Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 1, 2018, 4:06 a.m. No.2388235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8444 >>8940 >>0417 >>6339 >>4011 >>4037 >>4841


Wish I found this thread earlier.

On the topic of cryptocurrencies.. I put together pic related which hopefully helps us to understand what light to view them in.

Anon's post helps too: >>2382758


There's definitely a connection there.

Between the good guys and cryptos.

I'd even go so far as to say that there is a chance that crypto is /ourmoney/. Money based on math and code, and not on magick.


But sure, it's still young, still has issues, and doesn't feel very safe yet.

We can fix those things. Maybe that's what anon wants us to do, or talk about, or consider - whatever.


I'll come read this thread more in depth later so that I can give a better response. Main point for now is this image I made. Very simple, but shows a connection.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 1, 2018, 4:53 a.m. No.2388480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1183


There's also this.

Hopefully this is enough evidence/proofs for anons to consider cryptos in a different light?

I'm also willing to view them in anon's light as well - if skeptical.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 1, 2018, 1 p.m. No.2395525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9144 >>1211


Thanks anon that's a great video.

I'm listening to the Q&A at the end as well to see if he talks about it more there. Still listening and will update if I find more. But I did find something at 57:20. He says that a financial crisis is coming. And Q references the book 'the coming bond market collapse' as well. Interesting to think about.


Back to the topic of Bitcoin/crypto. Trump did an AMA on 4chan a while ago and was asked about Bitcoin. When asked if he had plans for it, he simply said that 'it is still very new' - implying?



His remark is on the bottom right of the image, the second to last pink box.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 1, 2018, 7 p.m. No.2402702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5380


>the original pic of the shirt

It's from here:

And yeah, most people are still influenced by the shills, which I want to work to reverse, and also I think people were expecting someone much softer/gentler, but I knew that this was the personality type required to build something like Bitcoin (even though the real story is probably more complex). This was before I dug into it more and found intel to support his position.. just from hearing him speak I had the idea that he was not what people tried to peg him as (scammer, etc).



Oh yeah that one is nice. Saved.

I have to practice making mine like that - has much higher memetic potential.




Yes I think it's clear what he meant too, although I couldn't believe it at first. But how could it not be true with how much potential the technology has? Trump (and those with him) are looking at Bitcoin to see if/how it can help the country and the people and the world in many different areas, but it is/was still a bit too young (and that was before the fork as well, so Bitcoin was still comped at that point) and untested. Plus why show your hand too early…


My personal feeling on this is that you should never bet against technology, against programmable things that can adapt and change over time. I don't want to say it's a sure bet, because I can't predict the future, but if we work hard like your earlier post suggests, I think it has the potential to really change things for the better.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 1, 2018, 7:13 p.m. No.2402902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3959 >>4037 >>8589 >>4841 >>7312

Another interesting thing that I found a while ago relating to Bitcoin is in the Tulip Trust.

Apparently there are 1,100,111 coins held by this trust. I thought that was a strange number.

If you treat it like Binary and convert it over to Decimal you get 103.

Think mirror and it's 301 .. very similar to 3301.

I don't even want to think about what that might mean, if anything (longshot), but it's an interesting coincidence.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 6, 2018, 1:28 a.m. No.2477178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7185 >>2005 >>3959 >>4037 >>4841




This is quite the rabbit hole indeed, gonna take me a few days or more to wrap my head around it.

Interesting that the Boston Fed was the one who (re)released the Wishes and Rainbows comic right before Bitcoin was released, and also the first Fed Bank to write a paper on crypto from what I could find.

But at the same time, in that paper (whoever wrote it) Bitcoin was misunderstood and incorrectly described as being permanently inflationary.

Gonna have to look into it more.


Bix is cool, thanks for introducing me to him. I'm going to take some time to really understand the Road to Roota stuff that he talks about in his earlier videos when I get the time.

I saw that he talks about the 'Crypto Cabal' which is a really good phrase that I might start using. I've attached a pic for everyone to see what he means by that. Masons involved for sure.

He also seems (or did) talk about A. Greenspan in a good light. I always thought the opposite was true. Gonna have to look into that too.



Oh yeah. That reminds me of NESARA which hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet.

Not sure how much truth there is to NESARA but it's an interesting read for sure.

Pic related is the quick infograph explaining the idea (that I have no idea if is true or just disinfo). Some interesting coincidences though.


In my next post I'll attach the .pdf of it - very dense reading.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 6, 2018, 1:29 a.m. No.2477185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2435


And here's the PDF for the actual proposal of NESARA if anyone is interested.

Like I said it's very dense, full of legalese, but still there is some interesting stuff in there if you flip around.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 7, 2018, 12:21 a.m. No.2493531   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Found the writing.

Definitely a Goldbug, but not sure if a patriot.

Putting him in the neutral box for now (from bad).





Definitely not a coincidence. Plan in motion.


There were two crypto related meetings in Washington recently - I watched.

Both sides of the table (Gov and Biz) seemed to still be a bit confused as to what they were dealing with.

Hopefully clarity soon.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 7, 2018, 8:31 p.m. No.2505945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6200


I saw that.

Looks like things are moving now.

Probably gonna get more eyes on this thread in the future.


For everyone reading this thread I just had an interesting conversation with another anon on 4chan about Cryptos and the Space Force. I decided to turn it into an image due to how much it made things click in my brain.

Let me know what you think.


I also want to make an image about symbolism in crypto, there's more examples than just what I and the other anon have shown above. I'll get to that asap.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 7, 2018, 8:38 p.m. No.2506044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6077 >>6187


Yeah I think that a lot of key players on their side decided to back BTC once it was completely subverted and controlled by them. Before, when Bitcoin was still free and truly P2P, they refused to talk about it, and even censored it in certain ways.

But that all changed once Blockstream came in and starting messing with how Bitcoin works. After all of that was done you began to see all the talking heads in the crypto space come out and start backing BTC, acting like it was the future, etc.


If my memory is correct, @Jack did this, Spez from Reddit did this, etc. And I believe a member of the Rothschilds starting publically investing in Bitcoin once it was taken over as well.


If these guys like it, I don't.

Your plan about 'getting out' from there is exactly what most people have started to do - switching to BCH (bitcoin cash).



Yes I too wonder sometimes about how things got so bad. Why was it allowed to happen.

Maybe it was necessary? I don't know. But at least things are getting better now.

I just read this comment on a youtube video, but it matches my thoughts perfect, if Bitcoin Cash hadn't come into existence I would have given up on crypto.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 8, 2018, 7:26 a.m. No.2509590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2026


Stopping by real quick to drop off 2 updated version of this proof/side-by-side.

The second version contains tweets that I think will help people be more convinced of the validity of the proof.


I'll be back later tonight to read posts, replies, etc.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 8, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.2511855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2431 >>3959 >>4037 >>4841


On Bonds…

Q has linked us to a book called 'the coming bond market collapse' through his tripcode/book association list.


