My god damn filter stopped workingโฆ
What exactly is a "Honky"?
What the fuck is a "cracker"?
Why would they use a word for someone that whips them??? You can not tell me that isnt sadist.
Some are. But you cant expect everyone of them to be good at something someone told them they could be rich at doing. Many many many got into IT and Tech for the wrong reasons.
You fucking retard, no one is copying you.
You one of those assholes that made me have to take my engine apart just to get to that one bolt to change my oil?
Phoenicians were the True Israelites.
I always find it interesting how the Jews act like they know the New Testament better than Christians.
There are Jews and there are Jew trained dumbfucks. Which one are you?
You dont even understand what the word Hate means. If I hated something, I would actively be out to destroy it. I dont hate Jews, I just dont like their bullshit. Go read a book.
They caught the Dindu nuffin once again.
>people who rage against facts are the racists
You may not be a Jew, but you sure sound like Jew.
Trump tried to stop him.
There is the emotional attachment. This says everything.