, to operate 'behind the scenes' (exploiting the same tactics they do), exerting influence in a way that is difficult to centrally target or identify. By having no active radar presence, there is nothing they can specifically target or try to co-opt.


Consider when Anons did Occupy Wallstreet but George Soros co-opted the whole thing (and the media suppressed it entirely). It was the very definition of 'extremely noisy' and 'extremely obvious'. You never see any powerbrokers protesting - because they know it doesn't work.


We only know about pieces of shit like Bill Gates and George Soros because they're constantly in our face, 24/7. I bet what you guys don't notice are the NGOs that they fund that go largely unannounced and are largely ignored (who could be argued as doing the bulk of the work).


Try to avoid fame and 'going big'. Any military commander will tell you that you never signal your presence or your intentions to your enemy. Don't form a big obvious corp, make micro-cells, small groups, small shell companies that target easy wins (for example, Occupy was really onto something with the 'buy debt cheap and pay forward' scheme).


Suitable targets for finances:

1) Swing/undecided/independent politicians in local counties/regions/states etc

2) Lobbyists to advocate specific goals in government (or if too costly, on a local/county level)

3) As said, acquiring seats on boards etc to influence financial decision making

4) Investing into startups whose goals align with your own

5) Hiring investigators to dig dirt (using their own tactics against them)

6) Starting legal cases (using funds from legal cases win to fund other legal cases etc). Again, start small (county/local region)

7) On-the-cheap advertising (to spread information or support or acquire more funds etc)

8) Undercut excessive interest micro-loans


Ideally each 'cell' should work on a regional level. Start winning the smaller battles first in as many unnoticeable areas possible. The goal being not only to spin off as many 'good practice' start-up businesses as possible, but also to impact regional politics.