After Putin met with Trump, Russia sold off most of their US treasury bonds.

I think the writing is on the wall with regards to US debt.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 8, 2018, 10:23 p.m. No.2520727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1142 >>5022 >>4011 >>4037 >>4841


>would make a dank meme

Agreed. I'll work on that infographic when I feel up to it.


>bitcoin's 1776

Indeed. And the war comes after.



Never a dull moment in this market.




Bonds - basically IOU's between countries. I checked and China owns a ton of ours.

That means they stand to lose a huge investment when the bond market collapses (in dollars).

But I take it from your line of questioning that dollars no longer matter. Or bonds. Or stocks.

The world is going back to real assets. Things with actual value.

Financial freedom (for countries and people). Things that make sense again.


I have to say, I can bring myself to understand all of these financial machinations, but they feel so alien. So overcomplicated. So needless.

Hopefully the new system is much more simple and logical.


I used to believe that Trump would keep stocks high for political points but it's not possible - I see that now. Wouldn't that be political suicide? He used to call it a bubble during the campaign, but now he always talks it up. Well if it coincides with the crescendo of 'the storm' then people would give him a pass I think. Interesting times ahead.


BTW for anyone out there keeping up with this convo, I found a nice succient article from a Cryptoskeptic Goldbug's point of view covering the coming changes (keep in mind their bias when reading):



It's an interesting thought experiment.

When the electricity goes out, do you have thoughts about getting rid of it? Or just hope for it to come back as soon as possible?

If crypto becomes important to daily life and people feel safe in it, outages (rare due to p2p nature) would not be a doomsday scenario.

And plus, an outage does not mean that it broke, just that it is currently not reachable (by you).

Has Bitcoin ever had an outage? From my online searches the answer is no.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 9, 2018, 12:13 a.m. No.2521603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1696 >>2067 >>6662


Oh I see now.

I incorrectly interpreted your previous post on stocks.

Yes, the dollar denominated price of stock (aka the market) going up as inflation kicks in is logical.

But of course there are some stocks out there that shouldn't be worth near what they are even in a post inflation world.

But reading over your previous posts again is that what you were hinting at? "how much of total assets in dollars".

Some stocks have good/real value, some don't - be careful what you hold (in stocks, and in other things).


>Very Stable Genius!

Without a doubt.

Inflation + Economic activity will work together to push the market up, up, up.


But what about people who can't/aren't in the market. I'm worried they will get left behind (higher prices etc).

Is this where Bitcoin Cash comes in?

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 9, 2018, 12:26 a.m. No.2521696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2154 >>2171


Oh I might be getting ahead of myself.

A gold-backed dollar would work fine as well.

Although I'm not sure how that transition would work .. value the market on one dollar, but introduce a different dollar?

Lots to think about.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 9, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.2525527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5871


Mt. Gox was an exchange (a website) and had nothing to do with the actual Bitcoin network.

Shady story that though. Deaths involved.

Gox going down fucked up the market for years (and still more) but had no effect on the actual network.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 9, 2018, 11:56 a.m. No.2526332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6688 >>8591 >>4011 >>4037 >>4841


Speaking from an optimistic point of view for some counterbalance.

I'll go point by point.


1) Removing spoopy actors

I think that's what's going on right now. Forced liquidations, investigations into manipulation, etc.

I think it is being prepped for the mainstream. Being cleaned up.


2) The hash id is NSA

Q is NSA (plus more).

I don't have an issue with that.

Bitcoin might have been a honeypot at some point (good vs bad - 'we have it all').


3) Bitcoin was comped earlier this year

I think the opposite.

Bitcoin was comped years ago. It is now being uncomped. And bad actors are being forced to sell their holdings.


4) Mt. Gox 'lost' their coins.

That's true. I don't know more about this, but I agree it's not what it seems.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 9, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.2527461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3959 >>4011 >>4037 >>4841



>[M]atthew [21]

Nice, didn't notice that. Added.


For the gematria ciphers, I actually had no idea what each one means. I've just always assumed that the more matches there are, the more you can be sure that the two words are actually related by design.

I found this which explains the ciphers a bit though:



Very interesting.

Reality is full of surprises.


Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 9, 2018, 1:43 p.m. No.2527563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7719 >>8615


Thanks anon, that all makes sense.

I think I have what I need now in terms of knowledge/disclosure in order to help spread the word.

Might craft a few more memes like I mentioned earlier in this thread in order to help open people's eyes even more, and if I get new ideas I'll craft them as well and drop them off here.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 12, 2018, 2:46 p.m. No.2573675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3686 >>5916 >>3959 >>4037 >>4841

Placing these photos/posts here for safekeeping.

Not sure if legit yet, but they seem interesting enough to post here so that I can revisit over time

This is not my work



IRON EAGLE tells us the story of the struggle between the FED vs Cryptocurrency vs gold, and how the market has been manipulated through the media.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 12, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.2573697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5916 >>3959 >>4011 >>4037 >>4841



Federal Building:

Samuel Yellin, a noted wrought-IRON craftsman from Philadelphia, designed and executed numerous railings, gates, and fixtures throughout the building.

The interior has a two-story atrium with dual staircases and a skylight etched with the outline of an EAGLE.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 14, 2018, 3:13 p.m. No.2600417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0685 >>5373 >>4011 >>4037 >>4841


I've added on to this proof and made it more all-encompassing.

This is probably too deep for many people, but perhaps a few will benefit from it.

I'm not getting much traction with these proofs on the chans yet. It seems most regular anons are still a bit asleep still. I'm going to take a step back and let the next few months play out before trying again. This includes the other couple memes I was planning to make. No sense in crafting without an audience.



Yeah they might be on to something but I have to look into it more to know for sure.

The Qlock is an interesting device. I might take some time off from digging on crypto to go work on the Qlock some more. I used to be very into it. At least I'll see if I can make more sense out of the Fed Iron Eagle theory and how those specific news articles connect and what it might mean for cryptos.

If I come up with anything interesting I'll post it here.



For anyone keeping up with cryptos in general, there is a huge planned stress test coming for Bitcoin Cash on September 1st.

Should be very interesting.


Sites to view on that day:

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 14, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.2602247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4011 >>4037 >>4841


Yes I think an overlap is inevitable at some point.

It seems that we have the same goals and the same enemies (pic related). All that's needed is the collective aha moment.


>You are watching a movie


A very good one.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 15, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.2621654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5614 >>0004 >>4660 >>5174


>Perhaps the stock market could be a reflection of the "profit sharing"

Would that look like corporate buybacks? Isn't it already going on?



From what I've learned here, lawsuits are good because of discovery. If he is who he says he is, this lawsuit is the perfect way for things to come to light in an undeniable fashion. But that's just a hopeful theory.

