this hugo faggot is such an npc it's unreal
america will be england soon enough and all your heroes are fucking jews
this hugo faggot is such an npc it's unreal
america will be england soon enough and all your heroes are fucking jews
they call you cattle because that's exactly what you are
stupid fucking cattle
>first im destiny
>now im nick
goddamn, you're actually retarded
and this is why they call you cattle
unless of course you're really a kike then your responses are typical and expected
>illegal immigrants taking our jobs and turning america brown
>legal immigrants taking our jobs and turning america brown
>oooooooh much based
another white girl dead who won't be bringing anymore white babies in the world thanks to a barbaric shitskin btw
at least your daughters will be able to twerk to wet ass pussy and the great literary musical work that is and you'll always have that to comfort you