>>22227635 Maye Musk Test 5 QClock alignment
>>22227635 Maye Musk Test 5 QClock alignment
Warriors from another realm
Would have to be more than one state.
Comparison to California is not relevant.
How about
Would be 6 new states
If Canadians got their money converted at par it would be an attractive proposal
Current communist shit show would have to be resolved first, then put to a vote.
My guess is it would pass
You need Canadians to agree to it.
That is an agreement that Trump could sell to Canadians.
One big state wouldn't fly
Too many differences and divisions in the country (Hippies, cowboys, farmers, industry, french, fisherman from west to east coast)
Elon is an autist.
Why he is here.
Sometimes he lacks interpersonal skills.
Makes him appear retarded/juvenile.
1 state solution is likely unacceptable to Canadians (although they may still go for it).
Current shit show would have to be resolved first.
Government is installed and controlled by communist China.
I hope they sweep it again for traps/devices
We are on the same page anon.
My first thought was that image and the Q post that I posted.
Department of Defense Tweeted that as well
7 Year Delta
2557 days
What do you want for XMAS?
Delta sauce