Already some anons on the other chan have shared with me the idea that proof exists online if you follow the patents (two pics attached).

Might be worth a dig (later).


And even if you can prove that he is satoshi or part of it, you still have to prove that he is /ourguy/ as it was put, and that bitcoin cash is something that is good for the country and not a clown operation designed to weaken us. For that I was leaning on the coincidence between his tweet and Q's post. It's not much but it's enough for people who are used to the comms here.

But it might be worthwhile to dig for more concrete proof.


I've attached a photo here of a trademark he registered with dave kleiman .. "eternal vigilance is the cost of liberty" in the title. It's pretty patriotic, and if he were a shill he would have to be playing a very long game. And the smarts required to use the word 'cost' instead of 'price' (meaning to always be paying for your freedom as long as you are alive). Most honeypot shills don't have those sorts of brains.



This is very interesting. And of course the word Faust caught my eye.

I will dig more on this later. Maybe I can find the paper somewhere.



I've looked into SAFE. We spoke about this earlier, maybe in the main breads?

I looked into it like I said I would.

I came up with a major issue.

For the SAFE network to work, people donate hard drive space in return for maidsafe tokens.


Ok, assuming that maidsafe takes off and is widely used, when people earn these tokens what will they do with them? Maidsafe/SAFE is not designed to be a currency, but simply a network that rewards the sharing of HD space. So what will happen with these tokens that people earn is that they will be traded for whatever the best coin is, let's assume it is Bitcoin Cash. This will put downward price pressure on SAFE and upward pressure on BCH. So in the end it's best to just use BCH and let people who want to participate on the Maidsafe network make money for you via their activities.


BCH is the real deal btw. And BTC is comp'd.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 16, 2018, 4:28 p.m. No.2635108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5805 >>4011 >>4037 >>4841


>structure appears 21 times.

Kek. Yeah, the 'structured' definitely counts, because when you ctrl+f the word 'structure', it gets caught up in the search string.

Pic related (21 matches).



Kek. A coincidence, or an obvious reference to the 21 Million cap on Bitcoin (and bible too?).


These are some really interesting crumbs. Wow.

I never thought to dig from this angle - I was always more comfortable on the technology side of things, staying away from the old school institutions, but the crumbs speak for themselves.

I think there's enough here to complete the circle… From Q's post, through Powell/FED, all the way back around through Bitcoin, through CSW, back to Q.

It would be the ULTIMATE proof, without a doubt.

This requires a comprehensive dig.. I will get on it asap. I said I was going to stop digging on crypto for now, but I guess that was a mistake.


I even made a meme with Powell last year when he was first appointed (very elementary level meme). I knew he was pro Bitcoin back then, but I didn't know how deep things went.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 16, 2018, 7:51 p.m. No.2638781   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wow that's a mind bender.

Dr. Wright ((Beam of) Light), Inventor of Megaman (Bitcoin), part of N (Q) team, led by Captain N (Q).

All laid out decades ago.

What a timeline.



I saw that post too, but I can't find it now.

There's a tool here for searching the breads:

You can try finding it if you remember the words in the post.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 17, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.2650464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0861 >>0545 >>3959 >>4037 >>4841

I've found a really interesting coincidence on the Twitter account of CSW.

It says that he joined twitter on 4:54 PM on 22 Sep 2010.


That date and time caught my eye, because it is so close to some important numbers, namely 444 and 9/11.

Well I figured out that if you subtract 9/11/01 from those three numbers in a mirror (backwards) fashion, you get a result of 4:44 11 Sep 2001.


So by using 9/11 as the key, you get a result of 9/11 as well.


There's no way this is a coincidence.

Mathematically impossible right? Like Q says.

Or at least improbable.


It's interesting anyways.

Melting my brain a bit, but in a good way.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 17, 2018, 6:44 p.m. No.2650835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5671 >>4011 >>4037 >>4841


I've also been doing some digging on Jon Faust as per your post, who might be the actual 'Professor Faust' (or maybe a coincidence, or maybe just another link in the puzzle).

He has some interesting papers and a very interesting website.


Of note are the two papers I have attached a picture of. The first is the 'Who can we trust to run the FED' paper that Powell references, and the second is something about using distributed blocks to solve problems. It reminds me of blockchain a bit, but I have to read the paper again to know for sure what is being talked about.

This also seems like the best lead on grabbing a copy of the 'trust FED' paper. His email delivery system doesn't work however.

Here's a link to the second paper .. on first glance it doesn't look related.

I'll have to take another look later though.

Here's a link to his website.

There are some interesting sections in it. And it reminds me of oldschool websites that I used to find around the net.

He's got a section about dyslexia and 'mirror' writing, and a section on finding the 'most famous faust'.


? or



I'll keep digging for something more solid.

I did dig on Powell more, but didn't find anything more solid than the Structure talk with reference to the number 21.

He talks about DLT's (distributed ledger technologies) in a speech, but plays it very safe, doesn't reveal much.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 17, 2018, 6:56 p.m. No.2650992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1168 >>1589 >>0594


Nice find anon.

>Bill Clinton


I was always skeptical of ripple.



You raise some good points. Digital cash opens up a can of worms when it comes to tracking, privacy, mark of the beast type stuff, etc.

I think in a perfect world Bitcoin would exist as a digital asset that you could choose to hold or not, and that tangible cash would still exist (backed by cryptos and metals) so that you could still live a low tech life if you wanted to.


Metal manipulation? Yeah I've looked into it a bit and I'm sure that they are being suppressed. I'll look into it more though.


What I don't believe though, is that Bitcoin started out as the evil plan.

I think that actually Bitcoin was released to the public as basically the Ark to help us survive the flood of the collapse of the old economic order. The technology has been around for a while to make something like Bitcoin work… I think 2009 was a strategic year to release it for many reasons. Economic recession, QE going on like crazy, Obama taking power, etc.


What probably happened is once Bitcoin started taking off (2013-2014) the Evil people learned how to copy it, how to pervert it, and how to twist the whole crypto space for their own desires. That's where the feeling of evil probably comes from. If Bitcoin is allowed to stay simple and pure, it can be one of the best forms of free money that the people will ever have. But like I said above, it does open up a can of worms.

I was reading twitter earlier and some developer for Bitcoin said he plans to make a wallet that can go into a chip in your hand. I would never , ever, never use something like that, and if that's the end game, then I understand your reservations and I share them too.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 17, 2018, 7:09 p.m. No.2651131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1979


>Ron Paul and Ben Bernancke exchange

Very interesting anon.

This video?

It's a good conversation.

Now take everything Ron Paul says, and apply it to Bitcoin.

By the way, notice that right after Ron Paul humiliated Bernanke on the topic of Silver, the Silver market crashed.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 19, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.2668777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8965 >>3959 >>4011 >>4037 >>4841


>Great awakening re. 9/11

I had no idea about the 'Awakening' definition for 444. That fits in perfectly with what we're doing here on this board.

