Anonymous ID: 948cfd Sept. 16, 2018, 11:43 p.m. No.3054841   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1286 >>1241



Notables Episode IV - A new STRUCTURE


Important Crypto-centric posts

>>2391183 :: Bannon on crypto, a video.

>>2689933 :: How Cryptocurrencies fit in with the plan and the storm.

>>2897611, >>2700561 :: NESARA/GESARA and the financial reset.

>>2691167, >>2698335, >>2763858, >>2767906, >>2794689, >>2828056, >>2857505 :: NSA and Bitcoin: Full Control, We created it ALL.

>>2527461, >>2797519, >>2805367 :: Bitcoin and the Bible, connections.


Jon Faust, STRUCTURE, The FED, and Q - How it all connects

>>2260304 :: Q & FED. Find and build the "structure."

>>2382758, >>2388235, >>2398952 :: Q, CSW, "Structure", and Bitcoin connections.

>>2613838, >>2635108, >>2645805, >>2650835, >>2655671, >>2658642, >>2660816 :: Digs on Q>>Fed>>Powell>>Faust>>Bitcoin.

>>2661057, >>2673366, >>2682208, >>2682219, >>2682238, >>2682247 :: Digs on Q>>Fed>>Powell>>Faust>>Bitcoin part 2, "the loop is starting to complete."

>>2685151, >>2688831, >>2698274, >>2698327, >>2712747, >>2724002, >>2724007 :: Digs on Faust part 3, "It's not all sunshine and roses: prepare for battle."


Emin, Avalanche, BloXroute, Turkey, and Russia

>>2794689, >>2794789, >>2805107, >>2822041 :: On Emin, DARPA, and Avalanche

>>2977157, >>2977322 :: On Russia, Banking and Cryptocurrency


Crypto Coincidences: You have more than you know

>>2650464, >>2660545, >>2668777 :: 9/11, 444, The Great Awakening, CSW's Twitter account, and Bitcoin.

>>2402902, >>2520727, >>2527461, >>2526332, >>2602866, >>2679859 :: 3301, Phoenix, The Bible, The Plan to Save the World, Covfefe, and Bitcoin Sign Guy.

>>2636339, >>2856344, >>2856320 :: Dr. Wright predictive programming, Oct 31/CSW's father/Bitcoin/21, 21 and the BCH stress test.

>>2684892, >>2684655 :: Coincidences having to do with MaidSafe. Needs more research.


Attacks on Bitcoin

>>2492078 :: The takeover of Bitcoin by Bilderberg, FED, and Mastercard

>>2573675, >>2573686, >>2573697 :: IRON EAGLE, the story of the FED vs Crypto vs Gold.

>>2477178, >>2602247, >>2650305, >>2650351, >>2650861, >>2651168 :: Cabal symbolism in crypto


For Preppers: Gold & Silver, plus other traditional money systems.

>>2688221 :: Synopsis of the situation with Gold/Silver, pros and cons.

>>2763137, >>2732489, >>2689736 :: What to do if SHTF

>>2859369 :: Why S probably won't HTF.

>>2511855, >>2512431, >>2512462, >>2521142 :: On Bonds, Dollars, and the stock market. Be careful what you hold.

>>2605261, >>2680264, >>2681731, >>2746600 :: Money as an illusion and a possible future system without it.

>>2769765, >>2830196, >>2847326 :: Self Sustaining Cities, Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Food For Thought.


Misc Interdasting and Esoteric Posts

>>2259407 :: Letterfag gives theory on Cabal attack on crypto and a future without money, think binary.

>>2365980 :: Are You A DEBT SLAVE? Anon's large Q style post on the reality of our situation.

>>2366530 :: Anon digs on Q's previous drops re: Money/FED

>>2856278, >>2921259, >>2938534 :: Bitcoin, Bethesda, CSW2, and Time Travel



>>2388444 :: Q's "structure" comment and Bitcoin.

>>2398952 :: Q's "structure" comment and Bitcoin Cash.

>>2512026 :: Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

>>2600417 :: Is Bitcoin a Government Project?

>>2520727 :: Bitcoin and the Phoenix - new world currency?

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Sept. 17, 2018, 11:36 p.m. No.3069935   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0147


>Finder of this should apply

Not sure I'm cut out for any type of formal organization.

And there are some things I need to take care of IRL before I can commit myself to anything.


>it was blowing his mind

>the coincidences are really adding up

Count me in with him too.

It's still hard to wrap my mind around everything I've found so far.




Apologies for the delay again anons. Got lost down a different rabbit hole.

Here are two more proofs.


