Anonymous ID: 47d336 July 20, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.2228097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8662 >>6700 >>4669

I'm going to approach this Bread as how to bake a mountain but first kindly read this article on Big Banks - A Culture Above Any Law to get a foothold on the competition.


From that article, we find out how the banks have a diverse control of properties on the Man-Made Board of Monopoly and literally untouchable. Humanity (man) is but a thimble on the playing board but what if we introduced a playing piece the likes of Godzilla? This has never been thought of for the simple reason of being impossible. Let's look at impossible, the Anons have created a culture where the world is watching today where the success has been nothing short of amazing and entertaining.


Man becomes a better player on the board game since everything is for sale like stock positions where the majority of shares purchased earns a seat on the board of directors which gains influence in decisions. Also, there is the play of hostile takeover, happens all the time, that's competition.


This purchasing power comes from people around the world who can see us in a better light at which point can invest $1 per month. As capital grows we acquire control of diverse properties and advance humanity on the playing board. Public banking institutions should be used as a charter for this growth also the public involved from contributions can vote on key problems we face. The workforce will be available from who joins us receiving a hire position. Many other goods and services will be available to contributors at a discount because of purchasing power.


Why wait for the Banks to throw the switch and we end up in a soup line like during The Great Depression? The only team players like Larry Summers or the likes of Paul Singer get that call before the switch is thrown. Becoming a better player is key, no guts no glory and the Anons have guts and that determination which is needed when the impossible is possible. Because at this point in time the financial system is over-leveraged and debt along with other manipulated investment vehicles are a musical chair game where the music stops and many will not have a seat. The time is ripe for a new play, who will lead? The ones who have no fear of failing.


Q will remain and Anon Inc. (We The People) is the future to maintain what we have started.

Anonymous ID: 47d336 July 21, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.2229099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9207


The Little Red Hen was informative and yes I am that Hen. I believe this would go beyond the board but your board is a good think tank and why I am here. Your board is also a wonderful launch pad for reaching the public. The business model possibility would be a Nonprofit as to how you explained your present work here. I'm asking for help with a proof-of-concept model to bring us in a better light. When I leave this place I would like to see it as a better place as to when I arrived, that is my goal. The Anon Board already offers much value to the public. The next level is to maintain what has already been achieved here. Who would support that? Well, who made it possible? The world loves a hero a concept comes to mind, 'Trust The Plan'.


And so it begins I've already started.

Anonymous ID: 47d336 July 21, 2018, 2:38 a.m. No.2229469   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, in the mean time all debt will have to be forgiven and a countries currency will be valued as to there reserve in gold. The Fed and Central Banks are painted in a corner but with printed money it does seem to reach escape velocity of all negative news. Maybe we'll find a new business model for the old one is off the rails.


Business 101 needs a revision for what we all been told is upside down but creation has an odd way of showing up where timing is everything.


Godspeed Anons

Anonymous ID: 47d336 July 29, 2018, 3:24 p.m. No.2344318   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks J, nice tool box build and yes, corruption is a tough egg to crack.

Revisions being made to the business model.


From the DOJ: 7/27/18


"With today’s announcement of this non-prosecution agreement, non-compliant U.S. clients of Mirelis must now pay that 50 percent penalty to the IRS if they wish to enter the IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program. The IRS recently announced that the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program will close on September 28, 2018."

Anonymous ID: 47d336 Aug. 17, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.2646823   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Martin Armstrong is America's financial forecaster . The man is no Cupcake.


Martin, warns of a bridge too far! "Italy has called on the ECB to guarantee the bond yields warning that if they END quantitative easing the Eurozone will break apart."

Anonymous ID: 47d336 Aug. 27, 2018, 7:11 a.m. No.2753929   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh, this is Priceless!


Charles Cooper with Cooper & Kirk PLLC, argued in a hearing in May that his clients were essentially robbed of money due to the flow of Fannie and Freddie profits straight to the Treasury.


“With the stroke of a pen, the government had nationalized the companies and taken all the value of the companies for itself, thereby depriving the private shareholders of all their economic rights,” according to the complaint originally filed in 2015.


The Poor Dears!

Anonymous ID: 47d336 Aug. 30, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.2798384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BRICS coming out in Front!


New Development Bank Receives AA+ Credit Rating from Fitch.

3-Aug-2018 - In its press release Fitch stated, NDB’s AA+ credit rating is driven by the intrinsic features of the Bank. Fitch considers NDB’s capitalization as excellent and risk profile as low. Fitch assesses NDB’s risk management policies as strong mainly driven by the self-imposed prudential rules that the Bank abides by, primarily on the capitalization and liquidity fronts.


NDB receives AA+ rating from S&P, cementing its access to global financial markets.

29-Aug-2018 - In its press release S&P stated, ‘The ratings reflect our opinion that NDB will establish itself as a catalyst in reducing the infrastructure deficits faced by its BRICS members.’ S&P assessed NDB’s financial profile as extremely strong reflecting its robust capitalization and ample liquidity. S&P acknowledged robust shareholder support as a key rating factor underpinning its assessment of NDB’s strong business profile.


BRICS South Africa - The Republic of South Africa is the most developed economy in sub-Saharan Africa, yet it is facing strong headwinds from slowing growth. Frequent electricity shortages complicate the challenge for the economy from the supply side.


Project Improvement for South Africa - With the objective to develop grid connection infrastructure, the NDB will provide a PFF loan of USD 180.0 million to Eskom Holdings State-Owned-Company Limited (Eskom). The PFF will support renewable energy development and reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels. The grid connection infrastructure will be used for renewable energy projects and augmentation of the Eskom transmission network to the Soweto area.


Note: pic of the RAND is today's trading.