Also lends more support to the theory of CSW being /ourguy/.


This reminds me of a cap (second picture) that was put together back when the chans were first taking our initial baby steps in learning the comms.

Knowing what I know now re: 'Great Awakening' and 444, these coincidences all make so much more sense.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 19, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.2668934   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The image you posted from Faust's website that you weren't sure if it was important, I think is very important.

That makes perfect sense.

It's not what's being said (the greek letters, representing almost random looking gibberish), but what's being implied (the english letters on the borders).

The fact that this is the background image for his entire website hints at the idea that all of his writings and works should be viewed through this lens of search for the true meaning beyond the plaintext and what you can see with your eyes.


Subtext and subtlety. Plausible deniability.


Got it.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 19, 2018, 1:20 p.m. No.2669050   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>DSGE models, like … rats, are magnificent models … they represent a titanic achievement—with all the images that adjective may bring to mind.

>I believe he is saying that all of the economic modelling done by the Fed, Keynesians, etc. are total rat shit.



Comms indeed. Saying it without saying it.

And now POTUS is tweeting about Rats too. I guess there's a lot of them scurrying around.


So if the economic models are all trash, then the next step would be to check his paper on how the FED should work.

I see you've made some notes on it. I will take my time reading and understanding them before commenting.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 19, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.2669129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9361


Kek, I think we all are in here.

I noticed you said that BTC has all the best developers in the space and that Lightning is going to be a big deal.

I just can't see it that way after everything I've read.


According to some of the things I've seen, Lightning is vaporware that doesn't even work.

I would suggest to just check out the subreddit r/btc every now and then. Just pop by once in a while and see what's going on. It's very enlightening.

Pic related.



The connection between Ethereum, Theil, and Ambrosia is another one to keep an eye on.

They've just started digging on this in the main breads. Apparently Ethereum is used as literal blood money.

Interesting times ahead for the crypto markets.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 19, 2018, 2:24 p.m. No.2669730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9912 >>0195 >>0813


I am reading through his paper right now.

I see what's happening here.

The entire paper is framed as if it is an argument for why the FED must exist as is, and why it is proper, but in reality almost each line of this paper takes a baseball bat to the skull of the FED and shows why they are not the right choice for our country.

It's very clever.


>partisan theory

>"stringent standards"


>endogenous maximization of wealth

>inflation as a problem



I am able to follow along, but it's slow going and I have to take notes as I go in order to keep my thoughts straight.

I'll have a better post later tonight once I fully wrap my mind around it.

But I can already see how to connect the dots now using these speeches and papers and Q's post and the coincidences that we have already talked about in this thread.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 19, 2018, 7:49 p.m. No.2673366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4162 >>1464 >>1731 >>4011 >>4037 >>4841


Alright, I'm finally done grappling with the paper.

I'm glad we dug it up, the implications in it are very interesting, and the fact that Powell would choose to cite it says a lot.


I agree with the points you have brought up and I have some to add as well.

For starters, I kept going back title of the paper: "Whom can we TRUST to run the FED?"

With a critical eye, and with the benefit of knowing everything that happened after this paper was written, I think the answer is pretty clear.

We can't. Trust anyone.

The FED should not require trust to operate.


For example, in the paper it is stated that theoretically the lower wealth portion of the population will advocate for inflation in order to boost their wages, and the wealthier would tend to try and keep money growth nearer to zero to keep their wealth intact, but we know now that the opposite occurred.

The paper assumes that society will tend to create a wealth transfer from rich to poor, but the opposite occurred. It was the worst of both worlds… inflation without wage increase.

So if we cannot trust democrazy to properly control the money supply, and history shows us that we cannot trust institutions like the FED either…


>Rase questions as to the success of the FED

It failed.

We need to fix the FED. We need something like the FED, but not the way it is now.


So the next part of the title says "Theoretical support for the Founders' views"

Which founders? Of the FED or of our nation?

I think both depending on if you are reading the Greek text or the English surrounding it.

That leads to the question of a Gold or Silver standard and the Article 1 Section 10 of the constitution that was brought up.

But the paper accurately shows in the introduction that these are not perfect either - they tend to be unstable due to exterior forces on the gold supply and metal to money ratios.


So it sounds like nothing works perfectly. And lots of trust is required.


>We need a standard protocol, perhaps a consensus algorithm.

Yes, I think something like that might represent a good step forward for our monetary policy.

Something like Bitcoin. Interestingly the whitepaper of Bitcoin goes to great lengths to describe its trust-less nature.

But if so, the current structure should not be changed lightly, like Powell says.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 19, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.2673533   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for that link and article.

There's another good one on that site about the growth of Bitcoin.

These articles really help put things in perspective.

We might be in the very early stages of Hyperbitcoinization now. Or rather Hyperbitcoincashinization.


It may seem like just a simple stock chart, but I think the growth of Bitcoin might represent a leap forward for us as a species, as a civilization.

Meaning that any who actively try and suppress this technology are actually suppressing humanity as a whole, are anti-life, anti-evolution, anti-enlightenment.

But it's good to have to push through obstacles. Creates anti-fragility.



Nice find.

I'll take some time to read it and the other he wrote on Bitcoin.

I did quickly skim them and yeah, it seems very critical on the surface. Though he does leave open the possibility for massive value creation and some other things IF the technology works out.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 19, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.2675063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5086 >>0264


Something more similar to pic related then?

If money is an illusion, then we can simply create the best kind of money and economic structures possible for the changes we wish to bring about in the world. No need to worry about labels or any other such limiting factor.

And of course Gaddafi had some good ideas as well, which he was severely punished for.


If someone had full control, there's probably no limit to what they could do re: changes.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 20, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.2681106   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm all for creating a new system instead of trying to put bandaids on the old one.

I'm not sure what the answer will look like, but I push forward regardless.

Something has to change.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 20, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.2685151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8831 >>8274 >>8406 >>4841





Yes, both the initial post and your analysis of it were very interesting, sobering, and important to understand if someone is a fan of Bitcoin and thinks it might have a real future.

It seems there are a few key takeaways:


  1. Bitcoin will only have a future and be worthwhile if The People choose to have a decentralized form of money. The rise of Trump and his movement shows that The People may indeed choose this route.

  2. Bitcoin is inefficient compared to centralized systems, and it is this cost and inefficiency (POW) that make it secure. The cost of mining is necessary and is a direct metaphor for the cost of freedom.

  3. Bitcoin is still young, and people need to get serious about it now to prove that it actually works as intended, and that consensus can be reached honestly and accurately in all cases.


A lot has to go right for it to succeed, and a lot can easily go wrong that might cause it to fail.

>The Quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little, and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the Company is true.