1) "All Happening" proof with coincidences between Calvin Ayre's twitter and Trump's twitter.

2) "Reformation Day" proof showing what I think is the importance of Oct 31 and its relation to Bitcoin and Martin Luther (both are fighting against {them}).

The second proof includes another 10/31 date I found in the 'Making a Mint' paper that anon referenced above. That was a breakthrough for me.

I want to make a longer post about that paper, that'll be next.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Sept. 18, 2018, 1:16 a.m. No.3070357   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0426 >>0670

>>2857505 (checked 5:5)


Thank you anon, I wasn't able to make the connection between MIT and the 'How to Make a Mint' paper.

(This paper has 17 subsections)


Looks like the paper was completed on the 18th of June (pic 1), which is a date I have seen before while searching around for stuff tangentially related to Q. I'm not quite sure of the significance of this date yet. When looking I did find reference to a man named Lord Haw-Haw but it doesn't seem to fit perfectly.

But there was another date that I was able to make sense of right away - the date that this paper was sent to MIT: October 31st.

I now know that as Reformation day, which fits nicely with what Bitcoin is all about.


Your theory about the NSA and Bitcoin and how they planned it out makes sense.

And it aligns with a lot of the gut feelings I've had about this space for a while.


While searching around I managed to find something that backs up your theory nicely (pic 2).

It's a letter of response from the NSA to someone who attempted a FOIA request on Bitcoin.

On the surface it seems like it's saying "We cannot give you any information about this at all."

But of course, there's always more:


>What we are authorized to do, and how we do it, is described in Executive Order 12333.

1+2+3+3+3 = 12 <-21.


>the materials you request [are] a currently and PROPERLY CLASSIFIED matter in accordance with Executive Order 13526, Subparagraph (c) Section 1.4.

That's the EO that Q recently posted about.

1+3+5+2+6 = 17.


Reading it we find this:

>Information shall not be considered for classification unless its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause identifiable or describable damage to national security.

>And it pertains to one or more of the following:

>Intelligence activities


So it sounds like information relating to Bitcoin would have no need to be classified unless the NSA was involved with it somehow. That's reading between the lines.

Since the information is said to be 'properly classified', that means that like you theorized, that the NSA was involved with Bitcoin in some capacity.


>In addition, this Agency is authorized by various statutes to protect certain information concerning its actives.

"We can't talk about Bitcoin because it's one of our activities". Basically.

Interesting to note that they had no reason to write this whole last paragraph since they already showed that information relating to Bitcoin was properly classified.

It's like they want us to know the real answer, without breaking the law to say it.


Another interesting coincidence with this paper, beyond just the EO numbers. The original version of the picture that was posted online has a dimension of 777x1024.


I think we can pretty much say case closed to your theory - as being correct and true.

These digs should be helpful to anyone that was on the fence still.


There's also some articles that came along with this paper for anyone to read if curious:

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Sept. 18, 2018, 1:33 a.m. No.3070426   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Oh and since we defined 444 in this thread, I think it makes sense to define 777 as well.


But first this:











Consider my mind blown.

>the 21 coincidences are really adding up.


Anyways, back to reality:

One of the definitions I found online was that 777 is a message from the angles that you are on the right path.

Meaning that whoever turned to the NSA to get more information on Bitcoin was on the right path, and that they shouldn't give up after reading the paper.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Sept. 18, 2018, 11:36 p.m. No.3084711   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4769 >>4808 >>5923 >>0147

Alright anons, two more Bitcoin Cash proofs fresh out of the oven.


1) Plan Bitcoin - a proof showing relationships between 'The Plan to Save the World' video and Bitcoin. And perhaps how Bitcoin is part of the plan.

2) Bitcoin Phoenix - some of this has been covered in the thread before. This proof shows all the coincidences between the Phoenix cover on the Economist magazine and Bitcoin.


But with the Phoenix cover I found some really interesting stuff this time around that warranted the creation of a new proof.

I'll just list them off here.


a) 4chan's /biz/ alerted me to the fact that the top right phrases were anagrams, so I've included those.

b) I found a reference to 'Phoenix' and 'Ash' in the Satoshi Affair article thanks to anon in this thread encouraging me to read it, so I've included that.

c) Something about 10/10 on the coin around the Phoenix's neck (also thanks to /biz/) which matches the post here about October.


But those aren't even the most interesting ones

d) The greek letter on the coin is a Phi, which is the 21st letter of the greek alphabet. It also stands for the golden ratio. Obvious Bitcoin reference. 21, Gold, Bitcoin.

>the 21 coincidences are starting to add up.



