J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 6dfa94 Sept. 2, 2018, 3:43 a.m. No.2843855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7326


Lets whack your hostility to one side about 'delusional'. You seem opposed to people learning with a 'just give up' message. Fuck you.


Only knowledge made public can be patented. Go ahead, try to patent my contingency plans (it's only a couple of hundred a pop). I'm got at least 20. I can adapt the rest on the fly.


And look around you, are most people the knowledgeable type? Do they look like they could give advice on how to start a fire? (I bet they would ask 'does anyone have a lighter or a match?' - what do they do when lighters and matches run out?)


Hollywood types can't cook for shit. Had a first hand account from a person who quit, said the celebrity broke down, first week (before they managed to rehire anyone) was a total mess, literally the kind who can't boil rice in a bag. Bear Grylls uses hotels and he's supposed to be their version of survivalist, so make of that what you will.


You also can't patent prior art. There's no profit in the knowledge, EG how to start a fire, because most people use electricity, and don't care.


You come into my house, you steal my supplies, but you can't steal my knowledge and if you know I could do everything from filter water to start fires, are you going to bust a cap into my ass? Maybe you could try to torture me for the information (I could just give you bogus info, you have no way to make sure just short of checking every piece) and then kill me, but then are you sure you got every piece of information?


How are you going to enforce your patents in an anarchy, anyway? Throw some contracts at me? Open-source will be useless if you have no internet and no harddrive (EMP). Even if you faraday cage a harddrive, that HDD could fail from physical blows at any time, and then what?


Q is right every battle is won before it is fought. You stick to your patents and open-source and I'll stick to my memorisation of survivalist knowledge and we'll see who comes out unscathed in the event of a massive disaster.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 6dfa94 Sept. 2, 2018, 3:53 a.m. No.2843883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1736 >>7526


You're right it appears mark-of-the-beast-esque. Unique IDs for everybody! Globalist currency!


But you're wrong about gold and silver. Gold and silver can be physically stolen (it just can't be hacked or destroyed via EMP).


Don't bother burying it in some woods somewhere, because a metal detector sweep is going to find that. Even if we didn't have metal detectors, there is ground radar that detects changes in the floor (so a sudden shift would likely indicate a burial spot or hole).


And if you keep it at your house, be aware George Bush previously signed a bill allowing the US to seize anything and everything (including you - into forced labour) in the event of a disaster. So if they know you're a prepper (chances are they do) and you're using a smartphone, you're pwned (they'll merely visit your house and seize the goods, by force).


Better for preppers to NOT signal what they do and do not have.


Do not state publicly (online or off) whether or not you have:

1) Guns/ammo

2) Food supplies

3) Gold/silver/valuables

4) Other assets (EG generators, a small allotment, water filters etc)


Simply play dumb. Make yourself appear a non-valuable target. Don't even tell neighbours (or family if you can, as loose lips sink ships), because neighbours could turn on you (or tattle).


You want to behave more like a smuggler (keep it secret) during Independence Day than a shop owner. Likewise, tell other survivalists to do the same thing, don't broadcast how valuable a target you are.