Anonymous ID: 3d424a July 20, 2018, 11:57 a.m. No.2222941   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2948 >>2959 >>2962



Q Anon – A Personal Awakening


If you haven’t heard yet of Q Anon, you will. Perhaps you’ve already heard of this mysterious internet figure but haven’t decided yet what you believe about him (or her). I’ve been researching Q and I’d like to share a few things that I’ve learned.


My wife discovered most of the people I follow on YouTube and Periscope. She has a knack for finding good content providers. She’ll be listening to a video when a pearl of wisdom will drop into a quiet room. I’ll wander over and ask who she’s listening to. One day she was listening to a YouTuber named Tracy Beanz as she read a post from Q.


“What is a key?

What is a key used for?

What is a guard?

What is a guard used for?

Who unlocked the door of all doors?

Was it pre-planned?

Do you believe in coincidences?

What is information?

Who controls the release of information?


Who disseminates information?

What is the MSM?

Who controls the MSM?

Who really controls the MSM?

Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources?”


A couple of times a week, Denise would listen to Tracy decode of the latest Q post.


I tried to ignore it. I had books to write and Q seemed like a waste of time. What’s with the coded messages anyway? And the cryptic questions… what purpose did they serve?


One night in December of 2017, I had a dream where I met a man. As we sat on a couch and talked, he informed me that my understanding of historical events was wrong. One by one, he recalled events from history and corrected my false perceptions of them. Then we got up and walked into a large, open room. As we walked, he asked questions. He mentioned the names of a couple of famous people. Then he mentioned a news headline “Do you remember these people? Do you remember the event? How are they connected?” He brought up another event and a couple more people. “Do you know who they are? How were they involved?” The questions went on. In the dream, I realized that this was exactly the way Q speaks. Suddenly, he stopped and turned to look me in the eye. “Do you understand that this is primarily about the children?” With that, the dream ended. You might think dreams are random, meaningless occurrences. But I’ve learned otherwise. I spent the next week reviewing videos that decoded Q posts. Then I began researching Q for myself. It wasn’t long before I had a grasp of the overall message Q was conveying. A few weeks later, I was doing my own Q decodes on Periscope and then Youtube.



Q was first embraced by those who follow internet conspiracies. I suspect that was by design. Q could have posted about any one of a thousand topics but he chose ones that interest conspiracy researchers. Why? Because he was recruiting researchers for a specific type of work. What better way to bring them aboard than to drop intelligence (from reliable government sources) on their favorite subjects?

Anonymous ID: 3d424a July 20, 2018, 11:57 a.m. No.2222948   🗄️.is đź”—kun





Q’s mission happens to involve people who are the subject of conspiracy theories but his discussion of those subjects has been limited because (at this point in the operation) the more those subjects are discussed, the more the entire thing appears to be a conspiracy. Developing a core group of dedicated researchers was necessary to get the program off the ground. Q provided just enough information on those subjects to recruit the right kind of people but not enough to destroy the credibility of the program. Over time, Q has posted on subjects that are more mainstream.


Many articles have been written attempting to debunk Q. I’ve read nearly all of them. Two approaches are commonly used. Critics generally attack the credibility of people reporting on Q rather than scrutinizing Q personally or analyzing the things he’s posted. (I have yet to see anyone attempt, let alone succeed at debunking the information Q has provided.) These personal (ad hominem) attacks on Q researchers do nothing to help determine whether Q and his information can be trusted.


A second approach is to point out that only tin-foil-hat conspiracy theorists take Q seriously. They note that Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi are the two main proponents of Q. They toss in a few ridiculous claims that have been made by Q decoders and assure readers there’s no reason to take Q seriously.


It’s true that Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones seemed early on, to be proponents of Q. But it appears their long-term goal was to sabotage the movement. Jones tried to convince people he had his own version of Q—a supposed intelligence insider named Zach who would ultimately replace Q. Corsi’s decodes drew a large following. At a future time, it seemed he planned to discredit Q and lead his followers back to Jones and Infowars. That plan is outlined in this article which was confirmed by Q. When Q posted the article, Corsi immediately denounced Q as a fraud.


Why 4chan?