And here are the kickers


e) I found that the release of Bitcoin was announced at 5:05

f) And that it was announced on January 9th, which is the same date (years prior) that the Economist with the Phoenix was published.



Absolutely solid and undeniable proof.


Which brings me to my next pointโ€ฆ


>Do we really think the blah blah blah

Wake up anon.

Read the bread over and over.

Obviously I can't predict the future, but still. I'm doing what I can with what I have.

Read the thread, read the proofs. Decide.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Sept. 21, 2018, 6:31 a.m. No.3120147   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7869


>>2388444 :: Q's "structure" comment and the Bitcoin whitepaper.

>>2398952 :: Q's "structure" comment and Bitcoin Cash.

>>2512026 :: Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

>>3120033 :: Is Bitcoin a Government Project?

>>3084808 :: Bitcoin and the Phoenix, new world currency?

>>3084711 :: Bitcoin as part of The Plan (first image)

>>3069935 :: 'It's Happening!' Bitcoin Proof

>>3069935 :: Reformation Day Proof

>>3100767 :: Bitcoin and the Holy Grail (potentially incorrect proof)


I think that's enough proofs for now. I wanted to get them out of the way before things picked up (if they do).

I know there's still the connections between the word 'structure' and Powell and all thatโ€ฆ I'll get to that later if it's needed.

For now I want to get back to digging.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Sept. 30, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.3265842   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5882



Alright, these crumbs. Let's dive in - first the face value stuff, then the crazy connections.


All for a HAARP?


The trio of 1993, Gakona, and the Photograph in your post led me directly to HAARP (img 1).

HAARP was established in 1993 @ Gakona, Alaska for the purported purpose of studying the ionosphere.

But a quick online search shows that many believe HAARP is actually being used as a weapon - a Direct Energy Weapon (DEW).


It is claimed that weaponized HAARP has the ability to modify weather, to cause earthquakes, and to generate and control other similar calamities.

The people who put forth this theory claim that HAARP is the cause of many earthquakes worldwide, in the Tohoku earthquake (Japan), in the Haiti quake, that it has been used to try and activate Yellowstone, even that it has connections to 9/11, and so on.

It seems strange, but the evidence is compelling (img 1 again).


Based on this idea it might be true that 3/11 was Japan's 9/11 (couple this with the Fukushima Israeli firm theory for more 'coincidences').

Speaking of Earthquakes and Tsunamis, there is this:


Palu Earthquake


This just recently occurred: a magnitude 7.5 (7+5=12) quake, at a depth of 6.2 miles (img 2).

>How many quakes @ 6.2 km depth before it is statistically impossible?

It almost feels like we are being trolled, but this is no joke.


>Golden State pressure relieved by [DS] at the expense of others (sacrifice)

So I take it from this that the DS was using HAARP to keep the 'Big One' at bay, with the consequence being that forest fires would be started by the DEW.

Both California and the Cascadia Subduction Zone up north are overdue for large quakes.


>Listen to me.

>Late October, after Golden State Quakes.

This relates to the time travel crumb. I'm listening.

If the Golden State Quakes in late October it could prove TiTr orโ€ฆ

It could mean that another group than the DS will use DEW in late October; or 'GS' and 'Quake' could refer to different things. GS/DS? DS similar in shape to GS. Too far? Below:


If the DS/GS? is doing all of this stuff, and it is known by allโ€ฆ


Asarah B'Tevet


Finally we arrive at the final crumb. TeveT.

Asarah B'Tevet, also known as Tevet 10, the tenth day of the tenth month, marks the beginning of the Siege of Jerusalem carried out by NebuCHADnezzar.

The calendar they used back then was different, but if we ignore that and just keep the spirit of 'the tenth of the tenth' in mind, then this would line up with October 10 for our purposes.


Digging on the truth of this matter led me to some very interesting posts (img 3).

>Was Nebuchadnezzar II getting revenge?

<Against the DS of his time?

<Will we do the same? On the same date?


I'm not intimately familiar with the Bible, but I was under the impression that it cast him in a bad light. Even though we discovered in this thread that the Bible has structure that is familiar to us, there seems to be a chance that certain parts of it are not accurate portrayals of history. Perhaps the Bible is a mixed bag - some good, some bad.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Sept. 30, 2018, 10:38 a.m. No.3265882   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Now let us enter a parallel dimension where things get funky fast:




Digging into the HAARP & 9/11 theories (which is beyond the scope of this post), one quickly runs across the idea that 9/11 and the missing money was connected with NESARA in some way (img 1).

There seems to be a lot disinfo surrounding this topic, perhaps on purpose, but I think it might be hiding a kernel of truth.

