Pretty ironic the one race without an ethnostate is filled with a bunch of racist retards for letting all their high tech jobs get filled with immigrants lying on their resume working for half the pay.
>Why do they need all these H1-B tech workers?
So they can pay them less, you can't pay a German H1-B less than you pay them in Germany.
>incapable of doing any of the things he's given credit for
They like to pretend we don't remember rockets to nowhere, this is all just a fucked up form of divide and conquer slavery for whites and Indians.
>who the Deep State is using to do their coding?
Alot easier to get Indians to not give a fuck about the 1st Amendment.
Try 40
>Say white men are racist and their countries belong to the mixed multitudes.
>Having to compete
It's not a competition if the company refuses to hire you because it can hire a H1B at half the cost and HR can't confirm a fake work history in India.