"Editorial: We can’t allow fight against antisemitism to falter "
they never stop
every day another editorial or story.
how about this headline:
"We can't allow anyone who ever challanges the ADL or Mossad to be called a hater worse than Hitler"
the total delusion that theirs is the only cause worth fighting, that only they are victims, that they are 'such victims' and eveyrone hates them . . . all that delusions makes very many very very tired of hearing the constant repetition.
and if anyone says 'by the way, here is how many people have been treated and here is what we have seen, and that is still going on . . . '
"oh, you Hitler, Die , Die, Die, we'll ruin and bury you"
and that makes people hate them.
maybe people are tired of it, don't hate them, and still get called 'worse than Hitler'
the constant demand for special 'hate' status for theirs, and the demand to censor and ruin people
IS ONE OF THE LEADING CAUSES OF the CONTINUATION of the hatred against that group.