I'm beginning to learn how and why disinfo is used.


The dates we looked at before have relevance again, which gives me some confidence about the direction of this dig:

1993 - Supposedly a U.S. Supreme Court case happened in this year that paved the way for NESARA.

Tevet 10 - Again, supposedly on October 10, 2000, WJC was forced to sign NESARA into law by the 'White Knights'.

So will future prove past, and will Tevet 2018 connect to Tevet 2000 in some way? The people who talk about NESARA bring up the idea that it will create the need for new elections, which lines up with what happens this November.


There's also this:

21 Trillion missing from pentagon (image 1 again). Was this part of the so-called 'Prosperity Fund'?


That's a lot of coincidences for a theory which should be outlandish. All in all, I am paying attention and will see what happens with regards to NESARA this October 10th, if anything.

And to cap things off we get to this:


The Omegans



There's a theory floating around that a group of people called Omegans are working to change the world for the better, and that this has connections to NESARA and to the Awakening (img 2).

It sounds outlandish again, but there are coincidences that are forcing me to pay attention.


1) The Bible makes reference to Omega

>I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

2) JFK's inaugural address makes reference to Beginning (Alpha) and End (Omega)

>We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedomโ€“symbolizing an end as well as a beginning

3) In the main breads, a poster who uses Q-like syntax has a signature of ]OMEGA[. He comes around sometimes.

4) The 'I, Pet Goat II' video, which I previously confirmed as being connected to this movement in some way, contains references to Omega, the doomsday clock, and to the Phoenix and Phi symbols (img 2 again).


Like before, that's a lot of coincidences for something that shouldn't add up.

Forcing me to consider.

Also, while I was constructing this post, a song came on that contains JFK's inaugural addressโ€ฆ. spooky.


Anonymous ID: 948cfd Sept. 30, 2018, 12:26 p.m. No.3267120   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Anons, I want to share some more 21 coincidences that I found while I was digging.


1) bloXroute Whitepaper: A new technology for helping cryptocurrencies to scale. Is 12 pages long and uses the word 'structure' 12 times. Think mirror. Found thanks to Emin.

Perhaps this showcases some of the Russia/Turkey connections talked about earlier (check the names). Global Alliance like JFK asked for?


2) The Case Against Patents: A 21 page long paper from the St. Louis Fed talking about why patents might not be so great. Glad I found this one.

>Do you believe that information should be free?

>Do you believe that censorship harms humanity?


3) California Blockchain Bill: A bill recently introduced in California about blockchain technology. AB-2658, where 2+6+5+8 = 21.

There's another government document just released with ties to 21. DOS released 286410.pdf about Iran. Adds to 21, also 48 pages long which is 12 x 3.

This number is really popping up all over the place. Whyโ€ฆ


4) /Avenatti/ Train of 21: Just for fun.

And now for one a little more 'out there'โ€ฆ


5) 42: The Answer to Everything: In the book Hitchhiker's guide, the answer to Life is said to be 42, which is 21 x 2. It was thought about for 7.5 mYa, where 7+5 = 12.

Like I saidโ€ฆ this number is everywhereโ€ฆ




So with that in mind, I tried to find out what's so important about this number. 21. Why?

Of course there is Matthew 21, but that wasn't enough to explain how prevalent this number is, so I dug a bit.


21 is the 7th unique number in the Fibonacci sequence.


21 is also 7 x 3, which is 777, so 21 is important for people who think 7 is important.


But 21 always has significance with the 3,6,9's that Tesla talked about.

7x3 can also be viewed as being 3333333, which can reduce to 33,6,9

Mason 3 3, 6 and 9.

Add all those togetherโ€ฆ




Multiply them allโ€ฆ


Prime factorsโ€ฆ





And to cap it all off:

21 12, think mirror. Sum the two number OR sum the digits of each number (both work):

>33, 33

Important for masons.


Sum each digit independently (2 + 1 + 1 + 2):


OR subtract 12 from 21




So perhaps this is just a little piece of why 21 is such an important number in certain circles.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Sept. 30, 2018, 12:41 p.m. No.3267312   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8325




Finishing up my dig on Cicada.

I think I can finally answer if they are (((Cicada))) or /Cicada/.


All signs point to them being /Cicada/.

Of course there's the 17 coincidence, but that wasn't enough. Got some more now.


1) Gematria of Cicada is 21 in 3 different ciphers. Also is 42 in anotherโ€ฆ I also now understand 3301. Big clue here.

2) Freemason imagery used in a previous Cicada puzzle. I read about whitehat Mason lodges that went into hiding. 21, 33, 17, etc etc. All is adding up now.

