Some fucker is making a CP bread.
Why would you screenshot the CP thumbnail? For fuck's sake, anon. Should have just screenshotted the text.
Relax. It's all good. Just something to be mindful of. You're not the only one that's made that exact same hasty mistake in an effort to be helpful.
Pretty foggy today. Going to have to wait a bit for it to clear before forming an opinion.
There's the other one. The mighty failures.
>Right, we don't need anything foreign in our skies
Mocking the drone situation in Jersey perhaps? I find it kind of strange, the imagery of their Christmas version of St. Nicolas, Ded Moroz, blowing up the western version of himself, Santa Claus. There's a subtle irony to that.
>mabbe that's what happens when you pretend to be a good guy in a festive costume but are just a warmonger sending billions in weapons as gifts to destroy other people's children
Santa isn't a warmonger though. The fuck's wrong with you? Is that what you took from that video?
If that's how they want to view Santa, that's fine, but accusing the west's Santa of being a warmonger delivering things on Christmas Eve that he doesn't deliver to children while drinking a Coca-Cola when their version of Santa (Ded Moroz), or near enough to it anyway, approves of blowing him out of the sky looks more warmonger-ish to me, but whatever. It's a false impression of Santa they gave in that video, using it more a symbol of the corruption of the west as opposed to a concept of bringing joy, yes actual joy, to children. It'd be no different than dressing up Ded Moroz as a DEI woketard and saying he's trans.