Anonymous ID: deb742 Sept. 11, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.2977157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7322 >>7339 >>4841



The whole reason they want Putin/Russia associated as bad, and to tie Trump with Russia means Trump is bad, is because Putin is doing this already and US is following suit.







Anonymous ID: deb742 Sept. 11, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.2977667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7818


> Russia an enemy for kicking out [Roths]?


Any enemy of the world bank is an enemy of those that have paid in blood to join their banking system.




>Reminds me of some articles I saw about russians and cryptocurrency:


Why so funny? Unless your country intends to rid itself of banking and the internet, crypto is just the likely successor. Claiming crypto is bad is like saying money is bad, while you still look for ways to get more.


Roths funded BTC. Their magazine the economist predicted a one world currency by this year, back in the early 80's and there's interviews of Sir rothschild laughing that the cat's out of the bag on their NWO but crypto like likely to stay once faith in governments failed.


Gold standard is just likely a backing but the ledger will likely move to a crypto, even if there's a SWIFT crypto completely separate from person2person transactions.

Anonymous ID: deb742 Sept. 16, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.3046637   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Can't have a crypto currency in ANY country that allows private companies to control internet monopolies without any regulation. They could meddle with independent coins and control the world.


Does anyone know if it's normal for the Inspector General to do a semi-annual audit of the treasury and gold reserves?


I saw this on



Anonymous ID: deb742 Sept. 16, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.3046763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9338



> 5-2016 / Billionaire Soros Cuts U.S. Stocks by 37%, Buys Gold Miner



> 8-2016 / British Billionaire Crispin Odey Places 86% Bet On Gold



> 5-2018 / Billionaire Invests Half His 5.7B Net Worth In Gold



I tried to buy gold and silver by the KG for months I was constantly being put on backorder by apmex and other major sources for silver so I bought mostly gold.

Anonymous ID: deb742 Sept. 18, 2018, 2:40 a.m. No.3070670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4711 >>4982



Do we really think the US gov is going to move to a crypto released in secrecy? Sure they might know who has every bit, but wouldn't it be easier to just fork and say "we made this and tested it openly now publicly adopt a new crypto to ensure everyone has a fair chance to start anew" rather than deal with shifting the 1% to possibly a whole new group of people? Especially since those people are either the founders of the tech or just those that lost their wallet early on?

Anonymous ID: deb742 Sept. 19, 2018, 4:57 a.m. No.3085923   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Wake up anon.

>Read the bread over and over.


Ugh, like I'm contributing asleep.

Didn't Roger Ver register the domain name years before the paper was released?

Don't we have reports of bitcoin inflating from$1k-$7k due to a single trader?


Bitcoin has the hype of MSM. They want it too much and from reports about it rapidly falling into the hands of a few, I wouldn't be surprised if BTC was the NWO One-World-Currency plan.


Doesn't Payseurs family own ATT, which meddles with torrents?


Bitcoin isn't an American tech and won't be adopted. If it were it'd be a risk to the US and likely benefit everyone else more than Americans.

Anonymous ID: deb742 Sept. 19, 2018, 5:11 a.m. No.3085983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>If you had no access to internet/electricity, how long could you survive on the current system of bitcoin ?


I honestly can't imagine a society without electricity. If we had no electricity money would be worthless and everyone would go back to farming in-between church visits. As for internet being down, as a 'technologist' that won't happen. There's too many adhoc ways to mesh local networks and too much fiber for anyone to be offline a full day, unless they wanted to.


Right now if the internet were disconnected mesh-lan's , you couldn't use bitcoin for the same reason it was a useless idea before double-spend arose. But just like SWIFT started with a grace period, most of you forgot what it was like to wait for a check to clear but still provide a service assuming it was good.


>If you were given 1 million dollars tax free what would you use that money for ?


Easy, already there. I don't think about money as "what it buys me", see it as a way of gaining followers trust to work toward a mutually beneficial cause. When you build it, someone has to own it, and that's where you get billionaires and society not understanding why "bill gates or mark zuckerburg don't just sell it all and give it away", ugh goy IS a real thing apparently.


