Anonymous ID: faffc9 Aug. 14, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.2605261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1654 >>3959 >>4037 >>4841

Food for thought.


When a system is broken you start over/restructure it.


The value of money is an illusion made by "the few" to enrich them.

The illusion of money buys power.

To get rid of the current power structure you change/restructure the system.

Change the monetary system & structure by which billionaires, monarchies, corporations.etc hold power.

Corporations cannot hoard profits as the people share in the profit. Corporations are now owned by the people, not an individual.

When both the mother & father do not need to work to make ends meet, jobs open up, the nuclear family returns.

Perhaps the stock market could be a reflection of the "profit sharing" each person would benefit from.

Anonymous ID: faffc9 Aug. 19, 2018, 9:49 p.m. No.2674660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5063 >>8782



No not corporate buybacks.

Nor the current stock market system.

Nor gold & silver.

Nor the current bitcoin. (I do see a structure here that could be viable with changes)




The largest resource WW is the people.

Payment is only an issue when you are told it is.

What would you do with a million dollars ?

Anonymous ID: faffc9 Aug. 20, 2018, 11:41 a.m. No.2680264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1106 >>1679 >>4011 >>4037 >>4841



We have a system they created to control you.

They decided thousands of years ago certain bloodlines were "better".

They created the rules.

They created money, based not on the resource that is most plentiful, but on a resource that was not.

Corporate profits went to a handful, not the workers that did the work.

They determine what the interest rates are.

They set up a stock market they manipulate.

Said stock market crashes when they want it to.

They created a tax system for their benefit not you.

Then they created the laws which apply only to you if they are broke, not them.

In fact if you are part of the BIS, you nor your family can be prosecuted in your lifetime.

Laws were created to punish you, not them.

Then you were educated on how to play their game,by their rules.

Credit cards, debit cards were set up so you fail.

They created a system in which one person, the Queen, owns/controls 1/6th of the land.

Then they charged you to be educated, on the rules of their system.


So currently we have:


An actor can make one movie and make 30 million per movie, per year.

We have parents that can't stay home to raise their kids, as according to their rules, they are not "working".


Now attempts are being made to fix the system they created.


Heaven forbid we should think out of the box and create a new one, as that does not fit with what you were told "works".

Anonymous ID: faffc9 Aug. 26, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.2746600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3137 >>5809 >>4841



You are replacing the current system with the EXACT same system, with a different name.

Wealth is a power system.

In order to break the current power system (wealth), create one that currently does not exist.

The rarer the resource backing the monetary system, the greater the disparity.


Yet you ignore blockchain which is open and can be tracked. Why would this be ?

It is one system that anyone interested, can follow to see where the money is flowing.


Currency valuation is something that has been created to control you.

Inflation, devaluation of a currency has been created to control you.


Why is open source being ignored ?


You can find it everywhere.

People love to share their ideas, their knowledge which is evidenced on virtually every platform available.

Most don't benefit in a monetary form for sharing that knowledge.


A government can create its own debt/interest free dollar.

A government can pay every single person the exact same amount, no matter where you live in the world.

It matters not whether you are raising a child, building the next car for someone to drive, a member of a football team, creating the next cure for mankind.


If there is one thing I have learned over the past few years, is that people love to share their knowledge & educate. Many have an innate ability to think out of the box, find solutions to problems.


It is when someone thinks they are worth more than the person sitting beside them,that their idea is worth more than another, that they want control over x,y,z, that the problems arise.




This thinking is a great example of how power structure begins.

People have been "educated" to think the same for hundreds of years.

It will take time to dismantle their mind control.


Put another way, not everyone's talent is in farming. (Planting the seed)

It is not that this great number of people are lazy which this infers. Their interests may lie in a different area.


I have heard every single argument of why this is impossible.

Every single argument has been based on what they have been taught to believe.

It is based on a "wealth" or "power" system.

Anonymous ID: faffc9 Aug. 28, 2018, 1:20 p.m. No.2769765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5366 >>4841

Self Sustaining Cities, Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Food For Thought


I am posting this for discussion only. Input. Not because I subscribe to a specific idea.


I have an inherent distrust of each of these. What I do know is that change is required in how we approach every facet of life. Collectively, we have the ability to change the world.


Sometimes when you research one topic, you stumble across other ideas. I may not subscribe to everything each of these do. I do see different perspectives which could potentially be a starting point for dialog.


When Trump first announced his run for president I wanted to know more about him. This lead me to look at the various people around him, and the question why would a billionaire, who has it all, run for office ?


Who was Peter Thiel and why was he backing him ?

Besides his ventures like bitcoin, I found he was building what amounted to self contained floating cities which included agreements with Polynesia and the framework for their own government.

Instead of looking at the obvious drawbacks, I focused on the benefits.


Were there any other models in the works.

Surprise yes there was.


China, Saudia Arabia, and a few other nations, were in various stages of self sufficient cities.

Not only was China building self sufficient cities, they were doing it right in the USA.


