Anonymous ID: 04ddd2 July 20, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.2222580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2611 >>2761



The most important reason

Is that in the restored American Republic

There is no need for a demagogue

To tell people what to think

And what to do


Can do that for ourselves

The government serves the people

Sooner or later

We have to pull up our socks

And get to work, organize our local community

And teach others to play the game of politics

Not having experience playing the game is no excuse

Because the best way to learn something well

Is to teach it to others

So get out of the house, share what you know

And build local teams, for the mitderm campaign

And beyond

Because from now on WE THE PEOPLE

Must monitor every action of Congress and the Senate

And must elbow aside all the corporate lobbyists

Out of the corridors of power

Because those are now OUR CORRIDORS

Q is not needed to do any of this

Anonymous ID: 04ddd2 July 20, 2018, 11:27 a.m. No.2222723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2801



Things have changed a lot since the Roths loaned money to the Vatican.


For one, the many Illuminati bloodlines have consolidated via interbreeding to one Family


For another, the NWO plan was hatched in the 19th century


And the Bilderberg was created to rule the world


It is no longer clear how the different bloodlines have divided up responsibility. Clearly the Roths bloodline runs the Ministry of Finance

And another Jewish bloodline runs the Ministry of Entertainment

But we don't fully understand the Catholic bloodlines and what they do.

I believe that the Holy See (aka Papacy) was the prototype for the organization that the Bilderberg has created. You can see some of this here:


Note that the terminology of chair and master comes from Freemasonry where there is the Chair (presumably something like a chairman) and a person called the Master of the Chair or the Grand Master of the Chair. I think that this Master is actually a religious office, like in the Khazar empire's dual kingship system. This would be some kind of high priest that regularly summons Satan to possess him, and then Satan speaks through this Master. The thing is, the human being who is possessed, is not there at the time, so they have no idea what is said. They need another person, presumably the Chair, to speak with Satan and take notes.


Remember that all the groups we are fighting are structured like Freemasons. Even the bloodlines like the Roths. They all have members who are lower level, who just follow orders and fulfil a role given from above, which is often quite mundane like the girls who are breeders.


But at the higher levels, they all sell their soul to Satan, and are part of the religious order. Most of them would be like ordinary monks and priests. Quite literally in the case of Roman Catholics and under different names in different organizations. For instance in the Communist party, there were party members, then above that was the cadre and at some point they joined the satanic order and their eyes were opened. Or at least their left eye.


By the Way, I am not sure that ALL Catholic priests are bought in to the satanism. I suspect that there are bishops who are not part of this, and they consider the priesthood to be a filter. When they find an evil priest he gets transferred to a different bishop who IS satanic. But the good priests are sent to good bishops because they basically raise sheep and are useful idiots.


We have to be very careful who we accuse of satanism and evil, because they have structured all their organizations, the ones they created and the ones they infiltrated, so that the mass of members are naive sheep and are being used. They are not evil. If these people would awaken, they can figure out who, in their organization, is truly evil. From the outside we cannot do that

Anonymous ID: 04ddd2 July 20, 2018, 11:51 a.m. No.2222897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2909



I disagree

I think that Occams Razor supports recognizing that the Roman Catholic church is a type of masonic organization and that it follows the same structure as other freemason groups.


All Freemason lodges originate from the same origins in the priesthood of ancient Egypt. Including the Jewish priesthood of the descendants of Aaron.

Anonymous ID: 04ddd2 July 20, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.2222951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2968 >>2980 >>3010


>Al Capone was a relative of the Florentine House of Capponi



Did you see that?

Al Capone, the ruler of Chicago was a Corsini.

When he was arrested, a fellow named Hugh Rodham

Took over the Chicago crime empire

Ever heard of his daughter?

The one profiled in Life magazine?

Hillary Rodham?

Is she in this bloodline?

If Bill Clinton is really from the same German bloodlne

As the Bush family, then the Hillary-Bill show

Would have been one of the unions between

Two major bloodlines.

Let's dig into this

Anonymous ID: 04ddd2 July 20, 2018, 12:01 p.m. No.2222978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I noticed on Twitter that @Thomas1774Paine is now wearing


Is he being blinded by the light

As we move from darkness into light?

Anonymous ID: 04ddd2 July 20, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.2223103   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Because patriots are not nutcases

The nutjobs are all liberals

And they want to legally fuck little kiddies

Patriots, on the other hand, value family, stability, law and order