So, Elon expects to coerce the brainiest of us to go to Mars, exactly as fallaciously as Kitchener sent 2.5 million to their deaths, huites first?
What else you got?
So, Elon expects to coerce the brainiest of us to go to Mars, exactly as fallaciously as Kitchener sent 2.5 million to their deaths, huites first?
What else you got?
The record speaks otherwise and I have negative as in fatal malpractice experience.
Your claims are over general and spurious and possibly contradict recent legal events.
Guard your own ass.
The first ones now will later be last.
Too late. Fuck off. Go home. We have had enough of your grifting.
Shoddy work.
I won't tell you but it rhymes with sorting eggs.
MKULTRA gamer claiming victory too soon.
You have no idea and n, I don't play well with others. Sports are a gay tax heist.
Not to mention the victim would have been less of a psychopath if he had worked his way up.
Look here first.
the backdoor where jeets bring in jeets with No Oversight.
Fuck hippies, fuck yuppies, fuck all their values and attitudes back to the Norman erasure of other people's histories, then fuck them all the way back to Ramulust and Reamus. Wake the fuck up and deal with the present issues. Anybody not rusty with revenge?
Didn't think so. Divide and Conquer 101.
Beam me up.
Your loss.
Totally, to the point where our government did not invest a penny in our education, when foreign would.
My father protested Nam. Never met him. Insted, I got a Brit child abusing stepfather who ate me for lunch.
I have scalps in my history paying those fuckers.
You have to take your own scalps, because Superman isn't coming.
Fuck You
I am your signal of Point of No Return: Extinction Imminent.
Merkel claimed, absurdly, the End of History. Bitch, eat your heart out.
It is a joy to watch JINOs claiming they are Africans when they learn about Mansa Musa and maybe King Solomon was a kike.
Before you die, nail a penny to the floor. Anywhere.
But we have this tradition of marriage, by which the children are taken care of regardless of the scourges of death common before modern medicine.
Rethink your squirt and bullshit.
You wish you were me.
I don't work for my enemies. You can figure I am against someone because people are greedy, shit happens and that's life.
Get up.
Still acting at the UN
ZOG Fauci's casualties are strewn across at least Africa and India.