Anonymous ID: 93ded6 Dec. 26, 2024, 7:17 a.m. No.22231346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1444


His mother is a natural born citizen from Kansas. This by extention, makes Barry a US citizen. Is he a "natural born" citizen? It would appear that he is not. His father was a Keyan national and was not a US citizen. Was Barry qualified under Article 2 Section 1 Paragraph 5? I say no, he was not.


There has been much discussion and debate as to what a "natural born citizen" is. The Founders did not specifically define what a NBC was and the Federalist Papers don't address it. Future Chief Justice of SCOTUS John Jay did ask the question in a letter he wrote to George Washington who at the time, was the President of the Constitutional Convention and during the Convention others addressed this question in roundabout ways. The Naturalization Act of 1790 deals more directly with this question as with many of our laws, were taken from British Common Law.


"The term “natural born” citizen has a long history in British common law. A law passed in 1677 says that “natural born” citizens include people born overseas to British citizens". -John Yinger "Origins and Interpetation of Presidential Qualifications Clause in the United States Constitution". April 6th 2000

This is a great read on the subject.


But does this apply to Barry Soetoro with his father being a Keyan national and not a United States citizen. No it doesn't.


All this said, Barack Obama was the textbook example that John Jay and others cautioned the Constitutional Convention about in the summer of 1787. Obama has never had an alliegence to this nation nor it's principles. He has always been a seditionist and perhaps a full blown traitor who committed treason.

Being that Barry and Valerie Jarrett and others ie….Susan Rice, participated in the coup d'etat of President Trump in his first term and that Barry in all likelyhood, has been the hand of the shadow government behind the retard Joe Biden, he should be investigated and if warranted, indicted, charged and stand trial in a Military Tribunal and if found guilty, hung by his neck until he is dead.

Anonymous ID: 93ded6 Dec. 26, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.22231401   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Public health officials, like Dr. Robert Hopkins Jr. from the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, are urging Americans to roll up their sleeves for not one but multiple shots—including the controversial COVID vaccine that has seen lackluster uptake since its introduction.


Well, fuck Dr. Hopkins.

And something else that irritates me to no fucking end. The bombardment of Big Pharma commercials on TV. One after the other on every channel. This has got to stop. They skirt past the side effects of these treatments while the actors are dancing, singing, being happy, joyful, on and on. "See!! You should take this drug and be happy and joyful like all of us"!!!


The incoming FCC director, CDC, and others need to put a dead stop to this propaganda. You pay attention to the side effect of these drugs and I would rather have the illness these fucks are telling everyone they have the cure for.

Fuck them, Fuck Dr. Roberts, Fuck them all!!!

Tell em' all Johnny.