J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 5d86ce Aug. 21, 2018, 10:22 p.m. No.2698782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9796

Hit n run post:



>The largest resource WW is the people.

The only 'resource' people can offer (versus incoming automation) is 'processing power' (which was the original script idea for the Matrix, jus' sayin').


Sheer numbers don't mean anything unless people are able to do something productively and consistently. They can't use threat of action unless they're willing to act, and they can't 'process' data unless they're smart.


Unfortunately, a large majority have neither the willingness to act or think, which means they're either suspect to those with the biggest resources or the largest smarts.


>Payment is only an issue when you are told it is.

Payment is only an issue if service/product providers refuse to accept it, and it isn't stable (numerically) enough (IE you get pay 10 quads for work, but find bread now costs 20 quads by the time you leave).


Everything else is secondary. I get your point it is about consumer trust, though.


>What would you do with a million dollars ?

Assuming it's already been taxed.


Immediately do extensive research on how best to invest it.

Highlight a diversity of perceived options, split the money between those options. Naturally there's no 'I-win' scenario.


I'd prefer a 'low-flying' strat: invest small in a large number of start-ups, on the assumption at least one will succeed and bring with it sufficient returns.


I would be stonewalled by the fact my investing strategy has to be as moral as reasonably as possible.


However, I do have the ability to invent a broad array of devices, ideas, inventions that I haven't been able to bring into fruition due to inability to finance.


I even know how to help re-stablise the powergrid (presently power usage is very uneven and thus inefficient), hypothetically save people about a 1/3rd off their bill, but would need a lot of R&D upfront, electrical expertise.


Doesn't even require renewables. Compatible with the pre-existing energy grid.


Got plenty more ideas like that I could hypothetically invest in.


Maybe write a hypothetical proposal to Elon Musk? Always a risk it might get stolen as an idea.


If he's not careful, his car business could go tits up, so he might be open to new ideas.


Regardless: it would also benefit cryptocurrencies.