They should put the judge in a cell with him.
But they must be very intelligent to survive in the extreme cold.
Eskimos aren't White.
Trust God.
People get a nose job and then go ahead and have kids and then their kids all need a nose job. Why don't they just leave their noses alone? Why do they want to look like the people who they are trying to genocide?
Does protect your DNA have to do with Caucasian DNA? or all people's DNA?
People survived via Tribalism.
Extended family all looking out for each other.
That is why "they" keep pushing diversity, while maintaining their own tribalism.
Diversity destroys, Tribalism maintains.
Some tribes are peaceful and just go about their business of surviving.
Some tribes are not content to just survive, they feel compelled to conquer other tribes.
Just filter and ignore.
Do White people celebrate Juneteenth or MLK Jr's birthday?
Kwanzaa Hut?
Nah. The C!A did that because he wasn't getting the results that they wanted from him. Too peaceful. They wanted violence.