The article is not outright dismissive, and it is not naive either. More interestingly, after reading your breakdown, it seems like the kind of … it almost seems like due diligence. Like something that someone would do in preparation for a move of some sort.

He also wrote another earlier article on Bitcoin that he briefly talks about at the end of this one. I'll give that one a read tomorrow and see if there's anything in it that can be used to add to our conversation.


>The Big Short

Haven't seen it yet. Will check it out.



Since we're operating on the very edge of reality and what is believable, sometimes it is hard to pick out the real posts from the disinfo.

But that is a good point to me and all others reading: stay frosty!

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 20, 2018, 8:57 p.m. No.2685273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6660


There are some interesting posts near the top of the bread that I would have completely missed if the notables weren't collected.

The post about Meltdown/Spectra seems worth looking over and digging on. Hints at a future without money too.





Why do you think banks are buying shorts if the price of metals is predicted to go much higher over time?

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 21, 2018, 8:22 a.m. No.2688831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9933 >>8327 >>8406 >>4841


Oh and a few more thoughts that came to me after having a chance to sleep on things.

Keeping in mind that this article was written post-Blockstream hijack, and post-hardfork:


Faust hinted at the idea that it might ironically require a centralized government to save or protect something amorphous like Bitcoin. He then does state that there is no real legal framework around it, no path forward for something like that to occur. Maybe one needs to be made? Or maybe that's the wrong way to do things and all the proper incentives should be built in to the system?


Then he brings up the idea of Bitcoin becoming too big too fail if it is ever taken up in a serious manner that we talked about. But perhaps until that point comes, Bitcoin will always be in a state where it is too small to succeed. The cost of attacking Bitcoin right now is very cheap compared to what some people might lose if it is successful. And this was fine while Bitcoin was in stealth mode, but now that it is posing a very real threat, this idea of it being "too small to succeed" is starting to have some relevance. New types of attacks every day.


On that note we get back to the idea of Good v. Evil. As long as you are willing to believe that there is more G than E in the world, then you might believe that something like Bitcoin is possible, and that it will work - but it's not guaranteed. Even if there is less Evil, by it's very nature it will have considerable power that Good will have to overcome in order to put forward a system like Bitcoin, with all its naivete, into the world.

One thing that seems to follow from that thought is this: without the success of 'The Storm', Bitcoin would have a very stunted future.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 23, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.2712454   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Looked into it. Oh yes, this looks interesting.

I'll play around with it and see if it comes in handy.


>lain feeds the ravens




Great post anon.

>Switching to a gold/silver standard may risk creating yet another inequality of wealth distribution as whomever was racking and stacking suddenly, almost overnight, could potentially be the new 1%. Do we risk allowing our system to be re-set (totally agree it needs to be done) and peg it to another group of people who 'control' the underlying asset?

This argument applies to crypto as well. I'd be interested to hear how we avoid that issue on any new system that we switch to, but especially with crypto as it is a bid shadier and most people will be skeptical of it until it comes into the light. I'm sure there are ways to tell who owns what, but I have to believe that there are some potentially unsavory characters who hold large amounts of crypto, as is the case with metals like you pointed out.


>nationalization of the banking system

Seems about right. I don't know if there is any other way to balance things out again, especially after all the trickery carried out like this anon talks about: >>2689580






Got my eye on it anon.

I've got a notables batch in my text editor and I will add to it and update it in the bread at the proper intervals. Thanks for calling them out.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 23, 2018, 9:29 a.m. No.2712599   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I believe that the massive storm that is going to hit politics and entertainment will also make it to the monetary policy and wall st worlds.

I think so too anon. It's logical that it would.

However, I do not agree that it is going to be something that regular people will have to duck and cover from, that they would feel pain from, that would cause a panic of any sort.

Remember - Full Control.


These things (Bonds, Currencies, Debt) will probably be unwound in a timely and controlled fashion. Society will go on, things will function as normal. If anons think I am wrong, let me know why. I just can't see patriots taking actions that would bring instability to an already tense environment.

Your list is solid though. Worth checking out for people that are planning their financial futures with respect to the storm.



>Cryptocurrencies are going to help us rebuild after the storm.

>The world is going to be DEMANDING a form of exchange that is not rigged by the deep state.

Very interesting points anon.

You know that crypto in its current form cannot handle too much load - too many people using it at once.

There are some people who wish to scale as soon as possible, but they get a lot of pushback. This post is a good reminder as to why we need to get the network ready as soon as possible, and good ammunition to use against those who wish to delay. Crypto gets one chance to shine, it needs to be ready.


Speaking of scaling….


>There is another split in the bitcoin (cash) community.

Yes I noticed that. I did some reading over on r/btc to see who the players were and what the reason was for the split. I was a bit worried at first.. I don't think this is a good time for a fork at all. Would be damaging.

But then after doing more reading and a few good threads popping up I noticed:


>I think it will be resolved much more quickly and without a chain split this time.

Yeah, someone said it was going to be a hashpower war, almost a gentlemen's agreement, and that whichever chain gets the most hashpower will win and everyone else will move forward with that choice?

I hope so, I hope people honor their agreements, and I hope the right players back the right chain when the time comes. I'm thinking this might all be part of the plan or the show. We shall see.

One thing I have noticed is that pushing for scaling as fast as possible is forcing these undercover core devs to show their hands, to push for methods that stall scaling, to out themselves.

Let's see what happens, I hope you are right.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 23, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.2712747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4841


>Very similar to the internet bill of rights. Maybe we need a monetary bill of rights.?

That sounds like a great idea.

The original Bill of Rights has proven itself to be such a solid protector of our freedoms that I think extending it (or the spirit of it) to areas like the internet and moneys is something we should really consider. This might help us future-proof the things that we are setting out to do today.


>Yes, and with how well thought out and prepared the Plan was/is, there is no way they haven't considered how to deal with the Fed/dollar. They want to return power to the people (1:21 during Trumps inauguration speech), and that can't be done without dealing with this monstrosity.

Absolutely. I wonder how much of their power comes from their control over our money system. Most of it? All of it? Without that, they will be severely weakened at any rate. And it matches up with the image Anon posted above using the pool table metaphor (reposting here for more eyes).

I wasn't able to find a version of the inauguration speech that matches the timestamp you brought up, I mention this since the 21 number came up again.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 23, 2018, 9:50 a.m. No.2712769   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Considering the NSA scooped up everything on everyone, they've got to know who Satoshi Nakamoto is…if not some unit in the NSA itself. I really can't see a smooth transition unless they control Satoshi's coins…

>White hats at work?

Yeah, based on what's been dropped in this thread, that seems like a very likely scenario.


Anons (especially those new to this thread) should check out the notables, specifically those under the heading "Q, CSW, Structure, and Bitcoin connections."


I'd recommend reading all the notables though. I've never seen such digs and knowledge dropped about crypto before anywhere else on the internet. Very interesting thread we have going on here right now.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 23, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.2712907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3105



Very interesting find anon.

