The “mud flood” hypothesis is centered around the ancient empire of Tartaria, or Tartary, as it existed two hundred years ago, a continent-wide showcase of advanced architecture, transportation, free energy, and wireless technology. Tartary is generally described as occupying a large portion of Asia and Russia, bounded by the Caspian Sea and the Ural Mountains, the Pacific Ocean and Bulgaria, and the southern borders of China, India, and Persia. At one point, it took up the vast bulk of the Russian continent.
Tartaria is a story in present circulation as a country that once seemed known to the world but is now forgotten. Tartaria, Tartary, or Grand Tartaria troubles online researchers as they look over old maps dating back as far as the fifteenth century. The intrigue began with a declassified document from the CIA in 1957, mentioning the deletion of the country’s history at the hands of communist attackers. The Khanate of Khazan (Bulgaria) was named Tatarstan, a republic of the Russian Federation that purportedly flew the same flag as ancient Tartaria. In a map of 1824, Chinese-Tartaria and China appear to coexist. By 1850, Mongolia begins to appear where independent Tartaria was before, while China expands to become an empire and Tartaria disappears from view.