Anonymous ID: 998689 Aug. 15, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.2615809   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1654

All you cryptojews need to deep dive on the SAFE Network. It's not the crypto gold nor is it some shitcoin.


Maidsafe has been working since 2006 to connect spare hard drive space into essentially a software meshnet which disintermediates the server architecture. The head developer is responsible for Aramco's network…if that puts things into proportion. Also, they're working very closely with Tim Berners-Lee's SOLID project for a decentralized application layer which would work perfectly with SAFE as a base layer. Anyway, it's a bit of a different beast than everything else in crypto. It's a decentralized autonomous network first that just happens to require a token rather than the other way around. Do your own research, obviously, as there are so many scams out there. I worked for a AI/Blockchain incubator for a while and realized that almost all of the projects were shit and nothing coming through was legit, just a lot of investors wanting to make money.

Not even stuff in the top 10. All garbage! It's bitcoin or nothing folks…and I'll entertain this BCH bit for a while too. I like CSW but I think BCH is crap…unless there is real proof that BTC is comp'd, I still think it's the better tech by FAR. Anyway, it's definitely more of a speculation, but the SAFE Network (MAID) is a bigger vision, not about money and currency but of decentralizing the entire internet. It was the second crowdsale (after mastercoin itself, now omni) and I've followed it since then. I have reason not to be surprised if this is an /ourguy/ project considering some of the people at Maidsafe and other elements, etc.

Anonymous ID: 998689 Aug. 16, 2018, 4:36 a.m. No.2625614   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6021 >>1951


What the team realized with Bitcoin is that tokens are essential to the adoption and network effect of decentralized systems. First, they have to be pretty awesome in some real respect, user friendly, and balance incentives. TOR, for example, does a bad job at all 3 of those.


You earn tokens by offering a partitioned portion of your HD to the network. That resource is measured by a number of metrics (speed, uptime, etc.). One of the main point, which is unique, is node aging, which separates the trustable parties from fakers. Your resource gets prioritized based on the quality of your resource…is the message. It's an equivalent idea to mining except the measurement is node quality, not processing power. Likely, it will be much less energy expensive than bitcoin because of that. There are parameters put into place to not incentivize centralization. Basically, over time, there is little profit incentive to run a big operation…even pushing to a loss. The idea is that spreading the energy costs across a distributed network is minimal on each small node, and that cost is outweighed by the benefit of a decentralized network for all to use.


To your question, so you earn when others pay to use your resource, which is directly proportional to the quality of your resource according to the network. You can then pay to use space on the network, buy other good and services online or in the real world(assuming acceptance) or sell those tokens for another currency. What's interesting though is where Tim Berners-Lee comes in with his project SOLID at MIT media labs. It's a protocol for decentralized applications. All the application content is stored wherever the user wishes…on SAFE, on a harddrive at home, on Dropbox, etc. The applications simply process the data but don't mine it. Perhaps they could for freemium services or, and this is the big ah-ah moment, the SAFE token allows for micropayments to use the decentralized applications. It's a completely new business model for app developers. pay-per-use. It also aligns the incentives of the developers and the users which is the MAIN PROBLEM OF THE INTERNET today. We are the product. Not on SAFE, in theory.

In a sense, SAFE tokens would be more of a currency than Bitcoin. With lightning, there is still some hope for Bitcoin as a currency, but so far it's much more of a Gold than anything. Not being a blockchain, SAFE offers the one thing that all of the others have an issue with, scalibility. SAFE actually gets faster with more scale. There are no throughput limitations. Increasing nodes has a order of magnitude effect on node propagation.


All the internet really is is a conglomerate of massive data centers, Amazon Web services, Comcast, Google, Facebook, Lakeside, QTS, NSA, etc. SAFE turns them into mere nodes on the network, changes their cost structure, and gives them coins from the network in exchange for our data privacy back…if they choose to participate. Something like this is coming for sure albeit SAFE or something else. It will be the next wave of crypto. We already see things like EOS or IPFS, etc. which are all really poor approaches…if not outright scams.


If the network is merely a decentralized drop box, then a dynamic equilibrium would be found between those selling their tokens and those buying them to buy memory. You've got to see the vision of the network though. It's really pretty huge. Speculative, definitely! But it's essentially saying that there is a new internet coming. It could run parallel or completely replace the current clearnet. It's a large ecosystem of infinite real estate…not just a decentralized dropbox. BCH doesn't do that. It is an can only be a currency…with maybe micropayment channels. Blockchains are great for storing data indicators but not the actual data. Who the hell would store the actual data in the blockchain? It wouldn't scale. And the blockchains that want to allow any memory source with just the indicators on the blockchain, well…that doesn't actually decentralize the data, which is the whole point. There are no others projects decentralizing the data. They are all running into problems because of the top down approach. They want to get rich first and then reverse engineer the solution on a live network…and failing one by one. I think there is a world for both bitcoin and SAFE, but honestly, if SAFE works like it should, it will be a monster and much more user friendly than anything out there.