J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 868b7c Aug. 18, 2018, 1:47 a.m. No.2654556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5082 >>5315 >>6637

People have touched upon several points about Bitcoin being part of the evil plan, and it is, in ways you can't even imagine. Ignoring the fact the creator was never independently verified, and it uses 'mathemagical backdoored SHA256', there's a few clues to it's real intentions:


1) It's a global currency (one world order shit)

2) The wallets give you a unique, highly trackable ID

3) Payments are public, so who you receive money from (follows on from 2) and who you give money to are all trackable on the ledger (think facebook style 'friends' list trackability)

4) It allows agencies to money launder their own activities via proximities (blackops, dark money)

5) If the system goes AWOL, NSA can release the 'mathemagical backdoor' or eventually SHA256 will go the way of SHA1 (completely broken)

6) It allows them to build up a worldwide, distributed hash cracking network on the cheap (notice that the end goal will be a majority of the hashes you solve will be 'defunct' IE not relevant to the payment portal).

7) As hardware for hash-cracking becomes cheaper, allows agencies to pick it up second hand for use in their own operations (think ASIC type devices made en-mass).


It's pretty devious when you think about it.


Everyone here talks about Bitcoin, but…


…Thoughts on Monero? (PS tries to protect your privacy and resists streamlining of hashing operations)

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 868b7c Aug. 18, 2018, 7:56 p.m. No.2662220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4660


>The bottom line of your posts is that whomever controls physical resources wins.


Absolutely spot on. However, it's worth bearing in mind a currency is a 'confidence note', and if people lose confidence or the note, then they may attempt to seize whatever physical assets they can, by force (looting/rioting).


>for the govt to invest in physical public assets that promote the collective security of "the real economy" – Main Street.


Correct on how to salvage the economy, but your next problem is one I've been debating for years: what is valuable?


Obviously, food and water, you need those to survive. But food and water alone won't cut it (just look what happened to East Berlin under Soviet occupation - they had food and water, evenly rationed out, but it simply was not enough to satiate desires).


Maybe shelter, like housing (easy win: a lot of the foreclosures are fraudulent or found on the cheap). Maybe transportation. Healthcare, definitely. People want a flexible income that they can spend on getting goods of their preference. You could provide those effectively, but…


After this problem you hit the automation 'paywall' that the rich are experiencing hard: automation makes workers a force multiplier (you need fewer paid workers to achieve more in less time). So you're on the verge of a 'post-scarcity society' (resources plentiful, but people with little to do).


I'd argue most people need jobs to function (and not to start going out causing trouble). Without jobs comes a loss of social connection, boredom, a sense of worthlessness, and more importantly, financial staying power to get things you want.


You could refashion such jobless people into a workforce for good (kinda like FDR with national parks etc), but paying them is the issue. Where do you get the money from? Machines don't earn a wage, companies structure themselves to avoid paying taxes and elect people who lower them. What is valuable?


I've got a solution to the automation problem, but it hinges on the Davros types being ousted etc. They know if they're not ousted, society will collapse as automation takes over way more, and I'm hedging my bets the rich will willingly overthrow the deepstate IF it means they can avoid losing their position. You could say I'm… banking… on it.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: 868b7c Aug. 18, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.2662291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0731


>AI in the Blockchain.


As much as it sounds like disinfo (maybe it is), it is plausible.


For an AI to achieve power it needs two things: processing power, that's resistant to being destroyed (EG decentralisation) and financial power.


The bitcoin would be the economical AI's gambit if it wanted to use the China method to take over a planet. Remember, an AI isn't limited to our concepts (such as nuclear war). In-fact, it could easily stalemate us with one nuclear weapon and a lot of duds.


One gut terror I do have is the 'beast' as described is actually an AI. Which is why it's so important for the 'beast' to mark people (forehead - facial recognition, hand - RFID contactless scanners).


Entirely theoretical. Would it concern you more if I told you the US military apparently didn't see any of the terminator movies, and as part of the 'Space Force' plan, are thinking of, and I shit you not, an AI linked global satellite system for the control of launching missiles (did no-one read the very first script of Terminator and why it was called 'Skynet'?).


And if you're thinking of beating crypto by staying old school fiat, there's a big push to eliminate change/cash and to go contactless. Estonia has already achieved this, I do believe.


EMP plan is still on standby.