All things come from and go from the absolute nothing. this should be obvious but some people need it stated.
Now before nothing comes nothing so before you are alive you are not alive, not dead, but not alive.
Live is created through energy positives and negative building on each other or "Chaos wind of the void"
that's some basic pagan science for you
If you understand that and name logic which this is fae terriorty but I whakakapapa to fae roots so fuck it call me an elf aliens.
name logic is that through creating someone you have such a power over the knowledge of who they are that if someone knows your symbolic phoneticism then, they can, like, "control you"
this defys free will but so does love so its sort of true but the fae way is through seduction not pain this way the name stays open to us. If that makes sense because the point of the name of anything is identification and as the trans prove even brain washing them and putting them in upside down eden hell is like not gonna stop them wearing lipstick (and more!) so if you refuse your label its void. What Q's doing at the moment obviously imo.
so if you know someones name or have something as good a memory of a time they were a live AND theire name and a temporal physical reversal machine you can pretty easy resurrect people with science but you need a lot of gravity turns for one I talked about it other places G constant is not constant according to some science I tested and my hypothesis is that babies are denser by old people but I haven't tested that I just twisted a leafs gravity with DC
anyway how does this relate to death
It relates in the frame of resurrection
If death is a scame we need to get better at healing and resurrection rather than Throwing blankets OF forgeting on the mortals muchal
Sorry anyway void if you don't know what void is you need to imagine whats after the edge of space more space right? we hope so no one can be sure