Anonymous ID: 6ca1d6 Aug. 21, 2018, 12:40 p.m. No.2691167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8335 >>2769 >>4841


Considering the NSA scooped up everything on everyone, they've got to know who Satoshi Nakamoto is…if not some unit in the NSA itself. I really can't see a smooth transition unless they control Satoshi's coins…


There's got to be a deal with the top Bitcoin holders to cap them at a certain wealth level in exchange for becoming players in the bigger game of how to successfully disrupt the system without destroying it or creating uber-wealthy individuals.


Not against profit by any means, but there is a trade-off to be considered if being a trillionaire comes at the cost of destroying the system and the people that sustain you. Some scheme of securing the hoard could be advanced which then becomes the backing of the USD or some universal currency.


What's missing is the middle office of service providers and a blindingly easy user interface. If Bitcoin is so easy and perhaps utterly invisible to the end user, that would be the ideal situation. As Steve Jobs used to say, it just works. 2018 guys, shit should be flawless and work awesome…and with these corrupt fucks out of the way, maybe that's possible…