The Most American Christmas Ever
Substack, by Don Surber
Original Article
Posted By: Judy W., 12/25/2024 8:49:12 AM
Because the defense of liberty takes no holiday, this is the third annual posting of this Christmas Day newsletter. The old farmer was there with Washington when he crossed a frozen Delaware River in blizzard-like conditions on Christmas 1776. And so the photographer took a daguerreotype photo of Conrad Heyer in 1852, who 103 years early was the first European child born in Waldoboro, Maine. At 24, he had enlisted in the Continental Army and spent 1776 with Washington, whose rag-tag army went from victory in Boston to defeat in New York to a daring raid and stunning victory in the Battle of Trenton, New Jersey.
The Most American Christmas Ever may not have involved elves, reindeer or a Red Ryder Daisy BB Gun, but that battle helped deliver the second-greatest Christmas gift (after the birth of Jesus, of course) for Americans.