It almost seems legit. They are sharing all the right things, and seem to get everything right.. the tone is correct I should say.

Perhaps the errors are just there for plausible deniability's sake.

I will spend some time looking over it and see what it's all about.



Very interesting post.

I'm forced to consider it due to the syntax.


>SDR (imf)

Very interesting.

They are just creating money out of thin air for themselves, even more so than is already done here.

Had no idea about this, and it led me down a Rabbit Hole that other anons should visit:

After learning this, I hope they lose.


>after the Golden State Quakes

Kek, I'll keep an eye out for that.


I'm also forced to consider previous posts from this ID, keeping in mind that choosing already used IP's can be used for plausible deniability.




Yes indeed. The last thing I want is to be responsible for anyone else's financial decisions. All of the info I have presented in this thread should just be for anons edification. What they decide to do from there is up to them. And the timing of it as well. Risk abounds.



>going in on Bitcoin Cash together

From what I have researched, it seems like the best crypto that currently exists. If one were interesting in cryptos as a concept, and tolerant to the risks of the market, it does seem like the one to most closely keep an eye on.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 23, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.2713103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3261 >>4565 >>4463


>Gold/ silver /copper

>That's the honestly what money should be.

>Not Crypto

I agree with you Anon, but I am forced to consider the other scenario just in case.

What if.

What if Crypto is better money than Gold/Silver? What if it will be more valuable than them in the future?

I entertain these questions not because I want to prove my side (I don't have one), but because I want to know what's possible. I want to know the truth.


What makes precious metals valuable?

Rarity and shininess? Do they have much utility (maybe some, but not enough to justify hoarding bars of it in huge vaults underground).

How can we transact in metals?


What makes crypto valuable?

Rarity and Digital shininess (kek)?

Right now, not much, I think.


Is Crypto fiat?

What is fiat? Fiat is money that has value because some authority says so. Or because the people agree that it does. A thing with no intrinsic value.


But can crypto change its status? Can it become intrinsically valuable?

Can it become not-fiat?

The answer to this I think is yes. If the crypto network becomes essential to the way society operates in the future (think voting, data storage, supply chains, countless other uses we haven't even dreamed of yet) then I think that crypto can become a form of non-fiat money.

The network is essential. Scale + use value. But the financial incentive is key, and the fact that we get to use valuable tokens on top of that network is the icing on the cake for us the people.


Just some things to consider..

(Keep in mind for the images I posted that Bitcoin won't actually be near Gold's value until and unless it is mid-6 figures. 1 BTC vs 1oz Gold is not a fair comparison. Also the other image with the checkmarks gets some things wrong but it should activate almonds nonetheless.)

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 23, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.2716478   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Alright, I finally did some digging on this post.


>Why did MS/APPLE/Cabal go to great lengths to produce chip sets with Meltdown/Spectra

Sounds like they desperately wanted access to the private keys in people's computers, or maybe to see if they could find out where the first million coins all went. This is assuming they weren't just trying to invade our privacy in general, and getting bolder about it.


>Cross reference with chipset timing.

The I3/I5/I7 chipset line started to be introduced right around the time of Bitcoin being introduced and released.



>Intel CEO sold 24 million in stock before M/S was exposed…WHY?

Trying to exit what he thought was a sinking ship?

The stock kept going up though. Was he paying someone back - a bribe unfulfilled?

"comp Bitcoin for me and I'll give you X Million dollars"



>Started pushing CP in the blockchain…Why?

After losing their M/S leverage on Bitcoin, they tried to invent a new angle of control over it.


>Sure is a lot of dancing

Sure is.




>Quantum computers (how they work… without binary/bits?)

>a future without Currency/Money possible?

Saving these questions/topics for later. Going to require another digging session.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 23, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.2718589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7312


So I did a bit more digging on Cicada. Got bored.

Apparently they made their first ever post on 01/04/12 (img 1). If you sum those digits you get 17.

Plus they have a saying that goes "Beware false paths."

Very similar to "Be careful who you follow."

I can't claim they are the same groups, but they might share a connection in some way.




On another topic, I have another crypto related coincidence for this thread.

Dennis Rodman, a player in the show who helped to broker a peace deal with North Korea, was wearing a PotCoin t-shirt during his trip there for the big media story about the Trump/Kim signing (img 2).

As much of a stickler Trump/Qteam is for optics, I doubt they would have let this happen if they thought cryptos were something bad. Does that extend to marijuana as well?

Two coincidences with one stone?


Well I thought on it a bit, and I went and checked out the marijuana thread in the catalog and I found an interesting post that might apply to the crypto space (img 3). Check it out.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 24, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.2724002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4007 >>2391 >>9784 >>9792 >>4841

Alright - I finally did an analysis of Faust's second Bitcoin article "While visions of Bitcoins danced in their heads", and I come bearing gifts.

Apologies for the delay as well. Took me longer than I thought to get to this.


The first thing to notice is that the title of the article is a direct reference to the poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" aka "The Night Before Christmas" (pic 2).

>While visions of Bitcoins danced in their heads.

>While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.


Faust wrote the article on December 22nd, very near Christmas, which could be a simple explanation for why he chose this link … but as with all things Faust, it's probably deeper than that.

This leads to an interesting coincidence.


>Saint Nicholas

>Satoshi Nakamoto


Saint Nicholas (currently embodied as Santa Claus) is known for his charity to the people, has a story about giving gold to those in need, and is also the patron saint of merchants among other things (img 1).

There might also be links to Robin Hood, but I have to dig more on that to know for sure.

He was also a supporter of Arianism not Aryanismor maybe there is a link? (it's an interpretation of Christianity, most of the real info has been scrubbed from the net).. which is a dig for a different day.


Ok, so that's an interesting link, but we know Faust is no blind fanboy, so let's see what the article actually says and see if we can find his true meanings in the words he has chosen. A quick read of the article gives the impression that he is saying Bitcoin is not a currency like some people say, but that even though this is true, it might still climb in value over time due to social phenomena and branding leading people to keep pushing the price up by treating Bitcoin as an e-collectible (Hodl).

But it's more nuanced than that.


>Bitcoin has been branded as a currency, and some … seem to have fallen for it.

>this intrinsically useless item

Bitcoin is not a currency (why?), and is intrinsically useless.


>Any asset could function as a currency

>An asset does function as a currency if it is used widely

But apparently it could be a currency if it were simply used widely. If the people wanted it to be one, it could be one.


>Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency could, I suppose … come to play a vital role in our payments system.

>this is extremely unlikely, absent fundamental structural change.


This links back to his other article, and the things he discussed in it.

It's unlikely for Bitcoin to become a currency with the way things are now, but all that could change.

But for now, Bitcoin is decidedly not a currency.



Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 24, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.2724007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9784 >>9792 >>4841 >>7375


He then goes on to talk about why Bitcoin currently has value even if it's not a currency:

>Aside from currency there is a second category of valuable-yet-useless assets: collectibles

He's saying that all currencies are useless, but also that collectibles can be too, and that those still have value.

And this value is something that currencies do not have… so if a collectible could become a currency?



>Useless collectibles … have no appreciable use

>Bitcoin at present, looks like a classic collectible

At present, Bitcoin is simply a collectible. But he implies that this could change with progress in Bitcoin's network (at present).

Bitcoin could become more than just a useless collectible. A useful collectible?


He then goes on to talk about different times where simple useless collectibles have exploded in value (beanie babies, cryptokitties, trading cards, etc).

>These anecdotes are meant only to illustrate that the simple phrase “I have more of it than you” can have near-magical value-creating force.

>The fact that it is virtual is not a drawback, quite the opposite.

>Existing only on the internet seems to facilitate explosive growth of a social valuation phenomena.

Bitcoins may have near-magical value-creating force.

Wealth for the people.

Meme magic. I've always held the view that Bitcoins are the first ever (potential) currency to run on meme magic. Might be true. Might not.


>Bitcoin could, like other collectibles, continue to have value.

>The value of Bitcoin might even outperform the sorry track record of more conventional collectibles such as coal, silver, or nickel.

Even without being a currency, Bitcoin can continue to have value and might outperform things that people currently view as safe bets.


>Or crude oil.

A jab at the petrodollar.

And a hint for the future?

Good article.


>Source of alpha

Last point - he brings up the idea of collectibles having a 'source of alpha' in that they hold their value steadily outside of the fluctuations of the markets.

I'm not sure if Bitcoin fits this description currently, as it seems to be traded as a standard forex and stock market inverse at times. But I suppose this could change if people stop treating it as wallstreet plaything in the future.


So after reading the article more closely, it seems that he is saying while Bitcoin is not a currency, it could be one, and even if it isn't, it might still create a lot of value for those who participate in it, and that it might have some benefits like having better value than things we currently view as valuable, and by being more steady than them as well due to the fact that it's value comes solely from meme magic (for now) and because it leverages the growth potential that only the internet can provide. It's actually a pretty positive article, more so than I expected, but we'll see if what he says comes true or not.

And for a more sobering view, his other article is always there to provide some grounding.




Oh and one last note. In the article he uses this word:


It is the Australian spelling of the word 'focused'.

It draws errors from any computer spellchecker, so I doubt it's there on accident.

Could be a reference to CSW, an Aussie.

Could be not.



Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 27, 2018, 10:20 p.m. No.2762849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7906


>this Faust guy is a very stable genius.

I think so too. Certainly am learning a lot from his works.



Yeah, I doubt that was an accident.

Pic related.


Looks like it's about time to craft some more proofs.

I'm thinking that they will come in handy in the future. Maybe late this year, maybe next year.


Also, I am seeing a lot of necessary disinformation going on right now in the crypto space due to the upcoming hashwar that these proofs might step on the toes of, so until things become more clear I'll probably just build them and leave them here.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 27, 2018, 10:51 p.m. No.2763137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6886 >>4841



Might want to check this image out if you haven't seen it before.

Gives a very interesting breakdown of what happens in a true SHTF scenario and what things are valuable and worth having if things go that way.


You'd think that crypto would be a no-go in a SHTF kind of situation, but who knows with advancing technology like this: >>2713320 >>2715515

Things beyond our imagination are probably waiting to come into the light.

In any case, if it's good to plan for SHTF, it's probably also good to plan for everything going well too like the other anon said.




Kek, hopefully I never have to use this info.

But at least now I know.



This post ties into what was said earlier about if it is possible to live a world without money/currency. This is something that I want to dig on asap.

But for now… I'm trying to wrap my mind around the concept itself. It almost sounds like UBI or Communism at a first glance.

If everyone gets paid the same, how do you properly allocate scarce resources? (even in a world peace, high output world, things are still finite).

I think that if people cannot use money to separate themselves into social strata, they will simply find another way.

I need to do more reading on this.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 28, 2018, 12:42 a.m. No.2763858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4870 >>9406 >>4841

Interesting info just surfaced briefly on r/btc. Thread was heavily downvoted immediately.

Worth digging into to check for connections like the comments say I think.


The Satoshi Affair:

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 30, 2018, 12:06 a.m. No.2794689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4789 >>7519 >>5107 >>4841



I think I finally understand this gift.

Created a graphic to help others see as they can.

Thank you.



>wonder if watching

Doesn't seem to be a far-fetched theory.

I'm learning the meaning of these words:

>This board has more power than you can imagine.


>popcorn reference

Funny you should mention that.

Someone else in the space did put out a popcorn reference after your post (pic 2)… and perhaps an /ourguy/ reference? It's a longshot.

It seems like he is currently antagonistic to CSW (but pro-BCH), so if my longshot is correct, then it would play into your idea of this being a movie in a certain sense.

But - he also talks of new consensus protocols… eternal vigilance. I'll admit that I am not well read enough in this space to know if this Avalanche is a good or bad one.


>Q-like strategy, filtering for people that can see the major ideas vs those that focus on trivia

Definitely agree. I see many similar tactics being used between Trump, Q, and CSW. Like there is a shared playbook going around.

Art of War, Thirty-Six Strategems, and more, I'm sure.

I actually noticed that CSW's 'campaign' (media exposure, public statements, etc) started right around the time Trump's did as well. Like they were running in parallel.

And they share the same attackers as well.

Not that we need to define a clear link between the two, but it just shows another facet of the Good v Evil currently going on.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 31, 2018, 2:27 p.m. No.2822041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5226 >>5474 >>4841


>At what point are Coincidences, Statistically impossible?

Just a few key coincidences should be enough for those paying attention. This caused me to consider the Avalanche paper more carefully.

I see that it has 21 pages, and the word 'structure' appears 7 times.

Those plus the Q in the URL and the reference to Avalanche, along with the timing of the release, is more than enough for me to say that this paper might just represent the future of Bitcoin. Very exciting.

I didn't want to say anything until I was sure, but when I first saw this paper, I got the same feeling I did when I first saw the original whitepaper.



>Sevens Structure

This connects some dots.

So the Bible is structured around the number 7. In fact Chuck Missler (RIP) says this:

>There is design in the very STRUCTURE of the Bible.


Going back to Bitcoin, I see now that the number 21 is actually another multiple of 7.

So this opens some doors up about numbers, primes, etc.

I was always aware of 7 itself just from being on the chans long enough, but I wasn't aware of how deep and how far back it went.



This one makes me think as well.

I wonder if the double S's has this hidden meaning wherever it is found…


But then again there is:

>Slim Shady

Checked the news for Eminem…

What do you know, a Bitcoin mention breaking today.