3) JVP, an OG in the Bitcoin world used the phrase 'bitkoan'. The word 'koan' immediately made me think of the Liber Primus.

4) Here's the use of the word Koan in the Liber.

5) "Amass great wealth". A phrase from a page in the Liber Primus. I've always thought this was in reference to Crypto, but could never be sure until now.


So I think this is convincing enough now.

/Cicada/ it is.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Sept. 30, 2018, 12:58 p.m. No.3267576   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1187 >>2715




>Gold Standard

>Potential Problems


I recently found this Reddit post which goes into why the Gold Standard, or why a Gold backed currency might not be the best solution. Since many here are very pro this idea, I figured I'd post this up to see what others think.


Quicky summary:

>Currencies should be stable, immutable, etc. Aka not fiat.

>Gold proponents point to the failure of fiat as a reason to return to the Gold Standard

>The problem with Gold is that the thing backing the currency (metal) and the currency itself (paper) are separate

>This leaves room for tampering, subversion, corruption, etc.

>Bitcoin might be an 'optimal currency' because the thing backing the currency (Bitcoin) is the currency itself.

Just something interesting to consider.


The other image I thought I'd throw up here is from the Beaver poster. It's about money.

He doesn't talk about Crypto, but gives some good ideas about what money actually is, and what the best form of it might be.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 1, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.3289947   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3178 >>3948



I have begun digging into these posts.

Normally I would wait for a Eureka moment before posting.


On the topic of RootA.

The original magazine is steeped in Cabal imagery. And it has some interesting References.

The 6,11 9,11 find is nice. But it causes a certain thought to titrate - why the need for a reissue?


I like Bix and his videos.

But I wonder about him leaning towards Litecoin.

Neutralizes my almonds.


RootAll Evil.





On Japan.

I haven't yet been able to find a place to listen in on Japanese Bitcoin users to see what they expect from Abe.

But I dug anyways.

If I take the TPP crumb, and add it with the Phoenix article, some interesting possibilities make themselves visible.


Will dig more later -

Hopefully not too far off the mark.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 2, 2018, 8:41 a.m. No.3294904   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Very interesting links and relationships there.

Thank you anons.


>3+3+10+1 = 17

>17, 21 year cycles

I'm comfortable saying there is probably a link between cicada and Q now. Awakening, Emergence, etc.

I've always leaned this way but it's nice to have something more solid to back it up.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 2, 2018, 3:05 p.m. No.3300662   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0950


Oh, now this is an intreedasting brain melter.


  1. The Rebel logo is a Phoenix.

>The Alliance Starbird, also known as the Phoenix, was the insignia of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


  1. The Imperial crest is a six pointed star of Remphan.

>The Imperial crest was the six-spoked symbol of Sheev Palpatine's Galactic Empire.


  1. The Rebel ships contain imagery of sun/light.

Maybe that's why the X-Wings are always shown while rotating (spiral).


  1. The Imperial ships contain imagery of the Hexagon of Saturn and related.

Was it always this? Wonder why I never noticed before.


  1. The movie was released May 25th, 1977.


May 25 can also be written 5:25, and when put on a clock makes the shape of a Q with both hands at 5:5.


Like I said, very intreedastzting.

>Often described as a rising phoenix, the Starbird represented the Alliance's goal of setting the stage for the Galactic Republic to rise again from the ashes of the Galactic Empire that it swore to topple.

Go Phoenix Go

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 4, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.3329569   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6698


>acting like child molesters

Kek, thank you for this find anon.


I've heard rumors about VB on the other boards and breads.

Wonder if he'll survive the flood?

Also learned of ETH <-Ambrosia <-> Thiel, etc.

Will be interesting to see how it all plays out.


Also, the person CSW replied to has a very interesting twitter account.

Lots of Q and Bitcoin stuff, very relevant to what we are trying to do here.

I've been reading around and there are some good comments on his posts too.


One person linked an article that theorizes on a chance that BCH will become the new free market crypto-USD.

Tied in with the 'The Storm'. Digital NESARA. There was a proof posted above about the 'hoy grail' - I've only just realized that 5/14 can be 5:5. 5:23 as well, for Professor X's tweet.

But, who knows. Interesting times ahead nonetheless.



I agree with what he says about true value being derived from work, from production, from creation, from the people.

To this end I dug a bit on the Greenbacks that Lincoln experimented with.

What I found is that even though these were superior to a gold standard that (((they))) controlled, the value of these notes still fluctuated wildly based on how people felt about the government at the time, and that as long as the rest of the world valued gold, the power of the Greenback was always in a precarious position.

