Anonymous ID: ba157a Aug. 21, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.2689736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2599 >>4841

I made a list of all the different investment options that are available to most people currently. The list is then divided into those that have counter party risk and those that don't. I believe that the massive storm that is going to hit politics and entertainment will also make it to the monetary policy and wall st worlds. It would be smart to avoid all assets that currently have counter party risk since they won't survive the unwinding of debt based financial instruments that an event like this storm will bring. Get your assets into things that will survive and have some form of value that is not simply an entry in a bank's computer system.


Has counter-party risk:


Checking accounts

Savings accounts

Money markets

Corporate bonds

Municipal bonds

Gov't bonds



Mutual funds



Private equity


No counter party risk:


Paper cash (still risk of devaluation)

Precious metals (physical, in your possession)

Cryptocurrencies (held outside of exchange)

Real estate



Businesses (brick and mortar)

Anonymous ID: ba157a Aug. 21, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.2689933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1167 >>8351 >>2599 >>3398 >>4841


Cryptocurrencies are going to help us rebuild after the storm. Q has been telling us since the beginning that this is bigger than we can imagine. Those 45k indictments probably have some of the most powerful and richest people in the world. I believe this things goes all the way to the federal reserve and our debt-based money system. It was rigged in their favor all along and gave them unlimited power over the rest of us. If they all go down, their rigged system will go down with it. People simply won't trust it. Blockchain is designed to trust math as opposed to centralized organizations and people. The world is going to be DEMANDING a form of exchange that is not rigged by the deep state. Crypto's are going to fill that need perfectly. Once the world wakes up to what is really going on in gov't and money, the scale and speed of adoption will be similar to electricity or the internet.