And then:


First name of Storm in X-Men.

X-Men reminds me of Professor X; Charles.

>Ryan X. Charles

Said that CSW is Satoshi after your post.


Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 31, 2018, 2:46 p.m. No.2822258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0587


This looks like a very interesting avenue to dig on. New doors have been opened.

Give me some time to dig and process everything (including the Avalanche paper) and I will report back with anything I have found.


>5.7 B Budget

5 + 7 = 12

12 <-21

Wonder if anything? Maybe nothing. Digging will probably reveal.



>Chuck MIssler

>Chuck MI


Kek. Should dig to see if WH or BH, but he does have an interesting bio.


>but I think this is perhaps the best evidence I've seen of /ourguys/ having been working behind the scenes well before we would have ever guessed.

This is what I think as well.

The Bible was written by, given structure by people who view the number 7 as important.

Sounds like something /ourguys/ would do for sure.


>Read the BIBLE.

>You have more than you know.

>This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.

This makes me think of prophecies, etc.

Certainly worth exploring. Also ties in with the Lion of Judah photo posted earlier in this thread.

Definitely something that I need to spend more time reading on.




Kek, interesting timing on those drops.

Hopefully this will clear the way for us on social media a bit.


A quick glance at the Avalanche paper reveals the words 'Snow White' and 'Ouroboros'.

Both are examples of Proof of Snake algorithms. Certainly no coincidence.

Clown fingerprints all over that, with those word choices… so this is who we are up against.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Aug. 31, 2018, 3:21 p.m. No.2822647   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Very interesting notes about the date 10/17.

JQ, Jewish Question, Jesus Question.


Coincidentally, someone did some drops in the main breads about cryptocurrency, Dennis Rodman, and 'October Qth' (October 17th).

I'll have to look into this more because of what you said.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Sept. 3, 2018, 12:25 a.m. No.2856278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8436 >>8522 >>8789 >>2402 >>1259 >>4841 >>4391



These posts sent me down a number of very deep rabbit holes. I will try to explain what I've found.


House of Mercy

Starting with the crumbs in your initial post, we can see that Bethesda, the creators of Doom 2016 are potentially /ourguys/ (img1).

I say this because only /ourguys/ would create a game where NoName and HRC are villains who create Hell on Earth trying to extract unholy forms of energy using the expertise and facilities of organizations like NASA and CERN.

Not only does this show that Bethesda might be /ourguys/, it also shows that they potentially have access to high level intel. That Bethesda was able to write about and use these topics as plot devices years ago before they were shown to the public hints at them possibly having some sort of gov connections.


Nes Nistar

Next up, is to figure out what is meant by 'Hidden Miracle.'

Well I visited and it redirects to a Bitcoin website. So I take this as meaning that Bitcoin is the Hidden Miracle.

While I do agree that Bitcoin is near a miracle, I had to think on why it would be a 'hidden' one.

Which led me to this:

>In Purim, HaShem and His hand is so hidden that His name is not even mentioned in the book of Esther. Never the less, HaShem surely delivered His people in a miraculous way. This type of miracle is called a nes nistar - נסתר נס, a hidden miracle.

This would fit Bitcoin if it implied that some of the people behind it were never named - 'His hand is so hidden that His name is not even mentioned…'


Considering that this crumb was tied in with the others, I had no choice but to consider that Bethesda was somehow involved in the creation of Bitcoin and that the hidden part referred to them not being named.


Bitcoin and Bethesda

Searching for 'Bitcoin and Bethesda' I came upon an interesting theory posted to the bitcointalk forums in 2015 (img2).


The author tries to make a case for Bethesda being behind the creation of Bitcoin, Ixcoin, and other things using coincidences and interesting ideas to tie his theory together.

It's a bit wild, and most of what he brings up can easily be explained away, but he does bring up one interesting connection concerning the founder of Bethesda:


CSW Squared

Most in the Bitcoin space would immediately recognize CSW as meaning Craig S. Wright, but it seems the author of the above theory has found another: Christopher S. Weaver.

>After his baccalaureate degree, Weaver earned dual graduate and post-graduate degrees in Computer Science and Japanese Ethnomusicology from Wesleyan University. After returning from Japan on a student exchange program and Princeton-in-Asia Scholarship, he was elected a University Scholar at Wesleyan and went on to complete an advanced dual degree (CAS) with specialty in Japanese and Physics. He also earned a graduate degree in Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Computer Science, Japanese, Physics, and Engineering. Interesting. Hallmarks of a Satoshi, but could be nothing.

On his twitter account you can see his handle contains the CSW we talk about (img3).

It also shows that he studied/works at MIT, which leads to the next point…


Trump, Tesla, Time Travel, and Bitcoin

Now we can finally move on to your second post where the Doom Slayer/Hell Walker moving through time and John G. Trump are mentioned.

Thanks to the 4chan post about Donald Trump having access to the Tesla papers through his uncle John Trump we can make some connections (posted on the 17th, img4).

Namely, we can assume that Trump (both) has/had access to interesting ideas thanks to Tesla's papers. Whether actual time travel is one of these or not is up for debate and beyond me. But let's just assume there were some advanced things in there. Maybe some of these ideas would end up providing the spark for Bitcoin in the future/past.

Next we can connect John Trump back to Christopher S. Weaver via the MIT connection. Both would have been at MIT at the same time, Trump as a professor and CSW as a student. Perhaps they stayed in touch.. shared ideas? Bethesda was founded right after the death of John Trump, which is interesting.


One last little note is of the 21e8 block that was recently created in Bitcoin (img5). The finding of this block initially led many in the space to think that this was proof of some sort of time travel, or perhaps just a quantum computer.

I couldn't find anywhere where a convincing argument was presented for either case.




Everything I just presented is a bit fanciful, and tying things together at the end was a bit tough with what I could find online, but that's where the crumbs led.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Sept. 3, 2018, 12:34 a.m. No.2856320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2402 >>4841


Check the notables anon: >>2684037

In short, yes there are probably connections, and we might have found some clues to prove it.



Thanks anon. That helps reinforce the idea that I should put time into learning more about these things.




Also I know there are still some posts I haven't gotten to in this thread yet (future without money, DARPA/NSF, British crown, etc) - I plan to asap.

Anonymous ID: 5ed7ab Sept. 3, 2018, 12:38 a.m. No.2856344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1382 >>2402 >>4841

And before I forget, I did find another interesting coincidence having to do with CSW.

Perhaps this proof is even bigger than I know for people who aren't yet convinced.


I went and dug up his father's veteran records and it turns out that the Bitcoin whitepaper was released on his father's birthday.

Also if you add up the digits in his father's birth year it sums to 21.


The third picture is just some guy in a green shirt that caught my eye during the latest Trump rally. No idea who it is but my autist sense tingled. It's probably nothing but I'm putting it here so that I can come back to it later if I have an epiphany.