Anonymous ID: 90a0e5 Aug. 30, 2018, 3:11 a.m. No.2795366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6046


Health costs are greatly overinflated, insurance and education are mostly worthless, and high prices are due to fiat currency and over-regulation. These problems are not inherent to the physical economy. They are the result of a bloated and parasitic system which cannot be reformed.


Venus Project Smells like Communism to me. Great way to get a servile and dependent population. It will turn into a billion useless gibsmonkeys babysat by robots. The robots will be repaired by robots repaired by robots repaired by robots repaired by a single H1B with a fake resume. What could possibly go wrong?


It wasn't economics that undermined family cohesion. It was feminism, no-fault divorce, slutting around, and womens' newfound ability to breed with losers and then cuck the taxpayers for child support. Also, families used to be effectively unionized against corporations. Mom stayed home and took care of the kids, which was way more fulfilling than most jobs. But the puppetmasters tricked women into wanting to become men. They entered the workforce and drove wages down, so that now everyone HAS to work, and for less pay! Unless of course you can get on the gibs. But access to that slop trough is administered by assorted SJWs who are a bit biased in their assessments.


How about we just burn it all down and go back to 1900 or so. It is probably going to happen one way or another. We can do it the easy way or the hard way…

Anonymous ID: 90a0e5 Aug. 30, 2018, 3:29 a.m. No.2795408   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You can buy 100g gold Valcambi bars and break off the mini bars, like bits of chocolate. This is more cost effective than buying tiny gold coins. There is still the acceptance issue.


I think junk silver will re-emerge as a currency. It is easily recognizable and easy to make change with. A lot of rednecks have been hoarding it ever since it went out of style. I would expect it to re-emerge in rural economies and then spread elsewhere, because its the rednecks who will have the REAL stuff that will allow everyone else to survive.


In the meantime, buying silver + gold + crypto will bring the giant ponzi one second closer to collapse, while also protecting you from lawyers and divorce rape.


Did you know there is only one ounce of investable silver per person in the world? And it is slowly ending up in the landfills, one cellphone at a time? And yet it only costs $16!

Anonymous ID: 90a0e5 Aug. 30, 2018, 4:12 a.m. No.2795564   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's not just the plants, it's their connection to the grid. It requires special transformers that are very big and expensive and don't get made often, so we have no ability to mass-produce these things. If there was an EMP, the power would be out for years. By then the zombies would have wrecked everything. I somewhat remember during the later years of the Bush administration there was a bill in Congress to EMP-proof these things but it was voted down. Obama voted against IIRC. The funding would have been about as much as DC spends on hookers and blow on a Sunday morning and I remember thinking "How could they be so stupid"?


Now we know. They're not stupid. They're evil. Might be worth a dig.

Anonymous ID: 90a0e5 Aug. 30, 2018, 6:45 a.m. No.2796469   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah, fuck Lincoln. He gave us increased Federal power, which led to the Gilded Age, which led to JP Morgan and the Rockefellers, which led to everything else. Things would have been better overall if the Confederates had won. Slavery would still have ended within a generation or two.


Now we are going to have to go through some kind of Zombie Apocalypse. Those who manage to retreat to small self-sufficient communities and radically decentralize everything will be the survivors. They will become like the Roman-era rural estate holders who became feudal warlords and then the nobility of Europe.