>>22240157 pb
>name-calling is not a sign of high intelligence
so how'cum chris rock gets applause when he says "there are black people and then there are niggers?"
>>22240157 pb
>name-calling is not a sign of high intelligence
so how'cum chris rock gets applause when he says "there are black people and then there are niggers?"
g'day, sheila
now do honkys
>They came, they worked hard, they achieved success
any fuckwit believe the DS fairytale narrative that GROK sperges?
show me some gooks who sleep five per bedroom, work hard, save every penny, and open a restaurant that becomes a thriving business
and THAT story of strong work ethic makes for success i'll believe
NONE of the people on that list fit the real-world scenario above
they were ALL selected, and they ALL got massive amounts of cash and help from an invisible hand
grok my ass
elon typed that hisself
>they use the name 'engineer' to mean something else
kinda like how they call basic arithmetic "math" in public schools?
if that's how you think it happens, no wonder you've never invented anything, and never will
>maybe the retardation of Americans is due to woke colleges and high school and we need to fix the education to fix the problem
>Humans don't need tech
you'd die in two weeks without tech
along with 95% of people in industrialized nations
even if you're too stoopit to realize it
>jews arent white
modern jews are NOT descended from biblical hebrews
modern jews trace their DNA to khazaria
a region between the black sea and the caucasus mountains
the LITERAL definition of caucasian
but a thousand yrs of intensive inbreeding have rendered them a pathetic shadow of a healthy population, riddled with genetic defects
jew is a RELIGION
NOT an ethnicity
if a black is a Christian
does that make him white?
>I'll show you a picture of some of their ancestors
you have NO WAY of knowing whether or not the jews in italy today are descended from the hebrews of biblical times
you ASSume they are
they are NOT
DNA does not lie
> kikes didnt go to khazaria until hundreds of years AD
biblical hebrews did NOT go to khazaria, you drooling fucktard
the indigenous bands of thieves living there were given an ultimatum to adopt a religion and become civilized, or be wiped out by the imperial army
they CHOSE judaism
sand niggers did NOT migrate en masse to khazaria, jackass
they would have been slaughtered like sheep
>Making land claims on Jewish Ethnicity is what Israel is silly.
that's the hilarious part of the whole charade
look at the kid
look at the goon with the rifle
look at the kid
look at the goon with the rifle
look at the kid
look at the goon with the rifle
look at the kid
look at the goon with the rifle
now tell me they're the same race
get a brian, moran
fuck all you dumbass slide shills
i just came looking for some new memes
shove your retarded slide up your bonus hole
keep telling yourself that, jackass
>they ran the silk road, traveled from there to khazaria, dumb shit
the silk road was nowhere near khazaria, ya blithering idjit
read some fucking history, you spastic jerkwad
>and never would expect a guest to become a wild animal.
i'm not a jew
i post facts
facts are not racist
people who rage against facts are the racists
>You may not be a Jew, but you sure sound like Jew.
you sound like a kike, a heeb, a yid, and a faggot
i just destroyed the basis of jew's claim on palestine
how does that sound like a jew?
are you fucking retarded, or just an arguebot?
why do you think i'm a jew?
anyone who disagrees with your BS is automatically a jew?
i bet you're a real hoot at parties
>you sound like a jew because you are
i'm italian, you stugatz
ba fuangu, stupido tutsone
>you posted an old study with no souce, a wrong map and ignored the correct map and study
how bout THIS one, fuckface?
what part of NO ANCIENT HEBREW DNA and NOT SEMITIC fails to register in your vacuous reverberating cranial cavity?
oy veyโฆ.
>He owes his entire life to American taxpayers, fucking freeloader.
have you ever listened to one of his "talks?"
he's an illiterate buffoon who couldn't beat a chicken at tic-tac-toe
he's a frontman for some agency that is the real brains behind all his inventions and companies
and some state-level source of funding
>you have a good imagination but you cant read
you have a piss poor memory
and contradict what you just wrote in a previous post
GFY shillboi
a whole new meaning to "getting some tail"