J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: d12379 Aug. 1, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.2403856   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Humour aside, more like 'will riot for food'.


The rich know if they don't reduce your numbers or placate you with free cash (AKA welfare state), you're going to be very hungry, and very angry.


Good news for people who are trying to dispose the corrupt like me, but bad news for everyone else. And I'd rather get rid of the corrupt without people starving in due process.


'Free jobs' (AKA guaranteed work) is an alternative red herring (I threw it out way back to see if anyone would bite) which is basically UBI but you do stuff that might possibly be vaguely considered working whilst they hand you over cash you could have gotten under UBI for not working.


The massive issue with UBI/Guaranteed Jobs is the government would be the biggest financier/employer, and thus if you said politically incorrect bullshit(TM) then your money goes bye-bye. Literally population and riot control. Hence all the militarised vehicles.


You might joke now, but the retail industry is the biggest employer for working class. Pre-empt is here: self-service checkouts (in stores, restaurants, car parking lots/garages, to name a few). Eventually, you will only have backroom staff. And then only the engineers and logistics drivers.


And then just the engineers (automated delivery systems are underway but poorly developed).


Your choice might be between 'deviant fanart poster' and 'cleaner'. For some reason robots are shit at all the really shit jobs. Fancy cleaning out sewers? Because a bot can't.


And don't bother with higher education jobs, it's an oversaturated market with students up to their eyeballs in debt. It's bad all around.


(It's kinda funny we haven't yet invented fully fledged automated farming, though)