This is delusional at best.
Knowledge can & is stolen, patented, then sold to the consumer.
Open source of that knowledge, which can then be distributed worldwide, negates that ability to corner an entire WW market.
Enables other nations and their people to not live in poverty, enslaved to the same system.
A local community, with diverse skills, knowledge, defense, medical, values, etc. will usually be able to withstand adversity. Those odds increase with planning.
Even federal aid in times of hurricanes etc., has shown that they utilize the local distribution networks within that community.
Why do you think other nations like Saudi Arabia are sending their people to be educated in other countries ?
The answer is simple. So they can bring that knowledge back to help their people.
You need to study hurricane Katrina as one example. Combine a hurricane, with aging infrastructure to include dams, power grids, water contamination, and you are talking weeks/months/years.
This was one of the reasons I posted information on the self sustaining cities.
To start a dialog.
Governments/corporations have withheld critical technology from the masses, including free energy.
They have sold out fresh water supplies to the highest bidder.
If a city was bombed today, that entire structure completely breaks down immediately, which then promotes riots, looting, need for medical. Infrastructure is decimated.
Free energy, would eliminate the need to resort to fossil fuels or rely on existing structures.
Communities in the middle of a disaster would have electricity, heat, and I suspect water, if this technology was released.
Gold, silver, is worthless if that war rages on for years for the ordinary person. The same power structure already owns all the gold & silver.
This is but one reason I continue to question the reasoning for backing a dollar with a system (gold, silver) that they already own.
The only other thought is that if the technology exists, which I believe it does, to create unlimited quantities of various metals, then the market could be saturated. Their precious gold, silver would be useless, worth virtually nothing.
Why does a monetary system need to be backed by something ?
Right, I forgot, because it is the current system!
They would not get their share if it was not backed by what they already owned.