Q originally posted on the 4chan internet board politically incorrect (sometimes called /pol/). That board was chosen for specific reasons. First, it’s an image board. Posts are displayed as images with text. It’s easy to take screenshots of messages and image files can be attached to posts. That makes it popular among meme artists.


Memes were instrumental in the 2016 Presidential election. Supporters of candidate Trump successfully defeated attempts by social media to censor their political views by using memes. Social media platforms use Artificial Intelligence to assess the meaning of posts, which can be downgraded in algorithms based on keywords. Memes convey messages without using text, thus Artificial Intelligence can’t accurately assign meaning to them.


4chan is known for its researchers (and hackers) who are adept at bringing together information found in articles, videos, public records and other sources. Those who post on 4chan can remain anonymous. By day the anons work as mechanics, legal assistants, waitresses and air traffic controllers. By night, they research the clues Q has dropped, without the knowledge of their employers.


Why Riddles?

The disciples of Jesus asked why he taught in parables. He said it was to reveal the truth to those with ears to hear while concealing it from those with darkened hearts (my paraphrase). Q posts in riddles for much the same reason. There are many people watching Q. Some are friends. Some are enemies. Q needs to convey factual information to the researchers who are working with him while providing disinformation to his enemies. By using codes, anagrams, symbols, and double meanings, Q creates a necessary degree of uncertainty that keeps everyone guessing. Q doesn’t confirm the decodes of his enemies. They’re left in the dark. He provides confirmation for those who are on the team. The coded messages also defeat the Artificial Intelligence used by Q’s enemies.


Expand Your Thinking

Another criticism of Q is that his posts are so vague they could be interpreted any way we want. Five people could decode a message five different ways and each could claim to have the correct decode. This is a valid observation. And sadly, I’ve seen many people on Twitter and Reddit claim to have correctly decoded a Q post no one else had figured out.

Anonymous ID: 3d424a July 20, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.2222959   🗄️.is đź”—kun





This approach to decoding may be used but it completely ignores the system set up by Q to confirm correct decodes. In early November, Q posted often. He responded to good questions, provided additional clues when someone was on the right track and congratulated anyone who correctly solved a riddle. After a couple of months of fine-tuning the approach that researchers were using, Q was regularly confirming the work of the anons.


The entire point of Q’s posts is to encourage research on certain topics and provide additional information and confirmation to those who are doing accurate work. Initially, the only way to have your work confirmed was to post it on 4chan (later 8chan) and hope Q reposted it. Today, Q seems to be watching Twitter and Reddit as a number of researchers on those platforms have had their work confirmed by Q.


Rabbit Holes and Occam’s Razor

Since becoming a Q researcher, I’ve been adopted by a group of people who have a great interest in connecting rich and powerful people to their shady activities. My new friends will note suspicious people and activities and see if they can find connections between them. This approach to explaining odd events leads one into ever-growing circles of possibility. Exploring the many possible explanations for an event is like exploring a rabbit hole. You never know where it will lead. I admire my friends’ zeal but Occam’s razor must be taken into account:


All things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the correct one.


If you walked outside and found an egg lying in your driveway, what would be the most likely explanation for it? A stray hen wandered by and laid it, perhaps? Or maybe it dropped from a shopping bag. These explanations involve little in the way of improbability. But suppose we say the egg came from a man who suffered a sudden onset of mental illness. In a state of confusion, he dressed in a blue chicken outfit, bought some eggs and scattered them around town. Most people would think this explanation improbable. Why? Consider the mathematical odds of someone in your town suddenly becoming mentally ill. Add to those odds, the probability that he would choose to dress in a chicken outfit. Add to those odds the likelihood that the outfit would be blue. Add to those odds the likelihood that he would scatter eggs through town. And now factor in the odds that he would place an egg in your driveway. We’re now somewhere in the billion to one neighborhood.


Each step away from the simplest explanation increases the likelihood that a theory will be incorrect. But that doesn’t mean the simplest explanation is always right. We’re only discussing mathematical probability. People are prone to odd behavior. Behavior that defies probability. If you’re overly skeptical, you’ll dismiss possible explanations that may be worth considering. If you’re overly curious, you’ll spend your life digging through rabbit holes that lead nowhere. I think the best approach is a balanced one—a little curiosity and a healthy dose of skepticism.


