We need engineers
they just have to agree to give up their other lives.
they have to agree to travell all over the world and deal with cabal middle managers.
they have to agree to act like technicians and use a screw driver and not a pencil.
they have to agree to give twenty percent of their income to a headhunter.
they have to allow themselves to be fired at will.
they have to agree to contribute to a pension that will never vest, we will let them go before it does.
they must know how to 'code', engineering isn't part of it.
They must meet guideliness of being some kind of 'minority'.
they must agree to be managed by an Indian under the age of 24.
they must give up all their patentable ideas, and agree not to have any opinions on social media. They must come in early, work late, and have a 'last minute hero' mentality.
they must cowtow to the cabal money-monsters who will make all the money.
they must look the other way while we steal all the patented ideas and critical infrastructure and off shore it to either China, Israel, Ukraine, or Turkey.
They must look the other way when the DEI freakshow hire comes in tripping from the 3 day rave, or takes a week off to find themself at a gay rave. . . .
Must not have an opinion.
must not look the CEO in the eye.
and has to donate 10% of their income to a fake charity.
did I miss anything?
Oh, and the comute will be over 50 miles each way in heavy traffic, no jobs for them in their own home town.