Two songs by "The Business"
Get out while you can,
and Real enemy.
Two songs by "The Business"
Get out while you can,
and Real enemy.
Famefag, famehag, same diff….
Why can'r we get real history? Juice?
Why does the internet hate White Mothers? Nazi Ash Kans?
No wonder you changed yer fuckin name, it had no vowles. NAZI Ash Kan.
What if they don't answer?????
In my best whining kike bitch voice>>>"Can We Get a Do-Over on the elevtion?"
Fucking auto correct bullshit….ELECTION!
Not our fucking problem. Let the Bulldogs settle their own affairs.
Seal off North America and clean it out. Fuck Canada the commie proxy state. Mexico has been a cabal playground for too long.
Each one teach one. Inform your fellow man of the yoke he need not bear any longer. Wake up white man. Help your brothers know that it doesn't have to be this way. There is no royalty.
The EU sux brics dix.
Want whirled peas? Nuke Broussels and tell aviv.
I can hear the chants in the street!
That's what they are saying.
Yeah, it's clear…want whirled peas , nuke Brussels and tell aviv…..They sound pissed.
Why did Schumer marry Barney Rubble?
That deer mask bullshit stop a 30.06?
Asking for a friend.
Projectile weapons are real.
Yer fantasy magic bullshit isn't.
Nice pedo spirals, clowns. Ya'll work for fuckin Disney?
In what way is that relevant?
Stop feeding a cat, it'll leave in a few days.
Stop feeding a dog, it'll stay till it dies.
Heh…keep thinking that…KEK
Best video game of all time is….."Cat Splat".
I eat animals every day that We hunt or raise here. Go live in your rainbow fortress, we clean and process our own game and fish here.
For fun? No. For the poultry yes. Fucking city fucktards stop here, the first exit a few miles out of town, and dump cats. The "city-ally-feral" cats come to the nearest houses/farms they see. They kill my fucking $12 hens and $20 guineas. Shotgun shells are .50 cents each. You do the fucking math retard, Keep them at your fucking house if you don't want them shot! No neighbor in this mile section has cats, they don't belong here!
Keep yer fucking cat off my property and away from my livestock and we'll have no problems. I don't come to your property and kill anything. Your fucking cat does!
Time to fucking grow up and face the real fucking world, city fuck. You need to get tossed into a pit filled with hogs naked and be trampled and tossed like a fucking saladAnd that's just the warm up act , niggerfaggot.
I know it's not kosher, but you can get a do-over.
Next you get a swim in the "lagoon" …that's where the hog shit gets hosed out of the pen into a "lagoon"or pond. Mind the snapping turtles that live in this shit ponds…
Call me a redneck again you fuckin Ivey league kike lawyer fucks. You got this coming so fuckin bad. Flyover is gonna become fuckover Country.
Fuckin corrupt lawyer fucks like to talk about being dragged through the mud/ How bout we drag you through the pigshit? With live pigs panicking and bounding everywhere in the 6" deep slurry.
250+ lb market hogs knocking you on yer ass and stomping you into the shit.
Then yer broken, busted up, bleeding ass gets hosed off and taken to prison. There you face the pedo hating, family loving inmates. Have a nice day….faggots.
Nah, that would be cruel to the hogs.
You elite fuckers are gonna get taken on a hayride. Nebraska style.
Lifers love pedos…they can kill em and nothing changes for them.
Lifers stab up pedos in front of the cameras so they can get the video as their evidence at discovery then show off their "work".
Call me a fucking liar….
Do I come across as a bit harsh? You should meet me in person.
You get to work a lot for free.
Don't forget free Gold membership.
Ever work/castrate hogs?
They will knock you around and toss you around like a leaf of lettuce.
In a slurry of their reeking pigshit.
After a bit, you have no remorse for slitting their sack open with a box cutter and pulling their nuts out by the roots.
We used the purple shit that had gentian Violet in it.
Purple hands at school with a knife in my pocket in the 80's.
Brain dead commies gotta face the stats…we don't have a gun problem…we have a racial culture problem. Who does more gun crimes? I've owned many guns for over 40 years and I've committed no crimes.
How bout we take these "migrants" and dump their stinkin asses out on the prairie in Minnesota in the winter. That's what my ancestors faced. Dig a hole and try to survive. Fuck yer hotels and credit cards, fair is fair! You don't get La. You get Wyoming mountain frozen nothingness of ice and rocks.
You sound like a baby raping kike.