I think the only way this works is if the entire world snaps out of the delusion at the same time, and if the money doesn't have to be backed by any one entity that people can lose faith in. If they money can back itself, and if the entire world can be willing to move into it, then we might get somewhere.


Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 4, 2018, 12:32 p.m. No.3332119   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2329


Nice find anon.

Interesting situation with all these countries trying to start their own cryptocurrencies.

But of course, I can easily see how this would be sleight of hand.

Hyperbitcoinization soon.





New Proof



That should be the last proof needed.

I noticed that people wanted to climb this ladder starting from Q's post, so this proof was essential.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 8, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.3394391   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5100



>Anything familiar

The all seeing eye. Yes fiat is definitely (((their))) money.

Check out pic related though anons, FLOTUS placing a white hat right under the eye.

How's that for a Hidden Hand? Troll level: Maximum.




>It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means

He has some good ideas for a fictional character, but is too ashamed of his own power. How about:

>The choice is not between this, or that; but doing the necessary; the alternative is chaos.

Seems better.

Just tempered by the idea of being as smart and strategic as possibleโ€ฆ this I am still learning.


>>3349222 (checked)




>>3384111 (checked)

Kek has arrived.

You know, I'm not much of a chartfag either, but the trend reversal is clear.

Looks like the show is about to begin. I derive no pleasure from this, but if the market actually does correct, it should wake people up.

Time for some popcorn.



>done for now

I hope not anon. I am enjoying every post in this thread.

I haven't overlook a single one.

I only contribute when I can though. Normally during the humid summer months, that means never, but through some miracle I have been able to be productive during this one. Historically all my best work comes Nov - Mar (living in the South).

Plus, I think things are just getting started. We may get some more company here soon.





Oh they really love their symbolism.

I think BTC may have bottomed 6 times as well.

I remember seeing a battle between 666 and 777 on BCH. That was fun to watch.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 9, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.3419109   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3026


>666 again





I do read you loud and clear anon.

I made my moves months ago.

And I know you see, there is more that I could do.

But I've done everything that I have the energy for. And I wish I had more, there are digs in this bread I want to complete.


But, anything more re: this happening would require me exerting my will over others - that I do not have in me at this moment.

I will let the market move them, as is the plan.


A certain brand of Russian Fatalism: Lying face down in the Snow & whatever happens, happens.

Who am I to run from this storm?

If there is pain coming, I will experience it.

If some burns while others soar, that is Karmic balance. I have to be careful not to become (((them))) while handling money matters.






Yes, R talks about that year.

And yes I know who R is and of his legitimacy so there is no need to psyop me in the other direction.

Those were also the first breads where I saw the drops about the British crown owning us.



>So why wouldn't Israel be under British rule

British royals are (((them))) who snuck into the royal bloodline, using that country and its wealth to promote Zionism, Greater Israel, etc.

Perhaps I should turn up my power level a bit in these breads. I have been very reserved up till now for the sake of the newfags.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 10, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.3425823   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Try explaining this to the ashes of your ancestors.

Great civilizations wiped off of the face of the Earth - why?

Which ancient civilization is the only one that still continues to this day - why?



I love sharing with others, with helping others, with building them up to be great.

But there is a way to do it stupidly, and there is a way to do it properly.

Even if we are all connected in some metaphysical way, which I do believe, that does not mean one high should give up his position. For what?

This is false. This is egalitarianism - a disease.

Will to power. Others are helped through your shining example - see Trump.


R did irreparable damage to our movement. The irony.

His message caused oldfags to stop policing the boards - quality declined rapidly afterwards. Mistake.

Newfags are helped the most through harsh criticism. This forces self-reflection. They lack.


Sorry anon but I am not interested in the idea of building Pyramids, systems like the HOA, or in continuing the 'idea of america'.

We can do better than all of those.

We must.


Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 10, 2018, 1:59 p.m. No.3428436   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1350



>the cult of no cults



I have given some thought to why he would choose LTC.


1) Avoid the BCH trolls/bots/shills.

2) If BCH kills BTC chain (miner war) LTC will survive, and may even gain.

3) Silverbugs will be naturally keen on LTC ('silver to Bitcoin's gold') and getting them onto LTC-crypto is better than nothing.

4) Perhaps people who don't 'get' BCH shouldn't be buying it right now.


That said I am a maximalist and have no faith in LTC due to the fact that it is a brainless china hustle codefork of BTC and for the Segwit reason mentioned too. I did see that Lee was forced to sell his coins though. Butโ€ฆ

BCH or nothing.

