Anonymous ID: 6ef775 Aug. 22, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.2705467   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I didn't know where to put this thought so in the money thread it goes

Natural Resources should not belong to a private entity. If it is from the land of America and is sold the money should be given to all of its people. People who work in these industries should earn fair wages and the profits should be divided with those who inhabit our beautiful land. If companies or other countries need those resources they pay like anyone else would to WE THE PEOPLE. The cabal or whatever you want to call them has been doing this with the living soul resources for a long time. Sucking us dry by selling and trading with our Ens Legis but that is a whole different problem that needs working on. The easiest way out of this mess is just to say NO MORE and refuse to play their game. There are a hell of alot more of us than there are of them. If we all just stop PAYING for their game of fraud against us what can they do? NOTHING.