America is so great, Obama had to mail order a rabid racist Indian national princess from Canada to play Biden's butthurt negro nanny, recycle the daughters of 1960 COINTELPRO chaos operators, import a UN hitman and man the barricades with jewish shields. Anybody else see any problems, here?
Remember when Shillary claimed it and Al Gore invented Astroturfing, the tactic of creating fake websites, fake news and fake user posts in order to deceive congress into tabling items and voting badly, an excuse to vote wrong for payola/blackmail?
Must speak Ingrish or no learning, 100% expensed to creepy Jill's remedial sabotage
I'll say it again, you must remove all the spies in Canada before letting them in. Especially the Bronfman government. We have enough Bronfman cockroaches already