"The Chinese Communist Party is the majority owner of Sinomach, so the 10,000 to 30,000 acre “self-sustaining city” that is being planned would essentially belong to the Chinese government. The planned “self-sustaining city” in Idaho"


Saudia Arabia, like Libya, sent thousands of their people to various countries for education, medical treatment.


When the Canadian government became persona non grata, they pulled 16,000 from Canada's education system. Thousands from their medical treatments, and sent them to other countries.


What was the Crown prince of Saudia Arabia up to ?

He was building a self sufficient city, using what appeared to be unreleased technology ?


"$500 billion fantasyland known as NEOM in northwestern Saudi Arabia that’s been dubbed the “city of the future.”"


Then I came across the Venus Project out of Florida which discusses a resource based economy.


"At present, it is necessary for both husbands and wives to work. Monetary economics have to a large extent undermined family cohesion. Parents lack adequate time to spend with their children, and they are constantly stressed by ever-rising medical bills, insurance payments, educational expenses, and the high cost of living. It is in this area that one of the most profound benefits of this new civilization could be realized. The proposed shorter workdays would provide more time for family relationships. Free access to goods and services would make the home a much more pleasant place, with the removal of economic stress that causes so much family turmoil"

Anonymous ID: faffc9 Sept. 1, 2018, 2:31 a.m. No.2830196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0616 >>3855 >>4841



This is delusional at best.

Knowledge can & is stolen, patented, then sold to the consumer.

Open source of that knowledge, which can then be distributed worldwide, negates that ability to corner an entire WW market.

Enables other nations and their people to not live in poverty, enslaved to the same system.


A local community, with diverse skills, knowledge, defense, medical, values, etc. will usually be able to withstand adversity. Those odds increase with planning.

Even federal aid in times of hurricanes etc., has shown that they utilize the local distribution networks within that community.

Why do you think other nations like Saudi Arabia are sending their people to be educated in other countries ?

The answer is simple. So they can bring that knowledge back to help their people.


You need to study hurricane Katrina as one example. Combine a hurricane, with aging infrastructure to include dams, power grids, water contamination, and you are talking weeks/months/years.


This was one of the reasons I posted information on the self sustaining cities.


To start a dialog.


Governments/corporations have withheld critical technology from the masses, including free energy.

They have sold out fresh water supplies to the highest bidder.


If a city was bombed today, that entire structure completely breaks down immediately, which then promotes riots, looting, need for medical. Infrastructure is decimated.

Free energy, would eliminate the need to resort to fossil fuels or rely on existing structures.

Communities in the middle of a disaster would have electricity, heat, and I suspect water, if this technology was released.


Gold, silver, is worthless if that war rages on for years for the ordinary person. The same power structure already owns all the gold & silver.


This is but one reason I continue to question the reasoning for backing a dollar with a system (gold, silver) that they already own.


The only other thought is that if the technology exists, which I believe it does, to create unlimited quantities of various metals, then the market could be saturated. Their precious gold, silver would be useless, worth virtually nothing.


Why does a monetary system need to be backed by something ?

Right, I forgot, because it is the current system!

They would not get their share if it was not backed by what they already owned.

Anonymous ID: faffc9 Sept. 2, 2018, 11:32 a.m. No.2847326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4841



Well namefag where have I ever stated there should be patents ? Hint Never

Scalia was murdered just prior to hearing a case on patents.

Just about every major corporation has been seeded by governments using technology your tax dollar paid for.

The people already own the technology for that reason alone.

Resources turned over to corporations for their gain.


Where have I ever stated that knowledge is not important ? Hint Never

What I did state is that local groups/communities, would be better prepared.

Knowledge must be shared so that govs/corps cannot monopolize any industry.


If you are as prepared as you state, then an EMP should not be a hinderance to you in any way.


Get back to me when you understand money does not have to be backed by anything.

It is the system they taught you.

If you take their system away, a nations currency cannot be devalued.


You are the one stating that looting would last 1 - 3 days which has been proven to be false.

You seem to think that the feds will come to your rescue.

Sorry to tell you they will have their hands full attempting to get to your location.

A local community, purged of corruption, has been proven to be more effective.


You think you can do this all by yourself.

Perhaps you can.

I know you can't. It takes an army & a plan.

Anonymous ID: faffc9 Sept. 19, 2018, 12:26 a.m. No.3084982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5983



Some it appear, believe that a technology, promoted by the current banking system, is the way of the future.

If we allow this to happen, as proposed on this thread, then we doom future generations.

Can I see an alternative form created ? Yes.

I can as well see a completely different system, that does not entail bitcoin whatsoever.


Some can't seem to think out of the box.

Some can't envision a new system/structure in any form.

Some can only work with what they have been taught, rather than what would actually work for humanity as a whole.


Some only wish to get a "jump" on what they believe is the "future" out of greed, not for the purpose of what is the fairest system.


I will again ask 2 questions.


If you had no access to internet/electricity, how long could you survive on the current system of bitcoin ?


If you were given 1 million dollars tax free what would you use that money for ?