Anon ID: b525c1 Aug. 21, 2018, 10:39 p.m. No.2698917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Original twitter handle included Q+++


Dr Craig Wright

Bitcoin Foundation

Clinton Foundation Member - Brock Pierce - Funder of EOS


Dr Craig S Wright

Verified account



Jul 15


Percieved. Note this word.


Bitcoin is not anonymous, it is pseudonymous. With reason.


No anonymous system will survive. Cash in paper form is even not anonymous.


But some will not learn.


Dr Craig S Wright

Verified account



Jul 22


Now we start to show what we have been building.


On our terms.


In our way.


You see, we don't need your investment, nor your advice.


For we are #Bitcoin and we are many #BCH


To some. We are your WORST nightmare and the dream is only starting


Dr Craig S Wright

Verified account



Follow Follow @ProfFaustus


The future of #Bitcoin is cash #bch


There is only one Internet


There will be one base currency.


There can be only one!


End of tweets

Sounds a little bit crazy