I go into tech to rebuild our community centers and libraries. I wanted to bring fiber to every one, hopefully combine, and distribute from there to schools and public places before residences. I joined wework early with this goal but sadly they lied and never intended to build anything but a name. I wanted libraries and community centers to be like ww's lounge/plug-and-play-tech-center/ with the ability for people to get internet, loan and rent tools, and collaborate. I grew up right next to Edisons 'workshop' and that's want I wanted to make 21st century, nationally.


Everyone thinks only 1 step ahead, and today that's to 'get rich'. If they thought about what they'd do when they get there, they'd skip step1 (get money) and just find people to get to work. Sadly I can't get anyone to join me just to build, because everyone can "get paid more" here and there and they don't care if that's shooting themselves in the foot tomorrow.




What about this NESARA I keep seeing get banned from 8ch?


Anonymous ID: deb742 Sept. 20, 2018, 3:29 p.m. No.3111293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2332


I don't see how zelle is an improvement on anything it's adding a middle man, between middlemen we all claim to not trust. When does that do anything but complicate and sweep dirt around?

Anonymous ID: deb742 Sept. 20, 2018, 6 p.m. No.3113698   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Before Zelle, to send money to a friend you wrote a paper check and handed it to him or sent it to him in the mail.


You live under a rock? There's a huge gap between "Catch me if you can" and Zelle. Paypal did what you say and it's instant now. Before paypal banks didn't have much in way of online banking. Paypal bridged the gap so ebay could dominate mom&pop and looks like all zelle did was remove all banking features and just acts as a SSO between banks aka NBD

Anonymous ID: deb742 Sept. 30, 2018, 8:23 a.m. No.3264463   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't like these bullet points as they hide dependencies. Bitcoin is useless without a centralized internet, like it or not but a decentralized internet makes crypto impossible. How do you find a miner when there's no internet or power? How do you trade if you and the person you're bartering with don't have a trusted connection between your providers?


Calling crypto anonymous is like saying cash is anonymous. At least cash can trade hands without leaving a trace. Imagine if $1 bills were marked as being involve in the drug trade, would people start refusing to accept certain bills because they clearly passed hands of those they don't want to support in any way?


I see the future being a mix of crypto and metal. Coins will arise from the common needs of a society and people will hold multiple currencies directly attributed to their needs rather than this "one shop USD" which no one seems to trust but they trust it's too big to let fail and someone else will fix

Anonymous ID: deb742 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:08 a.m. No.3329421   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The true value of money is the productive-capability of its people.

This is why the purchasing power of the usd started dropping when it was based on petroleum and became the petro dollar. You can predict a countries growth a few generations assuming it was a world power not to worry about many threats. Bundle that with a known rate of depletion, they can know the date the usd-dollar will end before it even changed to the petro-dollar.


I wouldn't be surprised to find out that after the union took a loan to pay for the war and implemented the first tax in 1871, if they didn't have the entire country owned by the house of saudi by the 1970 and then just script the next 50 years of milking the brand best known as the US Dollar via petroleum and exporting the most of it.

Anonymous ID: deb742 Oct. 5, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.3356698   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I agree with what he says about true value being derived from work, from production, from creation, from the people.


Gold and metals were the standard when it was assumed mining was possible everywhere important and the input yielded the same percent output. Meaning 100 men could bring the same amount of gold out of India as they could America. It wasn't until industrialization when certain actors had an advantage and oil had a standard that any major country could obtain.


I noticed these came out this week:


> H.R.7002 - To amend the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act to clarify the applicability of such Act to electronic records, electronic signatures, and smart contracts created, stored, or secured on or through a blockchain, to provide uniform national standards regarding the legal effect, validity, and enforceability of such records, signatures, and contracts, and for other purposes.



> H.R.7006 - To address the concept of "Too Big To Fail" with respect to certain financial entities.


Back to the value. I know that there's a known cost for transmitting the smallest form of data 'bits', and since that would be the foundation for crypto in addition to data/communication being essential for businesses I wonder if that HR7002 has anything to do with this postal service resolution HR7019


> H.R.7019 - To authorize the United States Postal Service to provide certain nonpostal property, products, and services on behalf of State, local, and tribal governments.


