Lotteries are fixed.
>I am sorry for the youth to understand the HYPOCRATIC oath was suspect in JAN 2001 when a LAWYER of EPSTEIN decided it didn't matter in a COART cause a nd E AGREEND
Quote the case so I can read that ruling. Or STFU.
Would be if there were any sauce.
I can't find Americans who want to work. They all want 'work/life balance' and they worry a lot about how fulfilling and self realizing their jobs are. They also refuse to show up at a work place.
Once they announce they don't need to be in an office to work effectively, they just told me I can near-shore their role for 1/3rd the cost of their snowflake asses. It's real. Something's gotta change.
Where the fuck is Harris County? Bolivia?
Marrying a farm girl. Explains a lot.
Totally deep state asset.
They need to learn to code.
Narrative de jour.
Most recently Musk is out-Trumping Trump failed so they have now moved to Kash is a bigot.
I see antifa and BLM are in tonite.