J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 4ea334 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:29 a.m. No.2732391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Got to say as a sidenote, you've got a spookily similar writing style to me.



>Bitcoin is not a currency (why?), and is intrinsically useless.


It's worth noting (and adding to your point here) the paper is flawed if it argues Bitcoin is 'useless'. People conflate the lack of trust in bitcoin (IE is it government backdoored) with it being useless (IE can it serve a purpose?).


BitCoin is useful, it's basically a method of exchange. Is it secure? Not really. But Cryptocurrencies are gaining adoption, and Sweden has officially adopted the E-Krona, which makes it by definition that cryptocurrency an 'actual' currency (as it's now state backed).


Maybe Bitcoin itself isn't, but the basis of bitcoin is found in E-Krona and others, and if they're based on it, then bitcoin itself can technically be a currency and useful, even if I don't trust it and say to use Monero instead.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 4ea334 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:39 a.m. No.2732435   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Way to strawman my post (not sure why you're saging the thread given it's not mine, unless you're a shill).


The word 'history' isn't even used in my post.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 4ea334 Aug. 25, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.2732489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2594 >>6600 >>5408 >>4841 >>9285


That's why I advocate a triple-lock.


Crypto, food supplies, bartering.


Crypto = best case scenario.

Food supplies, bartering = worst.


If you do get an EMP event, be aware that normal currency is useless, because safes, bank accounts, cash registers, tax filing etc won't work (meaning if you have money in a ELECTRONIC bank account, it will go poof in the same way crypto does).


And if you keep the money physically, eventually logistics on cash will run out (plus high risk to keep money on site with you).


Gold, silver has the same issues in that value will be determined subjectively and locally, and can still be stolen. It's also difficult to break a solid gold coin into smaller payments without a furnace.


No good having 1000 solid gold coins because without being able to break it down, you can only buy 1000 times before you run out. And you're reliant on it being adopted. Food will have more sway, and if it's seeds, you can grow more of it.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 4ea334 Aug. 27, 2018, 12:42 a.m. No.2752287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3719


Lower content coins won't mean much because how do you validate gold is at the purity specified? Sure, you know it's worth that much, but how will you prove that to someone else?


Weighing is easily tricked by debasement. Meltdown, replaced with a metal of similar colour, appearance, weight. You could do reaction tests but they might stain coins.


That's ignoring forgeries, which have gotten pretty good as of late.


It's a tricky sitch.