Anonymous ID: 283304 Oct. 5, 2018, 8:38 p.m. No.3358372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8453

Think: Star Trek society. No, really–even Buckminster Fuller said it over 100 years ago, that the idea of having to "earn a living" was specious, when we have the technology (much of it suppressed) and resources to live great lives with all we need, doing what we enjoy rather than "whatever it takes" to earn a living.


I hope we move to a society where we don't use money at all! Sure, some backed in precious metals (silver as well as gold) might serve as a standby until we adapt, but really, the "value" of the money used in society is actually based on US–the "chattel," I think it was Bill Clinton referred to us as.


"They consider you no better than cattle" is a quote I've seen about the cabal. So once they're eliminated, the fraudulent Federal Reserve private banking cartel is either taken down or restructured past recognition, our lives will become infinitely freer, I believe.

Anonymous ID: 283304 Oct. 5, 2018, 8:43 p.m. No.3358453   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And it's rumored that POTUS is thinking of restructuring the IRS (fraudulent, foreign entity taking income tax to service the "debt" from interest on money "loaned to us" by the Federal Reserve–printed on our printing presses), doing away with income tax, and going back to a Treasury printing money, letting tarifs finance govt, so it doesn't get too big. That would improve things vastly, right there–as well as zeroing out fraudulent debt. I'm hoping there's widespread debt forgiveness, especially mortgage debt. Buying a house means you pay for it essentially 3X if you take out a loan–once for the principle, and twice for the interest…