These posts sent me down a number of very deep rabbit holes. I will try to explain what I've found.
House of Mercy
Starting with the crumbs in your initial post, we can see that Bethesda, the creators of Doom 2016 are potentially /ourguys/ (img1).
I say this because only /ourguys/ would create a game where NoName and HRC are villains who create Hell on Earth trying to extract unholy forms of energy using the expertise and facilities of organizations like NASA and CERN.
Not only does this show that Bethesda might be /ourguys/, it also shows that they potentially have access to high level intel. That Bethesda was able to write about and use these topics as plot devices years ago before they were shown to the public hints at them possibly having some sort of gov connections.
Nes Nistar
Next up, is to figure out what is meant by 'Hidden Miracle.'
Well I visited www.HiddenMiracle.com and it redirects to a Bitcoin website. So I take this as meaning that Bitcoin is the Hidden Miracle.
While I do agree that Bitcoin is near a miracle, I had to think on why it would be a 'hidden' one.
Which led me to this:
>In Purim, HaShem and His hand is so hidden that His name is not even mentioned in the book of Esther. Never the less, HaShem surely delivered His people in a miraculous way. This type of miracle is called a nes nistar - נסתר נס, a hidden miracle.
This would fit Bitcoin if it implied that some of the people behind it were never named - 'His hand is so hidden that His name is not even mentioned…'
Considering that this crumb was tied in with the others, I had no choice but to consider that Bethesda was somehow involved in the creation of Bitcoin and that the hidden part referred to them not being named.
Bitcoin and Bethesda
Searching for 'Bitcoin and Bethesda' I came upon an interesting theory posted to the bitcointalk forums in 2015 (img2).
The author tries to make a case for Bethesda being behind the creation of Bitcoin, Ixcoin, and other things using coincidences and interesting ideas to tie his theory together.
It's a bit wild, and most of what he brings up can easily be explained away, but he does bring up one interesting connection concerning the founder of Bethesda:
CSW Squared
Most in the Bitcoin space would immediately recognize CSW as meaning Craig S. Wright, but it seems the author of the above theory has found another: Christopher S. Weaver.
>After his baccalaureate degree, Weaver earned dual graduate and post-graduate degrees in Computer Science and Japanese Ethnomusicology from Wesleyan University. After returning from Japan on a student exchange program and Princeton-in-Asia Scholarship, he was elected a University Scholar at Wesleyan and went on to complete an advanced dual degree (CAS) with specialty in Japanese and Physics. He also earned a graduate degree in Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Computer Science, Japanese, Physics, and Engineering. Interesting. Hallmarks of a Satoshi, but could be nothing.
On his twitter account you can see his handle contains the CSW we talk about (img3).
It also shows that he studied/works at MIT, which leads to the next point…
Trump, Tesla, Time Travel, and Bitcoin
Now we can finally move on to your second post where the Doom Slayer/Hell Walker moving through time and John G. Trump are mentioned.
Thanks to the 4chan post about Donald Trump having access to the Tesla papers through his uncle John Trump we can make some connections (posted on the 17th, img4).
Namely, we can assume that Trump (both) has/had access to interesting ideas thanks to Tesla's papers. Whether actual time travel is one of these or not is up for debate and beyond me. But let's just assume there were some advanced things in there. Maybe some of these ideas would end up providing the spark for Bitcoin in the future/past.
Next we can connect John Trump back to Christopher S. Weaver via the MIT connection. Both would have been at MIT at the same time, Trump as a professor and CSW as a student. Perhaps they stayed in touch.. shared ideas? Bethesda was founded right after the death of John Trump, which is interesting.
One last little note is of the 21e8 block that was recently created in Bitcoin (img5). The finding of this block initially led many in the space to think that this was proof of some sort of time travel, or perhaps just a quantum computer.
I couldn't find anywhere where a convincing argument was presented for either case.
Everything I just presented is a bit fanciful, and tying things together at the end was a bit tough with what I could find online, but that's where the crumbs led.