Since Syria is in the news now, i thought it would be interesting to see how Syria played into the life of Jesus….. a lot.
Syria is related to the nativity of Jesus in several ways:
The Census of Quirinius
The Gospel of Luke uses the Census of Quirinius to date the birth of Jesus. The census was conducted in 6 CE by Publius Sulpicius Quirinius, the governor of Roman Syria, in the Roman province of Judaea.
The oldest known portrait of Jesus
The oldest known portrait of Jesus was found in Syria and is dated to around 235. The portrait depicts Jesus as a young man without a beard.
Jesus's ministry in Syria
Jesus spent some of his ministry in Syria, where he healed many sick people and made Peter the first Pope.
The Nativity scene at St. Elijah Maronite Cathedral in Aleppo
The Maronites celebrate Christmas in Syria with a special Nativity scene at the Cathedral of St. Elijah in Aleppo. The cathedral's Nativity scene is a source of hope and renewal for Christians.
The journey of Mary and Joseph
The journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem to register for the census is similar to the journeys of Syrian refugees. Both groups experience being forced from their homes, traveling across nations, and arriving at their destination feeling vulnerable.