So called jew courts or corrupt courts.
Participants earn a Racketeering rico charge
Each count 10yrs in prison.
The majority of citizens don't care buddy.
Grand Representatives
ALABAMA - Theia Catherine Bailey (Bartlett O.K. Houck #216)
ALBERTA - Preston Lay (Harvey Freeman #181)
ARIZONA - Michelle Harper (Gainsboro #303)
ARKANSAS - Elainia Arnold (Mt Carmel #490)
AUSTRALIA - Steve Johnson (Knoxville #69)
BOLIVIA - John D. Snyder (Butler #218)
BRITISH COLUMBIA & YUKON - Lois Overbay (Tate Spring #425)
CALIFORNIA - Gary Coates (Fairview #80)
COLORADO - John Sayne (Greeneville #223)
CONNECTICUT - Kristi Crosser (Martha #155)
DELAWARE - Brenda Raines (Jasper #124 )
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - Sherry Norris (Hendersonville #47)
FLORIDA - Theressa Williams (Mt. Carmel #490)
GEORGIA - Martha Holmes (Betsy Ross #272)
IDAHO - Carol Poteete (Murfreesboro #363)
ILLINOIS - Jimmy Helvering (Henderson #120)
INDIANA β Denise Fitzpatrick Johnson (Martha #155)
IOWA β Jimmie Stevens (John B. Garrett # 271)
ITALY β J.R. Hill (Lenoir #188 )
KANSAS β Ealine Heath (Dickson #291)
KENTUCKY β Kathy Stover (Troy #432)
LOUISANA β Amanda Hearn (Henderson #120)
MAINE - Beverly Potts (Franklin #449)
MANITOBA β Rhonda Freeman Chess (Hasson #179)
MARYLAND β Kim Hagy (Bluff City #414)
MASSACHUSETTS β James Gieseler (Normal Whitehaven #43)
MICHIGAN - Sarah Thatcher (Martha #155)
MINNESOTA β Sheryl Whitby (Jere Baxter #343)
MISSISSIPPI β Greta Hall (Wincester #196)
MISSOURI β Elizabeth Brewer (Shawanee #436)
MONTANA β Donna Jo Jones (Mosheim #292 )
NEBRASKA β Elizabeth "EB" Warde (Bethpage #5)
NEVADA β Skip Ledford (Greenville #223)
NEW BRUNSWICK β Meg Winningham (White Bluff Rock City #2)
NEW HAMPSHIRE β Sharon Elmore (Knoxville #69)
NEW JERSEY β Brenda Totty (Centerville #329)
NEW MEXICO β Teresa Blevins (Hasson #179)
NEW YORK β Mary Martha Sommers (Oak Ridge #390)
NORTH CAROLINA β Elaine Haywood (Harmony #143)
NORTH DAKOTA β Jerold Johnson (Camden #121)
NOVA SCOTIA & PEI β Joel Bremer (Ooltewah #365)
OHIO β Greg Lacki (Oakville #265)
OKLAHOMA β Mary Frances Howell (Livingston#206)
ONTARIO β Deena Coffman (Oakridge #390)
OREGON β Jackie Bass (Camden #121)
PENNSYLVANIA β Jamie O'Guin (Sam Davis #290)
PHILIPPINES - Tamara Hicks (Sunnyside #359)
PUERTO RICO β Ralph Scott (Normal-Whitehaven #43)
RHODE ISLAND β Cheryl Putnam (Columbia #287)
SAO PAULO β Wanda Brown (Maple #79)
SASKATCHEWAN β Harold Hobaugh (Heritage #62)
SCOTLAND - Tara McNeely (Linden #496)
SOUTH CAROLINA β Patti Meeks Owen (Manchester #339)
SOUTH DAKOTA β Joe Harrison (Bartlett O.K. Houck #216)
TEXAS β Kathy Holcomb (Munford #380)
UTAH - Sierra Bridges (Greenbrier #469)
VERMONT β Charles Harmon (Mosheim #292)
VIRGINIA β Jerry Jewell (Nolachuckey-Grandview #194)
WASHINGTON β Donnie McCarter (Betsy Ross #272)
WEST VIRGINIA β Rachel Whitaker (Claiborne #144)
WISCONSIN β Duane Dopkins (Lenoir #188)
WYOMING β Charlotte Johnson (Tracy City #266)
The Man Who Angered Anonymous And Lived To Regret It
You stomach dropping out of your asshole..
Something that let's you know something really bad is going to happen..
Q clearance or Q access authorization is the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data. Restricted Data (RD) is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and covers nuclear weapons and related materials. The lower-level L clearance is sufficient for access to Secret Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) and National Security Information, as well as Confidential Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data.[1][2] Access to Restricted Data is only granted on a need-to-know basis to personnel with appropriate clearances.
We're in charge of the internet, remember that.
Man leading internet claims of Tucson child sex-trafficking camp arrested again