Anonymous ID: e04f03 July 23, 2018, 10:19 p.m. No.2259407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0129 >>0204 >>0208 >>3959 >>4037 >>6225 >>6478 >>4841

Ask yourselves ….If you consider crypto worthless than why did MS/APPLE/Cabal go to great lengths to produce chip sets that bypassed the Binary Code.


Now cross reference this with timing, 2008/2009 was when crypto went mainstream. Around the same time period as the induction of the most common MS I3/I5/I7 chips.


Research Meltdown/Spectra and once again cross reference with timing. Right after Christmas when Q went silent the vulnerability was exposed. Weeks before Christmas Intel CEO sold $24 million in stock…WHY?


Now Ask yourselves why after intel sold stock, and after the Meltdown and Spectra was exposed did MSM start pushing the Idea that Child Porn was encoded in the block-chain….Why?

Timing is crucial.


That sure is a lot of dancing for a currency that many consider worthless.


Money is slavery

Currency in general is slavery.

Sheep no more

It is better to give than to receive.

Add Quantum Computers.

How do they work?

Think 011010100010101101010101

Is a future without Currency/Money possible?

Coming to a Theater near (you).

This is bigger than you can imagine.