>All those shitcoins will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.



Great post anon.

Yes, ever since I had a run-in with another anon in the main bread months ago, this has been my theory as well.

He told me to think about the plan, to think about 11/11, and to think about timing and 'crescendos'.

If the markets are to rebound before elections (a very important time), then the storm itself needs to wrap up before then, I would think. But who knows.


Also I have been watching some videos on the youtube channel of Craig Mason, very good stuff.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 11, 2018, 7:02 a.m. No.3437742   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7806 >>8491


>Market Makers are scum of the earthโ€ฆ.

I think handling money in general changes people, perhaps for the worse. But it is absolutely amplified when it becomes something like what they do.

Anons earlier in this thread brought up the idea of being able to live or function in a society without money. And I thought that was something worth digging on, because I am naturally averse to money, but the more I dug on it the more evidence I found showing that: no it is not possible.

I'll probably make a larger post in a bit showing what I found.




By the way anons, here comes the pain.


Roubini (pic rel) says crypto is the Mother of all Scams/Bubbles (MOAB).

And of course, he is right if describing the current state. 99% of this market has to go.

But I do have hope for the future.

The statement he released is 3(7) pages long.


>also 10


His hearing just went live:

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 11, 2018, 7:24 a.m. No.3437931   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8491 >>0967



But now is his time to shine. All of the points he is making ring true to me, even for the current version of BCH.

But the person he is speaking with is very well spoken pro-crypto.

Mr. Peter Van Valkenburgh.


BTW, is this a normal tablecloth color for the venue they are at?


Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 11, 2018, 8:20 a.m. No.3438491   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8409



Both speakers brought up the G20.

Worth keeping an eye on it this year. All the usual suspects will be there.




Also might be worth keeping an eye on the following two date (ranges).

Oct 12 & Oct Qth-20th

The magazine correctly predicted something happening on the 10th, we'll see if it continues to deliver or not. And for good or bad - unsure.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 12, 2018, 8:24 p.m. No.3459194   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Nice find anon.

I got so caught up in the hype on the 10th that I overlooked that.


Is also an interesting time. Perhaps a reference to 9/11?


Your post made me realize that I need to get my head back in the game and stop getting too sucked into the show.

Found this, another that I have been overlooking for too long (image 1).

CSW makes a sign on his profile picture.

>"Without even A Sign of mercy"

From the other bread, if you remember.


He also linked to a 17 page paper called Plasma about building tokens on the BCH chain. That coupled with BloXroute and Avalanche should really boost the abilities of BCH - though while digging into those protocols I did find some potential poison pills. I'll include that idea in my post on that topic.





Roubini is absolutely just another banker fudster. And it seems by the numerology in his release that Patriots control.

But honestly I think his points should be taken in stride (they already are) in that we should strive to build a coin that can make all the doubters look like fools.

And for my tastes, no one will ever surpass the 'professor bitcorn' guy.




Yes I can bake. If the bread is full and another one isn't up I will bake.

I don't want to become the official baker but I can do the next one.

I will save my digs for the next bread since this one is almost full.



>BW not 4D

Perhaps anon. But I have come to realize that disinfo is needed at all times these days.

I guess it will be best to just let the future show what is actually going on.


>for the reset that's coming

Yes, but I am wondering if there will be a lot of pushback from the types who are worried about the mark of the beast.

I do see that argument come up often when discussing cryptos (image 2).

Will be interesting to see how that plays out.



Noted anon.

That is an interesting mirror frame.

A quick dig shows it was sold in the northeast US for a time.

Has Takeshita come to town? I will let the future reveal.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 12, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.3460266   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Oh but anons, there is actually one dig that I am glad to put at the end of this bread.

It is very 'out there', and unfounded, and risky, and for those reasons it makes sense to not put it at the top of a new bread.


The Family


A while ago when digging into Julian Assange I did come across an interesting group known as The Family (image 1). A quick reading of their goals made it seem like they were a group focused on taking in bright children, or producing such children from exceptional genetic donors, and making those children into people who would go on to change society for the better.

It almost reminded me of Wammy's House from Death Note in a way.


Well they were based out of Australia during the late 1960's and early 1970's. Right around the time of Assange's birth.

This coupled with the fact that Assange looks so much like John Trump made me consider that Assange was a product of this school by way of John Trump (image 2). Just a thought I had.

Anyways, the fact that this happened in Australia, and that it involved someone who went on to transform society through the use of technology got me thinking. It turns out that CSW's birth date is claimed to be in 1970, which is right around the same time frame, also in Australia.