I could see USPS being used as the standard for human effort and the source for purchasing a crypto that the majority accept.


When you think about how Western Union started, it was similar and today it's known as financial institution. Didn't we just read about Ripple working with MoneyGram?


Why Ripple didn't take the billions it made last winter to just buy the brand and relabel all the terminals to Ripple, is UNFATHOMABLE to me.

Anonymous ID: deb742 Oct. 5, 2018, 6:59 p.m. No.3356772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7949 >>9109


I looked it up because reading 1919 made me question it, but found this.


> British Israelism (also called Anglo-Israelism) states that people of Western Europe descent, particularly those in Great Britain, are the direct lineal descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. The doctrine often includes the tenet that the British Royal Family is directly descended from the line of King David.


So why wouldn't Israel be under British rule like Canada?

Anonymous ID: deb742 Oct. 5, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.3357375   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>A jab at the petrodollar.


Is petro dead? The whitehouse released an order to be able to build a new fuel cell system that's been known since 1947!


> I hereby determine, pursuant to section 303(a)(5) of the Act, that the development of and the purchase of equipment and materials needed for alane fuel cells are essential to the national defense

Anonymous ID: deb742 Oct. 10, 2018, 6:07 a.m. No.3423026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5823



When you understand what "we" are, what you yourself attached with:


>>You do not know how deep this goes.

Look up Tesla aether:


Now consider newly released CIA docs that made their way on rebbit recently:



We're a ball of energy building ideas off the common idea that holds the 'idea' of this world together.

>>If you knew, you could not sleep. Many of you could never go on.

Some won't like the idea that they're exactly like the person next to them, just building off from where their parents idea of them started.

>>You need each other. You need every ONE of you.

Since we're all just an idea, we need to share more in common to expand more efficiently, faster, better.

>>Learn to ply nice with each other or be left behind. If one stumbles, pick them up. If one asks a question, give them the answer. That is how we grow.

This is how (((they))) kept us together. Think a pyramid of thoughts. Think about how Christianity needed to include the old-testament, how Islam was built off old and new.

Think of spectrum, like a rainbow, there's a place for everything and when everything's in the correct place we can build further. Like a bad idea (lie), it can only go so far before it takes too much energy to maintain that you need to 'redefine' it. A building can only go so high before it needs to be widened or strengthen the foundation. Pyramid. They taught us pieces over millennia and started the masses with pyramid building for a reason, it's how WE ALL understand and build around. A three sided pyramid specifically, 3D, has 4 sides, you just don't see the bottom because YOU believe it's there because you don't believe something could be ontop of NOTHING.

>>There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance. if you turn ONE away, you've hurt the plan. If you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind.

Your place in the world isn't up to just you, it's up to those around you to ensure there's a spot. This is why we need to be on the same page. Take the POV of the pyramid architect, what's the most efficient method to build the blocks and move them to their final spot? You need millions of people but can you have millions of individuals doing what they want? You can if they all just want to fit it and get this thing built with the least effort asap. Think about south american relics. "Where'd they go?" they built HUGE intricate civilizations and bounced? They learned the truth and didn't have enough to continue the civilization. If you want the "idea of america" to continue you need to build a base and find a spot for everyone. So… "trust the plan" means learn your role and become a base for others that may be far behind and align with other 'bases' around you so you can build together.


Start reading up on building a business model and things like 'how to start a hoa' to understand how existing systems work

Anonymous ID: deb742 Oct. 10, 2018, 5:17 p.m. No.3431166   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Anonymous ID: deb742 Oct. 12, 2018, 3:46 a.m. No.3449547   🗄️.is 🔗kun



All people are created equal. You have the right to pursue happiness even if your pursuit leaves your thirst for happiness unquenched. It's unamerican to hold others responsible for your pursuit.

Anonymous ID: deb742 Oct. 13, 2018, 6:04 p.m. No.3468831   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Some people claim US lost the dollar in 1913, some say 1971. I've gotta ask, would NWO rather the dollar collapse or wall st?


Are they making markets violitle to make people pull out to get it on their bank ledger to crash the world currencies or would they crash the market? It doesn't make sense to pump up BTC for such a short period unless it was meant to be an intermediary tool to embezzle