My approach to decoding Q’s posts is to look first at what Q has confirmed and what he hasn’t confirmed. I post my theories going with the most likely explanations first. If they aren’t confirmed, I consider less likely ones. If they aren’t confirmed, and I want to solve the riddle, I’ll move to even less likely ones. Once I get confirmation, I’ll consider related possibilities. If I get confirmation on one, I throw out another and keep going as long as I’m receiving confirmation. Confirmations from Q are like a trail of breadcrumbs that guide you along the right path. If you get enough of your hunches confirmed, you’ll eventually end up at the truth. They key is to look at what Q has confirmed and adjust your thinking accordingly.


Moving on the Chans

Q initially set up shop on 4chan the last week of October 2017. By late November, he had run into enough opposition that the decision was made to move to 8chan. It’s obvious that critics of Q haven’t researched his posts because they almost universally state that he is posting on 4chan and not 8chan. During the nearly nine months Q has been posting, he was on 4chan for only one month.

Anonymous ID: 3d424a July 20, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.2222962   🗄️.is đź”—kun





The Boards

A 2-board system has been in use since moving to 8chan. Q posts on one board that he controls which can be viewed but not commented on. These posts are mostly milestones. Most are not intended to be researched. The name of that board is /PatriotsFight/. The name of Q’s personal board changes as Q moves through different phases of his mission. The previous board name was /GreatAwakening/. Any post that is intended to be researched is cross-posted to the Research Board where anyone can comment on it. That board has a group of people (bakers) who facilitate the conversations (threads or breads).


Reading Q’s Posts

Because 8chan isn’t easy for the average person to access and it’s filled with memes that may be offensive, most people access Q via websites that pull posts from the research board and display them for the general public. and qanon.posts are the websites I use. There are also mobile apps (Android) (iOs) that will alert you to new Q posts and display them.


Who is Q?

I have my own thoughts on who Q is but I think it’s best if you arrive at that decision on your own. For what it’s worth, most researchers believe Q is a small team of people rather than an individual.


Q’s Purpose and Mission

I won’t tell you what I believe Q’s purpose and mission are. I’d rather you discover them for yourself but I will say this: As I’ve researched the things Q has posted, I’ve realized that my understanding of historical facts has been incorrect. The same is true of my perception of the roles of government, corporations, the mainstream media, and Hollywood. Just like in the dream, Q has awakened me to the truth. At least a dozen people who have discovered Q through my research have reported the same thing.


Final Thoughts

I realize that Q won’t be around forever. The mission seems to have defined objectives that need to be accomplished through a number of stages. When it’s complete, there will be no tactical reason for Q to continue posting, though he and the team may remain active on the board for the sake of camaraderie.


Some have accused followers of idolizing Q. There may be some truth to that, but Q has never sought the glory or praise of men. He has often said, “Do not glorify us. We work for you.” If anyone has made Q an idol it is out of ignorance of the true God, whom Q frequently points us to.


I consider the task of decoding Q to be a temporary assignment. I’ve put other projects on hold to devote nearly all my time to researching Q posts. I have a novel that’s finished except for final editing but I haven’t moved forward on it (or my other books) because God has reminded me daily of the importance of this assignment. We’ve been blessed by those who have supported us financially but many people in this movement have lost jobs, homes, and families while working with the Q Clearance Patriot and they’ve received no financial compensation. I appreciate their sacrifice and the love, prayers and support you have given all of us during these last nine months.




If you’re interested in articles on Q, you might check out the ones listed below:

Martin Geddes is a communications specialist who wrote this: WWG1WGA: The greatest communications event in history

Ted Mann is a Hollywood writer who penned this article: The Story of Q

Chris Jacobsen is a Christian writer, who wrote this: Compassion in the Aftermath of The Storm

Twitter Threads:

A number of people create Q threads on Twitter. Two of my favorites are Lisa Mei Crowley and Paul Serran.


If videos are more your style, I have a series of YouTube videos on Q:

Here’s a short one for beginners: Q For Beginners Part 1

Here’s a long one for beginners: Q Anon for Beginners

Here’s one that examines the accuracy of Q’s information: Q Proofs

Where we go one, we go all.



Praying Medic