Since we already learned in this thread that his name is a reference to a character from Mega Man, and that his father was coincidentally born on Oct 31, I started wondering if the names and dates were actually real, or if they were just part of the show as well.

CSW a product of The Family as well? Interesting to consider.

If so what's the true familial connection?


To wrap this section up, I did manage to find another person born near 1970 (1969) who bears a striking resemblance to CSW (image 3). His name is Kristian Thulesen Dahl. He is a Danish politician who seems to be /ourguy/ from what I could find - talks about the dangers of immigration, etc.

Another The Family connection?

Or just me being too autisticโ€ฆ


Romanovs, Kennedys, European Nobility and Earlobes


I was recently made aware that the outfit Melania wore to Egypt matched that of a Nazi character from the movie 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' (image 4). This got me thinking about WWII, Germany, Russia, the Romanovs, The Kennedys, etcโ€ฆ. about the struggle of Good vs Evil.

We know that Germany fought the same evil forces during WWII that took out the Romanov family, and it is rumored that Melania is from the Romanov line (also image 4). So I tried to find some connections.

This is where things get a little fast and loose.


So if you dig into the Romanovs you will find that the mother of Nicholas II was Princess Dagmar of Denmark. This shows a connection between Danish royalty and the Romanovs.

Next you'll have to remember that JFK Jr chose to fake his death on July 16th, which was the date that the Romanov family was executed by the Bolsheviks. This shows some connection between the Kennedys and the Romanovs.

Next if you dig into Nazi Germany and Denmark during WWII, you will find a very strange thing happened: When Germany advanced onto Denmark during WWII, they were given no official resistance, and the operation only took 6 hours. This might show some coordination between the Danish royalty and Nazi Germany.

There's also a Freemason link between the two as well - the Danish royalty are very easily connected with Freemasonry, and there is that infamous picture of Hitler making an 'M' with his hands. Q also asked "was Nazism every truly destroyed", "one finger attached to a hand"? This might show that Germany at the time was just part of a larger structure, a larger plan.


This makes me think that there is a battle between two sects of the European Nobility. There's maybe the good guys vs the black nobility who merged with (((them))).


So after WWII ended, the Nazis were defeated and I think the plan was to try and get the good guys back in power via America (operation paperclip). This led to JFK.

Unfortunately we know what happened next. And coincidentally it was after his assassination that The Family was started. That to me represented the next phase of the plan. A new type of strategy to take back control via new means. And it was still the noble bloodlines, but via unassuming identities.


This brings us full circle back to CSW. If you look at image 5, you will see I tried to see if he had any links to the Romanovs or Kennedys. And perhaps. The ears seem the same. Maybe the eyes. Maybe not. But one interesting thing to note is the Earlobes. Attached earlobes are (at least from what I can find) a rare trait, but they pop up all over the place when looking at the groups I have been mentioning so far in this post. On CSW as well.

So are there any connections there? Is this what Q means by 'bigger than even autists know'?

Who knows. No idea.

But it is interesting.

Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 13, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.3470962   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1043



Anons, I dug a bit on Roubini and you know whatโ€ฆperhaps I was wrong to say he was a bankster fudder.

Maybe he's a double agent fudder.

He's either flipped, or one of our guys controls his accounts.

There's no way to know for sure, but when I listen to him talk everything he says makes sense. Not even just about crypto.


Of course there are the shady connections you guys brought up, and I found more too. Like a picture of him with Soros.

Partying with shady people decades ago.

But in this day and age of smoke and mirrors.. there's really no way to know for sure where allegiances lie without having access to all the information.


Browsing his twitter and some articles I found references to 17, 11:11 (11:55), a 'Q' reference, and of course his nickname is Dr. Doom, who has an outfit color we approve of, and the Dr. Doom character in comic book cannon has ideas about turning against the Cabal. That I found interesting.

He also started talking about 99% after we brought it up here.


So there's no way to know for sure..

>disinfo is necessary

But I am trying very hard to not let first appearances cloud my judgement these days.

With that in mind I will say that there's no way to know for sure - but in either case he does have a message that the majority of the crypto space needs to hear and reconcile with.






Alright anon.. I do expect much pain coming in the future.

I will rethink my strategy.



If that means what I think it means:


Anonymous ID: 948cfd Oct. 13, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.3471043   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Forgot to mention.

This could be something, could be nothing.


He signed up for Twitter on the same month/year that Bitcoin was released.

With exactly a 10 day difference.

and exactly a 5 hour and 17 minute difference.


We are already familiar with Matthew being related to Bitcoin.

Here's Matthew 5:17

>Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

It fits his potential role.

Worth thinking on.